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Project 2025 Review - Forward

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
There has been much talk about Project 2025. But I found that most people including the media that are commenting on it have never read it. And I understand, it is 922 pages. The recent publication is actually called "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise" (2023), this is part of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project. This publication is pillar 1 of their four pillar plan which they say is:

this volume—puts in one place a consensus view of how major federal agencies must be governed and where disagreement exists brackets out these differences for the next President to choose a path. (Page xiv)

This is a review of the forward of the book, pages 1-17. I plan to read and review the following sections of the book not adding my commentary, just informing a summary of what it is about. I will share my thoughts if anyone is interested. If you would like to comment in this thread on the content feel free to do so. I would like to keep this civil and fact based. I will try as well. We can model what a productive and civil discussion can be without gaslighting or name calling etc. For the record, I am a conservative and an atheist so that is where my perspective and biases may be. I expect to agree and disagree with some of the topic and ideas covered in this but as least I will know what the document actually says.

Link to book: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf

This section outlines why they wrote this book. It is actually an updated or rewriting of the book they published in 1981, they say:

It was in early 1979—amid stagflation, gas lines, and the Red Army’s invasion of Afghanistan, the nadir of Jimmy Carter’s days of malaise—that Heritage launched the Mandate for Leadership project. (Page 2)

This is a pro conservative and anti left publication and what they believe to be in the best interest of the country:

The bad news today is that our political establishment and cultural elite have once again driven America toward decline. The good news is that we know the way out even though the challenges today are not what they were in the 1970s. Conservatives should be confident that we can rescue our kids, reclaim our culture, revive our economy, and defeat the anti-American Left—at home and abroad. We did it before and will do it again. As Ronald Reagan put it:

Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation. (Page 2)

This volume—The Conservative Promise—is the opening salvo of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project, launched by The Heritage Foundation and our many partners in April 2022. Its 30 chapters lay out hundreds of clear and concrete policy recommendations for White House offices, Cabinet departments, Congress, and agencies, commissions, and boards. (Page 2)

This document is an outline and instruction manual for the next conservative president they hope to have in 2025. They list four broad fronts they will talk about in more depth in the book:

1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.” (Page 3)

They summarize this as protecting the well being of the family (Page 4). Here are the points they make:

1. The most important community in each of our lives in the family.

2. Fatherlessness is one of the principle problems of our society.

3. They list some ideas to help the family thrive like eliminating marriage penalties in welfare programs and the tax code and installing work requirements for food stamps. They want to ensure charities and churches have tax exempt status. I agree , however, churches should have the same reporting requirements as all non profit organizations.

4. Pornography should be made illegal. They even go as far as saying this:

It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. (Page 5)

5. Promote parental authority in schools: Schools serve parents,not the other way around (Page 5)

6. Abortion should be illegal across the country.

President should work with Congress to enact the most robust protections for the unborn that Congress will support while deploying existing federal powers to protect innocent life and vigorously complying with statutory bans on the federal funding of abortion. Conservatives should ardently pursue these pro-life and pro-family policies while recognizing the many women who find themselves in immensely difficult and often tragic situations and the heroism of every choice to become a mother. Alternative options to abortion, especially adoption, should receive federal and state support. (Page 6)

They make the statement: Conservatives desire a smaller government ot for its own sake, but for the sake of human flourishing. (Page 6)

Some points they make are:

1. Federal budgets are no longer passed per the constitution and gives examples how they are passed.

2. How they define Administrative State:

The term Administrative State refers to the policymaking work done by the bureaucracies of all the federal government’s departments, agencies, and millions of employees. Under Article I of the Constitution, “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.” That is, federal law is enacted only by elected legislators in both houses of Congress. (Page 7)

They point out that administrators are making law and appropriating money they are not authorized to do. Here are some of their examples:

A combination of elected and unelected bureaucrats at the Environmental Protection Agency quietly strangles domestic energy production through difficult-to-understand rulemaking processes;

Bureaucrats at the Department of Homeland Security, following the lead of a feckless Administration, order border and immigration enforcement agencies to help migrants criminally enter our country with impunity;

Bureaucrats at the Department of Education inject racist, anti-American, ahistorical propaganda into America’s classrooms;

Bureaucrats at the Department of Justice force school districts to undermine girls’ sports and parents’ rights to satisfy transgender extremists;

Woke bureaucrats at the Pentagon force troops to attend “training” seminars about “white privilege”; and

Bureaucrats at the State Department infuse U.S. foreign aid programs with woke extremism about “intersectionality” and abortion. (page 7 and 8)

It advocates congress taking back their constitutional duties from the administrative state. The last point in this section it makes is:

The next conservative President must end the Left’s social experimentation with the military, restore warfighting as its sole mission, and set defeating the threat of the Chinese Communist Party as its highest priority. (Page 9)

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member

1. It talks about elites running the country instead of the common person and why the elites want an open border and ends with this:

Progressive policymakers and pundits in America either fail to understand this premise or intentionally reject it. They enthusiastically support supranational organizations like the United Nations and European Union, which are run and staffed almost entirely by people who share their values and are mostly insulated from the influence of national elections. That’s why they are eager for America to sign international treaties on everything from pharmaceutical patents to climate change to “the rights of the child”—and why those treaties invariably endorse policies that could never pass through the U.S. Congress. Like the progressive Woodrow Wilson a century ago, the woke Left today seeks a world, bound by global treaties they write, in which they exercise dictatorial powers over all nations without beingsubject to democratic accountability.

That’s why today’s progressive Left so cavalierly supports open borders despite the lawless humanitarian crisis their policy created along America’s southern border. They seek to purge the very concept of the nation-state from the American ethos, no matter how much crime increases or resources drop for schools and hospitals or wages decrease for the working class. Page (10 and 11)

2. Environmental Extremism:

At its very heart, environmental extremism is decidedly anti-human. Stewardship and conservation are supplanted by population control and economic regression. Environmental ideologues would ban the fuels that run almost all of the world’s cars, planes, factories, farms, and electricity grids. Abandoning confidence in human resilience and creativity in responding to the challenges of the future would raise impediments to the most meaningful human activities. They would stand human affairs on their head, regarding human activity itself as fundamentally a threat to be sacrificed to the god of nature. (Page 11)

3. China Policy:

But these really are not many issues, but two: (1) that China is a totalitarian enemy of the United States, not a strategic partner or fair competitor, and (2) that America’s elites have betrayed the American people. (Page 12)

International organizations and agreements that erode our Constitution, rule of law, or popular sovereignty should not be reformed: They should be abandoned. Illegal immigration should be ended, not mitigated; the border sealed, not reprioritized. Economic engagement with China should be ended, not rethought. Our manufacturing and industrial base should be restored, not allowed to deteriorate further. Confucius Institutes, TikTok, and any other arm of Chinese propaganda and espionage should be outlawed, not merely monitored. Universities taking money from the CCP should lose their accreditation, charters, and eligibility for federal funds. (Page 13)

1. Their take on liberty:

When the Founders spoke of “pursuit of Happiness,” what they meant might be understood today as in essence “pursuit of Blessedness.” That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained—to flourish. Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought. This pursuit of the good life is found primarily in family—marriage, children, Thanksgiving dinners, and the like. Many find happiness through their work. Think of dedicated teachers or health care professionals you know, entrepreneurs or plumbers throwing themselves into their businesses—anyone who sees a job well done as a personal reward. Religious devotion and spirituality are the greatest sources of happiness around the world. Still others find themselves happiest in their local voluntary communities of friends, their neighbors, their civic or charitable work.

The American Republic was founded on principles prioritizing and maximizing individuals’ rights to live their best life or to enjoy what the Framers called “the Blessings of Liberty.” It’s this radical equality—liberty for all—not just of rights but of authority—that the rich and powerful have hated about democracy in America since 1776. (Page 13)

2. Reasons against marxism, socialism progressivism and fascism:

The promise of socialism—Communism, Marxism, progressivism, Fascism, whatever name it chooses—is simple: Government control of the economy can ensure equal outcomes for all people. The problem is that it has never done so. There is no such thing as “the government.” There are just people who work for the government and wield its power and who—at almost every opportunity—wield it to serve themselves first and everyone else a distant second. This is not a failing of one nation or socialist party, but inherent in human nature. (Page 14)

Some pro economic policies stated:

The next President should promote pro-growth economic policies that spur new jobs and investment, higher wages, and productivity. Yes, that agenda should include overdue tax and regulatory reform, but it should go further and include antitrust enforcement against corporate monopolies. It should promote educational opportunities outside the woke-dominated system of public schools and universities, including trade schools, apprenticeship programs, and student-loan alternatives that fund students’ dreams instead of Marxist academics. Just as important as expanding opportunities for workers and small businesses, the next President should crack down on the crony capitalist corruption that enables America’s largest corporations to profit through political influence rather than competitive enterprise and customer satisfaction. (Page 16)

3. They finish with a section titled Best Effort and starts like this:

Ultimately, the Left does not believe that all men are created equal—they think they are special. They certainly don’t think all people have an unalienable right to pursue the good life. They think only they themselves have such a right along with a moral responsibility to make decisions for everyone else. They don’t think any citizen, state, business, church, or charity should be allowed any freedom until they first bend the knee. (Page 16)

One of the claims of the left about this document has been it is a white, christian nationalist document to create a christian theocracy. I see none of that in the forward at least. It seems to me to be a political document influenced by conservative ideas.

The document will expound on all these ideas and make detailed policy suggestions for future conservative presidents. It will be interesting to find out what is on the details.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Detailed policy recommendations which includes increasing taxes on the poor while cutting them for the wealthy so they can build bigger yachts.

Ultimately, the Left does not believe that all men are created equal—they think they are special.
Ultimately, the right and especially Trump believes that the wealthy should rule because they are special being wealthy in a classic case of psychological projection by the authoritarian right that seeks to emulate Xi, Putin and Kim Jong Un.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I don't think most of "the right" believes this, @sun rise. For instance, not only am I conservative but many of my friends are and no one I know believes this.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
4. Pornography should be made illegal. They even go as far as saying this:

It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.
The thing about this is there's never been any credible documentation of actual pornography in any public libraries or being purveyed by educators. This leads to a definition of what constitutes "pornography" entirely up to them. We already know that they will include any nonerotic LGBTQ material/literature within that definition.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I've read it. It is a manifesto for Christian nationalism. It would eliminate the existing system of checks and balances, centralizing government and placing the presidency at the center of unchecked authority. Congress, the Senate and the Supreme Court would be tokens, instruments of whoever is in the White House.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
While I don't agree with all of it , I find Project 2025 to a larger degree to be pretty well thought out and sensible on many fronts.

It's really quite refreshing for once to see an actual plan of action, instead of the usual childish name calling and your bad and I'm not kind of rhetoric that is so commonplace now.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Let's just examine one small section: the family.

1. The most important community in each of our lives in the family.

Now, how will government force everyone to be included in a family. For instance, I was taken from a violently abusive family, but because I'd already been traumatized, no other family would adopt me, or could even foster me for long. Should such a child be considered "un-American?" Should the state "appoint" a family for such a child -- and should that be with or without the consent of either the family or the child?

2. Fatherlessness is one of the principle problems of our society.

So if your father dies, or should your mother divorce him because he's boffed every neighbour on your streeet, you should be obliged to get another one? And if not, what action should the state take to ensure that this problem goes away? What if your father is a cruel abuser (as mine was)? Does this count as being a societal good, because at least there's a father?

3. They list some ideas to help the family thrive like eliminating marriage penalties in welfare programs and the tax code and installing work requirements for food stamps. They want to ensure charities and churches have tax exempt status. I agree , however, churches should have the same reporting requirements as all non profit organizations.

Why would you even have welfare programs if you are contemplating work requirements for food stamps? Do you know how hard it is to search for a new job in your field when you have to spend your whole day working, and the rest of it taking care of kids? Do your noble Lords have solutions for these problems, or just hope they'll go quietly away?

And churches are not necessarily charitable (and often quite the opposite). I see no reason whatever that they should be able to hold their collection plates out and gather lots and lots of lovely money, and then not be taxed on it. They are certainly not "non-profit," as several of them profit well enough to provide their execs with fleets of cars and jets. And, after all, the rector, priest, or whoever is working for his living like the rest of us -- and we pay our taxes.

4. Pornography should be made illegal. They even go as far as saying this:

There are users of pornography who have no other outlet for their needs. There are people who, late in life, have lost a beloved partner, and may be older, unattractive or with disabilities that make looking for a new partner something they just can't bear to do. Porn can help them connect with at least their libido, if not provide the comfort a partner.

In addition, sex workers are workers -- they are earning a living using the talents and attributes they have. I was under the impression that Republicans were massively concerned with "freedom." I think, as you go through much of this document, you will find that what that means is "freedom to do what we want you to do, and to not do what we'd prefer you didn't." And, for the record, that ain't freedom!

Also, I know of no rule that requires anyone to look at pornography, if they are not interested.

5. Promote parental authority in schools: Schools serve parents,not the other way around (Page 5)

Educators spend years learning their craft. Parents are quite often ignorant of what's really good for kids. Ignorant, bigoted parents can literally suppress any interest in learning in their children. But, hey, what they hell, they should be free to abuse their children thus, right? Just not free to...

6. Abortion should be illegal across the country.

And there's that "freedom" thing again. Men in government, trained in how to get elected and often not a lot else, know much better than any woman what is good for her. Admit it -- you really think men should control women's lives.

Oh, and rape quite often creates a fatherless child -- which they insist must be born. And then I suppose it's on that poor kid to go and acquire herself a daddy.
Last edited:


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Let's just examine one small section: the family.

1. The most important community in each of our lives in the family.

Now, how will government force everyone to be included in a family. For instance, I was taken from a violently abusive family, but because I'd already been traumatized, no other family would adopt me, or could even foster me for long. Should such a child be considered "un-American?" Should the state "appoint" a family for such a child -- and should that be with or with the consent of either the family or the child?

2. Fatherlessness is one of the principle problems of our society.

So if your father dies, or should your mother divorce him because he's boffed every neighbour on your streeet, you should be obliged to get another one? And if not, what action should the state take to ensure that this problem goes away? What if your father is a cruel abuser (as mine was)? Does this count as being a societal good, because at least there's a father?

3. They list some ideas to help the family thrive like eliminating marriage penalties in welfare programs and the tax code and installing work requirements for food stamps. They want to ensure charities and churches have tax exempt status. I agree , however, churches should have the same reporting requirements as all non profit organizations.

Why would you even have welfare programs if you are contemplating work requirements for food stamps? Do you know how hard it is to search for a new job in your field when you have to spend your whole day working, and the rest of it taking care of kids? Do your noble Lords have solutions for these problems, or just hope they'll go quietly away?

And churches are not necessarily charitable (and often quite the opposite). I see no reason whatever that they should be able to hold their collection plates out and gather lots and lots of lovely money, and then not be taxed on it. They are certainly not "non-profit," as several of them profit well enough to provide their execs with fleets of cars and jets. And, after all, the rector, priest, or whoever is working for his living like the rest of us -- and we pay our taxes.

4. Pornography should be made illegal. They even go as far as saying this:

There are users of pornography who have no other outlet for their needs. There are people who, late in life, have lost a beloved partner, and may be older, unattractive or with disabilities that make looking for a new partner something they just can't bear to do. Porn can help them connect with at least their libido, if not provide the comfort a partner.

In addition, sex workers are workers -- they are earning a living using the talents and attributes they have. I was under the impression that Republicans were massively concerned with "freedom." I think, as you go through much of this document, you will find that what that means is "freedom to do what we want you to do, and to not do what we'd prefer you didn't." And, for the record, that ain't freedom!

Also, I know of no rule that requires anyone to look at pornography, if they are not interested.

5. Promote parental authority in schools: Schools serve parents,not the other way around (Page 5)

Educators spend years learning their craft. Parents are quite often ignorant of what's really good for kids. Ignorant, bigoted parents can literally suppress any interest in learning in their children. But, hey, what they hell, they should be free to abuse their children thus, right? Just not free to...

6. Abortion should be illegal across the country.

And there's that "freedom" thing again. Men in government, trained in how to get elected and often not a lot else, know much better than any woman what is good for her. Admit it -- you really think men should control women's lives.

Oh, and rape quite often creates a fatherless child -- which they insist must be born. And then I suppose it's on that poor kid to go and acquire herself a daddy.
For anybody who doesn't get it, my message in that long screed is this: people are far, far too complex for government to suppose that it can make rules that satisfy all -- and that's what freedom (which I call liberty) is all about. What Project 2025 demonstrates is a strong desire to create comprehensive rules around which every American -- irrespective of the differeneces in their personalities, creeds, needs, backgrounds and everything else that affects their lives -- must live.

This is the diametrical opposite to liberty. And if you don't understand that, you don't know what liberty really means to all those who fought and died the past 500 years to achieve the liberties we now enjoy.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
While I don't agree with all of it , I find Project 2025 to a larger degree to be pretty well thought out and sensible on many fronts.

It's really quite refreshing for once to see an actual plan of action, instead of the usual childish name calling and your bad and I'm not kind of rhetoric that is so commonplace now.
A plan of action that scraps out existing democratic constitutional republic for a theocratic oligarchy. No thanks.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
A plan of action that scraps out existing democratic constitutional republic for a theocratic oligarchy. No thanks.
Like I said I don't agree with all of it , and does it say the establishment of a theocracy?

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
That would fall under the category that I don't agree with all of it.
Great, but you need to understand that if Trump gets elected and if enough Republicans get elected they are going to enact this, all of it. They are going to enact even those pats that you "don't agree with". And you are going to have to live with it, under it. And I hope you understand that a Christian Nationalist government like these people envision is not going to be too friendly to a "Philosophical Buddhist".


Well-Known Member
There has been much talk about Project 2025. But I found that most people including the media that are commenting on it have never read it. And I understand, it is 922 pages. The recent publication is actually called "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise" (2023), this is part of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project. This publication is pillar 1 of their four pillar plan which they say is:

this volume—puts in one place a consensus view of how major federal agencies must be governed and where disagreement exists brackets out these differences for the next President to choose a path. (Page xiv)

This is a review of the forward of the book, pages 1-17. I plan to read and review the following sections of the book not adding my commentary, just informing a summary of what it is about. I will share my thoughts if anyone is interested. If you would like to comment in this thread on the content feel free to do so. I would like to keep this civil and fact based. I will try as well. We can model what a productive and civil discussion can be without gaslighting or name calling etc. For the record, I am a conservative and an atheist so that is where my perspective and biases may be. I expect to agree and disagree with some of the topic and ideas covered in this but as least I will know what the document actually says.

Link to book: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf

This section outlines why they wrote this book. It is actually an updated or rewriting of the book they published in 1981, they say:

It was in early 1979—amid stagflation, gas lines, and the Red Army’s invasion of Afghanistan, the nadir of Jimmy Carter’s days of malaise—that Heritage launched the Mandate for Leadership project. (Page 2)

This is a pro conservative and anti left publication and what they believe to be in the best interest of the country:

The bad news today is that our political establishment and cultural elite have once again driven America toward decline. The good news is that we know the way out even though the challenges today are not what they were in the 1970s. Conservatives should be confident that we can rescue our kids, reclaim our culture, revive our economy, and defeat the anti-American Left—at home and abroad. We did it before and will do it again. As Ronald Reagan put it:

Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation. (Page 2)

This volume—The Conservative Promise—is the opening salvo of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project, launched by The Heritage Foundation and our many partners in April 2022. Its 30 chapters lay out hundreds of clear and concrete policy recommendations for White House offices, Cabinet departments, Congress, and agencies, commissions, and boards. (Page 2)

This document is an outline and instruction manual for the next conservative president they hope to have in 2025. They list four broad fronts they will talk about in more depth in the book:

1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
I'm willing to bet that not ALL the children are to be equally protected.
2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.” (Page 3)

They summarize this as protecting the well being of the family (Page 4). Here are the points they make:

1. The most important community in each of our lives in the family.
But apparently not all families are valued
2. Fatherlessness is one of the principle problems of our society.
Thinly disguised racism (what a shock)
Rarely, if ever, does the discussion include professional men whose busy lives mean they don't spend time with their children, or engage in their children's education, home life or social life. or whose children are schooled away from home. It also says a lot about how we feel about single, female-headed households.

3. They list some ideas to help the family thrive like eliminating marriage penalties in welfare programs and the tax code
The states that have such marriage penalties are
Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, and Kentucky.

and installing work requirements for food stamps.
According to the Center on Budget and Policy 74% f food stamp recipients are actively employed
They want to ensure charities and churches have tax exempt status. I agree , however, churches should have the same reporting requirements as all non profit organizations.

4. Pornography should be made illegal. They even go as far as saying this:

It has no claim to First Amendment protection.
the Supreme court has said different on many occasions
Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. (Page 5)
When is the last time you found pornography in your local library?
5. Promote parental authority in schools: Schools serve parents,not the other way around (Page 5)
Schools serve children
6. Abortion should be illegal across the country.

President should work with Congress to enact the most robust protections for the unborn that Congress will support while deploying existing federal powers to protect innocent life and vigorously complying with statutory bans on the federal funding of abortion. Conservatives should ardently pursue these pro-life and pro-family policies while recognizing the many women who find themselves in immensely difficult and often tragic situations and the heroism of every choice to become a mother. Alternative options to abortion, especially adoption, should receive federal and state support. (Page 6)
yet Project 2025 would deny adoption rights to millions based solely on minority status.


Veteran Member
Like I said I don't agree with all of it , and does it say the establishment of a theocracy?
And the parts you don't like will be crammed down your throat like all other citizens. And according to your posts you are going to vote them in to do it.

I was at Costco today and saw a couple of guys from the local Hare Krishna temple. They were getting their supplies for the temple. What is great is that these guys have shaved heads, wear their peach colored robes, and wear sandals, but get along fine with everyone else. They have their religious beliefs, and may hand out pamphlets. They don't have an agenda to attain political power and then force the whole nation to conform and live under their beliefs. This is what MAGA wants to do. They could just be a tribe of people who live with a set of rigid ideas, and let others follow their own beliefs. But MAGA is populated by disturbed people who want total power over all citizens. Even Trump is claiming to know little about so he doesn;t have defend the harsh and extreme ideas.

Liberty isn't about limiting what citizens can do as far as free expression, it's about a society that allows citizens to be who they want to be, which expects a mutual tolerance for difference and diversity. I'm not gay, I;m not trans, I'm not a Christian or Hare Krishna, but I have no problem with these people living around me. Why can't conservatives? I don't mind living with people who don't want to use abortion services, or want to home school, or think the USA is a Christian nation, or think migrants are criminals, or are racist, as long as they understand their attitudes are theirs and to be used for how they want to live.