As usual I will play devil's advocate here. I don't eat beef myself, but there's a few things I think we need to realize. It's true that the goal is to do as little harm as possible. However, consider this:
Dairy cattle, no matter how well they are treated (it defeats the purpose of profits for a dairy farm to mistreat its cash cows, pun intended), are eventually slaughtered when their calf-bearing and milk producing days are over. Moreover, days after giving birth, the calf is taken away from its mother while she continues to produce commercial milk. That milk is used in pujas, and to make butter, ghee, yogurt, and cheeses. Then the cow is slaughtered. Unless a temple has its own goshala, the milk used in abhishekams comes from cows that will without a doubt be slaughtered for pet food, leather, gelatin and a host of other things.
The cattle used for beef are young castrated males, steers. Female cattle are not slaughtered for food. So even for those who do eat beef, you're not eating gomata. And while I think veal is an abomination, it is not female calves that are used.
I'm not advocating eating beef or any other animal, but we're deluding ourselves if we think we are doing good by not eating beef, yet still using commercial milk and milk products. Sooner or later all commercial cattle will be slaughtered for and because of our use one way or another.