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proof of GOD


Well-Known Member
The Prof assumes that man is separate to everything else. The Prof just brings emphasis to the dualism of creator and creation, hot and cold, Satan versus man all as distinctly separate self supporting objects, he then reduces everything else which cannot be objectified to "faith" which is just an idea when spoken out aloud.

"It is unfortunate that even after years of understanding, misunderstanding about duality still exists in human minds but then we also accept karma which one has to complete before one is able to clearly understand and be balanced and not be affected by any duality." Well said that man! :)


Its only a Label
Friend FlyingTeaPot,

Dualities are the points of darkness and light, good/evil etc.

Yes, evolution is true unfortunately even to this day some Christians hold the idea that the universe was built in 6 days and most Muslims believe that man was created in paradise from where he was put down on earth. It is also believed by a large section of Muslims that God has a bag of souls which, from time to time, He releases singly to become human beings.

Rgds the tiltle, it is not mine but some story teller and is available on the net too.

Love & rgds


Veteran Member
Hi zz,

I read recently the view that evolution is an ascent towards consiousness. That it signifies an ascent to the omega point which is essentially God.
I think the concepts of unity and awareness can work within a theistic framework. Indeed I think they're the point of Christianity.
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Its only a Label
Friend stephenw,

The concept of CONSCIOUSNESS or AWARENESS is beyond theist or athesits point of view.
Personal understanding is that CONSCIOUSNESS is UNITY and there the duality concept is no more i.e. there is no perceiver and the perception and there is no god or satan it simply IS.
All religions are trying to show and lead humans down this path but few are able to grasp it and transcend the duality.
Meaning do not be a blind follower of any particular path but get the best of all through understanding and practice what suits you.
Love & rgds


Veteran Member
Friend stephenw,

All religions are trying to show and lead humans down this path but few are able to grasp it and transcend the duality.
Meaning do not be a blind follower of any particular path but get the best of all through understanding and practice what suits you.
Love & rgds

Thanks ZZ.
I agree. I find the language of Buddhism difficult. I think maybe it's a cultural thing?
My undersatanding is that Christianity is saying essentially the same thing. Just in a language that I am familiar with.


Its only a Label
Friend stephenw,
Yes, culture too has a role to play to understand all dharmic religions however find that Bible too covers most things in simple words which most miss interpret and misunderstand.
Like Satan to me is akin to THOUGHTS and still mind is akin to god but is it acceptable to any christian?

Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
Friend stephenw,
Yes, culture too has a role to play to understand all dharmic religions however find that Bible too covers most things in simple words which most miss interpret and misunderstand.
Like Satan to me is akin to THOUGHTS and still mind is akin to god but is it acceptable to any christian?

Love & rgds
How i see it from a Christian perspective
Thoughts can be evil or good.God renews the mind with pure thoughts of love, joy,peace,etc.
the mind in and of itself is not satanic but is the battleground.We are to take every thought captive.
To quiet the mind gives you the ability to take control of your mind and thoughts instead of letting them control you.
Once you have taken control you can't just keep your mind empty but it must be renewed with pure thoughts.
2 peter 2;22
22Of them the proverbs are true: "A dog returns to its vomit,"[f]and, "A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud."

Mathew 12;43
43 "When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. 44 Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation."


Its only a Label
Friend walkntune,
Personally fell in love with Jesus and the Bible when first read it as a lesson in Bible History classes in 4th & 5th standard in a Jesuit school and the love affair continues BUT found the interpretations always different than personal insights.
Yes what you brought out says the same thing.
Love & rgds


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
Does that mean that a lack of morality is bad and presence of morality is good? I think thats what you meant by points of duality between good and evil.


Its only a Label
Friend FlyingTeaPot,

It is clear you did not read and understand what DUALITY means.
Well do you see *DAY* everyday?
and do you see *night* every night?
Everyday is followed by a night and every night is followed by a day.
Both exits as a pair it cannot be one as they are relative like good and bad etc.
Nothing is good or bad, transcending all dualities frees the individual, which is enlightenment.
Love & rgds


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
Friend zenzero,

I get it now. You are saying that everything is relative and how we perceive them makes them good or bad. Applying this to the OP, the student acknowledged that the god he worships is a good god. Later on, he contradicts himself by talking about duality.
We assigned "day" to be the time when the sun is above us and "night" as when the sun is behind us. So yes, I do see night and day. I just think your example is not very good.

Regards, FTP


Its only a Label
Friend FlyingTeaPot,

just think your example is not very good.

Again a dualistic word which is relative BUT to what??
Now, create your own examples of dualty and state that these are better!

Love & rgds


New Member
To me, proof of god is in nature and our surroundings. There is within nature a balance that could never be achieved through a random big bang and the dependence of the various lifeforms and species on this planet upon each other for survival could not be achieved so perfectly at random. To me organized religion has always been a means to control the masses and for a small group to wield power and control over others. I believe in the existence of a god that created everything and my bible is nature itself and if i had to have text it would simply be the golden rule of treating others with the same kindness, compassion and understanding that I would like extended to me.


Jehovah our God is One
for some things, the only way to prove they exist is to see how they effect the things around them

for instance, we can only prove gravity exists by seeing how it pulls matter together. We cant see it, we cant touch it, we cant put it under a microscope as far as i'm aware... yet we know it exists

its the same with blackholes. We cannot see them or touch them or measure them, but we can see how they effect the heavenly bodies around them and in that way we know they exist and have a rough idea of where they are

Its similar with God. We cannot see him or touch him or measure him, but we can see the effect he has on us.


Its only a Label
Friend Pegg,

Its similar with God. We cannot see him or touch him or measure him, but we can see the effect he has on us.

Why do you consider your self as a seperate entity? Each form including us are nothing but PARTS of that what is labelled *god*.

Love & rgds


Jehovah our God is One
Friend Pegg,

Why do you consider your self as a seperate entity? Each form including us are nothing but PARTS of that what is labelled *god*.

Love & rgds


If we are all parts of God, then God is very confused. Humanity is divided and at war with itself...how can God be divided against himself?

If we were all part of God, then surely we would be more united and our beliefs would be in harmony...but they are not and this tells me that we are our own separate entities and God is his own separate entity.