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Promised Mesiah has come!!!


New Member
Hi there Bilal Busy.

I'd like to ask you something. Dont the Ahmaddiyaa sector of Islam believe that there will be a prophet after the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h)? I just wanted to know your opinion on this.

Also, personally I dont think Jesus Christ (p.b.u.h) has come. According to the Quran and Sunnah there will be the signs which will prove that he has come and those signs arn't here it. Also the Anti-Christ has to come first. Thats the majority of what the Muslims believe, because its according to the Quran and Sunnah.

I suppose the Ahmaddiya sector differs from the Majority of what the Muslims believe?

In friendship and Peace,
W'salam. :)


Zxzyx said:
Hello Barnardpi

I see what you are saying but when you say 'like a thief in the night' I personally do not think this is referring to the identity of the thief but rather the thief being able to choose when to strike. The passage is then saying we do not know when Jesus will return so we must not think 'I’ve got loads of time to sin and can repent at the last minute.' If I may put the passage you mentioned into context. 'Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.' (1 Thess 5 v1-2). I have to say that this does not suit my personal desire for the way to do thing since I don't know what Ill be doing at that time but it does make sense and seem fair. This is all my own personal understanding and I would encourage anyone to read the available info and make up their own minds.

May I ask you where you are getting your ideas of Jesus knowing that he would not be easily recognised on his return?

You are right; we already know the identity of the "thief". Because we don't know the time of His arrival, as you have pointed out, like "a thief in the night" He may come and go without us ever having seen Him. Obviously, this passage is symbolic. For Christ is not going to creep around stealing things in the dark. He will walk among us as a man, eating, sleeping, and drinking. Therefore, I interpret the passage to mean that He will not be recognized.:)


If the messiah is here, then that means the Mahdi and the dajjal would be here as well. Can they be identified? the messiah would know them if he is here.


God's Warrior
Zxzyx said:
Hello Barnardpi

I see what you are saying but when you say 'like a thief in the night' I personally do not think this is referring to the identity of the thief but rather the thief being able to choose when to strike. The passage is then saying we do not know when Jesus will return so we must not think 'I’ve got loads of time to sin and can repent at the last minute.' If I may put the passage you mentioned into context. 'Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.' (1 Thess 5 v1-2). I have to say that this does not suit my personal desire for the way to do thing since I don't know what Ill be doing at that time but it does make sense and seem fair. This is all my own personal understanding and I would encourage anyone to read the available info and make up their own minds.

May I ask you where you are getting your ideas of Jesus knowing that he would not be easily recognised on his return?

The Bible also states that when the Lord Jesus comes back, He will come back with a loud shout and with the trumpet of God (I Thessalonians 4:16-18). I think we will know when the Messiah comes back based on Biblical truth. It won't be someone telling us Hes' already here, we will know for ourselves. Regarding Jesus's reference to the "thief in the night", it was in response to His disciples inquiring as to when He will come back, not how. He stated that no one knows the day nor hour of His return. It is futile for us to even say that He's already here or predict when that will happen. :)



it is difficult to predict when this will happen, but his spirit will be reborn into a human body again. this means he will have to grow up again, someone will have to change his diapers and feed him. he will have to educate himself again. he will not just appear in the sky floating down on a magical cloud. . just my opinion.


God's Warrior
john313 said:

it is difficult to predict when this will happen, but his spirit will be reborn into a human body again. this means he will have to grow up again, someone will have to change his diapers and feed him. he will have to educate himself again. he will not just appear in the sky floating down on a magical cloud. . just my opinion.
Interesting theory and we all have our right to an opinion. I think I'll put my trust in the Bible and leave it up to God. :)


barnardpi said:
He will walk among us as a man, eating, sleeping, and drinking. Therefore, I interpret the passage to mean that He will not be recognized.:)
Why do you think Christ will be eating, sleeping etc. when he comes?
Why do you 'interpret' that verse to mean he will not be recognised when it says 'about times and dates...'

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
bilalbusy said:
Hi there,
I belong to the Ahmadiyya Community in Islam. We beleive that the Jesus died a natural death. We also believe that the promised Masiah has come. We beleive that as Jesus died a natural death and can not come back, the promised Mesiah is not Jesus physically but a person who has got the attributes of Jesus Christ. We beleive Jesus to be one of the great prophets of God and beleive Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to be final in his teachings. I would like you to visit www.alislam.org , our community's official website.
Assalamu alaikum, My dear respected brothers and sisters it says in the holy Qur'an

in Sura 4 verse 157-158
In the name of Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

"That they said in boast, We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah"-but they killed him not, nor crucified him, But so it was made to appear to them, And those who differ Therein are full of doubts, with no certain knowledge, But only conjecture to follow, For of a surety They killed him not-"

Nay Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise."

the abdullah yusuf ali translation amana publications

So I ask you as a muslim do you believe in the word of God or no? A muslim by definition is one who submits or surrenders himself to God. So again I ask the question do you believe in the word of God or no? The prophet said in his final speech I have left you two things ie. the Qur'an and my sunnah follow them and you will never be astray so as a muslim I have to ask again for the 3rd time As a muslim do you not believe and follow the word of God. Brother please understand as a muslim I find it strange a group of muslims have doctrines in their beliefs that go against the words of Allah (aza wa jahl) ie. the holy Qur'an or holy recitation. If you could please elaborate in more details I am curious what other things you believe which may contradict what Allah clearly states in his book. Especially concerning his blessed mother whom Allah says is the greatest women ever in creation. And does your beliefs coincide with any of the statements Allah says about Maryam(as) and Jesus (pbuh). No muslim is a muslim unless he believes and follows every single word in his book and the authentic hadiths of our Nabi(saw) ie. Prophet Mohammed

Jazakalahu khairon


Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
bilalbusy said:
This is not just an ordinary theory as the person who presented this, claimed himself to be the Promised Mesiah (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) in 1889.
Assalamu alaikum, As a muslim we know in Islam there are no other prophets after prophet the Muhammed until the day of Judgement. So please explain to me how as a muslim you accept someone after Muhammed as a prophet and from what sayings of the prophet authentic ones the prophet makes claims of this promised Mesiah you speak of. Remember the prophet said anyone who lies on him and says anything he did not say his seat will be waiting for him in the fire. Which you know is described as 70,000 times hotter than the sun. As muslims we only adhere to what he says and he says only we are not to accept the different methodologies of this iman and that sheihk, unless the prophets methodology is the one being taught by that particular. If the prophet did not say to do it, do it himself, or authorized it. It is not Islam so whatever this person you speak of says cannot be accepted by any muslim. May Allah forgive me if I said anything incorrect and realize if there are any mistakes they are from shaiton and myself.

Jazakalahu khairon


Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
john313 said:
If the messiah is here, then that means the Mahdi and the dajjal would be here as well. Can they be identified? the messiah would know them if he is here.
Assalamu alaikum, there are signs mentioned in the Qur'an and the hadiths about Ad-Dajjal there is a lecture series by Sheihk Anwar al-Alawki the Hereafter part 1 He goes into exstensive details on the signs if ad-dajal it is very comprehensive because he has a part two as well. He speaks really good english and it is something that even non-muslims can listen to. He also has one about Muhammed(SAW)

Jazakalahu khairon


fromthe heart

Well-Known Member
bilalbusy said:
This is not just an ordinary theory as the person who presented this, claimed himself to be the Promised Mesiah (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) in 1889.
Many have made claims that they were the Promised Messiah...That didn't make them so. I'm glad you are getting many opinions though on the subject.
(Not meant to be critical or harmful to your beliefs)


New Member
Well there are about 200 million Ahmadies, followers of the Promised Messiah already in just
over 100 years the claim was made. Well, that makes him quite different from the other claimants.


raziwan said:
Well there are about 200 million Ahmadies, followers of the Promised Messiah already in just
over 100 years the claim was made. Well, that makes him quite different from the other claimants.
I missed where this "messiah" killed the dajjal. did this happen? it would have happened according to hadith if this man was the messiah.


Zxzyx said:
Why do you think Christ will be eating, sleeping etc. when he comes
He has during all of His previous manifestations.

Why do you 'interpret' that verse to mean he will not be recognised when it says 'about times and dates...'
A thief in the night goes unrecognized; otherwise, he wouldn't be much of a thief. Christ chose this simile to describe His second coming. If the simile doesn't describe His second coming accurately, He, as a manifestation of the All-Knowing, wouldn't have chosen it.:)


New Member
john313 said:
Thanks for the link, but it does not identify an antichrist from what i saw. it only said he is a big guy and blind in his right eye with a giant "donkey" and he will be killed by the messiah when he returns.
No my friend, did you study the page number 37 which elaborates the interpretation of antichrist. If you have and still don't want to agree, that's your own choice otherwise read it once more.
