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Proof Against Evolution


Well-Known Member
kai said:
and you can see the evolution of your car model by model over the years to what it is today

Good point, I still see design and intelligent thought put into it. Sometimes it seems the light dims that any of us might convince the other to their worldview, those of us who believe in God see evidence for Him in creation, while those who don't, don't. I went through a hedonistic period in my twenties and thirties to an extent, wished I could disprove God, but when I tried, the evidence for me was overwhelmingly in favor of God and His Creation. But that is just me, and there is plenty of information out there for us all to study on both sides and make our own conclusions. To each thier own, for me, I have come to believe there is a Holy God, that I am not Him, and I fall short of His standard, I have broken all ten of HIs commandments, and need a Saviour, and believe Jesus pardoned me freely when I repented, that is turned from my sin of unbelief, to belief that He died, was buried, and rose again, and that paid for all my sins forever, and gave me Christ's Righteousness in place of my own, so I can be with my creator forever.


Well-Known Member
Jerrell said:
I took a portion of my time in life and devoted it to studying evolution, i like to wiegh propabilities, look at the odds, and see if it is possible in any case.

My beleif- The Theory of Evolution is False, although some creatures do change over time, but not in a evolutionary way.

I was standing outside by my house and i saw a tree. Where does a tree come from? From a seed? and the seed comes from a tree? Which came first? What is the chance that the tree just happened to have roots, that happened to know how to obsorbed water, and the tree happened to have a trunk, which happened to know how to transfer water to the leaves, and it just happened to have leaves, that knew how to obsorbed light from the sun, and it just happened to know how to store it, and so on, and so on.

To beleive in evolution is to believe that almost everything "just happened." Evolution cannot explain the begining. At what point did something exist? Did all things come from that same Big Bang point? What chance was there that life would arise out of all of this?

I think one would have to study several fields of science that support this theory, to acquire a more coherent and complete understanding of evolution. For example, the mechanisms of genetics, nucleuotides, and how an organism can change by the altering of a nucleotide sequence in a gene, by damage or copying errors in reproduction, can help one see that evolution is very possible.


Veteran Member
Real Sorceror said:
Evolution is reactionary. It is a survival mechanism. Things change to survive in their environment.
What you have said, this aside, suggests you have an undertsanding of evolution. The quoted part is a misconception however.


Veteran Member
Cynic said:
I think one would have to study several fields of science that support this theory, to acquire a more coherent and complete understanding of evolution. For example, the mechanisms of genetics, nucleuotides, and how an organism can change by the altering of a nucleotide sequence in a gene, by damage or copying errors in reproduction, can help one see that evolution is very possible.
joeboonda said:
And we study those same things and see that it is not.
Joe, what Cynic has just done is describe how evolution happens. Your body is a result of the work that genes do. It is a mere fact that genes change - we've saw it happen. So in a million years time it is rational to believe that your ancestor's genes will be different and will be building different bodies.

Real Sorceror

Pirate Hunter
Jaiket said:
What you have said, this aside, suggests you have an undertsanding of evolution. The quoted part is a misconception however.
Yes, I have a pretty good understanding of evolution.
What about the quote was a misconception? I suppose I was globalizing, and some part of my statement does not apply all the time.


Veteran Member
Real Sorceror said:
What about the quote was a misconception?
Well, that it's inaccurate. It's a change mechanism perhaps. An adaptation mechanism. Survival mechanisms as I understand them are possessed by individuals and individuals do not evolve. I should have noted that the misconception was a minor one.

Real Sorceror

Pirate Hunter
Jaiket said:
Well, that it's inaccurate. It's a change mechanism perhaps. An adaptation mechanism. Survival mechanisms as I understand them are possessed by individuals and individuals do not evolve. I should have noted that the misconception was a minor one.
No problem. In the context, "survival" is just a stronger word for adaptation.


Well-Known Member
Life cannot come from non-life, that is a proven principle of science. So where did life come from? I believe in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God, being outside time, has always existed, and we finite humans cannot understand all that. But we do know we cannot get life from non-life. So, for me, evolution is a fairy-tail: billions and billions of years ago...long ago, in a land far away...It is much easier for me to believe that God created us than to believe in evolution. But if folks want to believe the fairy tales, that the princess kissed a frog and it became a prince, or we came from a frog or monkey or some such nonsense, that is their choice. I will trust in the Lord who loved me and died for me, and saved me freely, and in eternal life, and in a purpose for life. You believe we came from an evolved animal, go live like one. But I assure you, God is real, and death and judgement are, too. I myself wish to be clothed in Christ's righteousness freely imputed to me, rather than in my own, which is as filthy rags before a Holy God.


Well-Known Member
Life cannot come from non-life, that is a proven principle of science.
Er.... no... this isn't a proven principle of science... The words you are looking for are... Under normal conditions in todays atmosphere life cannot come from non-life.

And then I like how you believe that god said poof, and bam, there were humans... You do not believe that over a super huge long time we evolved... And then you compare evolution to someone kissing a frog and poof, a human. Have you read anything about evolution that isn't from answersingenesis?

And our brains evolved also... just a FYI there =) I wouldn't tell a dog to go act like a gorilla because I believe they came from the same creature... Not sure where you get off saying we should act like animals because we came from common ancesters... Should you act like Noah? If so... I doubt I'll see you on the computer much... Or as you will no know it as "That devils box that gives the magic picture"


Well-Known Member
"Life cannot come from non-life, that is a proven principle of science'

Then how did a supposed god arise from non-existence?

Real Sorceror

Pirate Hunter
joeboonda said:
But we do know we cannot get life from non-life. So, for me, evolution is a fairy-tail: billions and billions of years ago...long ago, in a land far away...It is much easier for me to believe that God created us than to believe in evolution.
Would you believe that God created evolution? I do.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
joeboonda said:
Life cannot come from non-life, that is a proven principle of science. So where did life come from? I believe in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God, being outside time, has always existed, and we finite humans cannot understand all that. But we do know we cannot get life from non-life. So, for me, evolution is a fairy-tail: billions and billions of years ago...long ago, in a land far away...It is much easier for me to believe that God created us than to believe in evolution. But if folks want to believe the fairy tales, that the princess kissed a frog and it became a prince, or we came from a frog or monkey or some such nonsense, that is their choice. I will trust in the Lord who loved me and died for me, and saved me freely, and in eternal life, and in a purpose for life. You believe we came from an evolved animal, go live like one. But I assure you, God is real, and death and judgement are, too. I myself wish to be clothed in Christ's righteousness freely imputed to me, rather than in my own, which is as filthy rags before a Holy God.

Your analogy is way off Joe. Creationism is more like believing in the frog prince fairy tail, it requires you to believe on faith alone while evolution is based on observations and years of research.