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Prophet Mohammed's (pbuhap) final Will

Ya Ali

2.Yes, Imam Al-Mahdi (as) will have children and descendant, but this tradition does not say that they are his successors.

3. This part of the tradition: 'The Imams after him' never means that there will be new Imams after Imam Al-Mahdi (as). The Imams after Imam Al-Mahdi (as) are indeed his fathers [i.e., the 11 Imams (as)] who will returne to this world in the time of Raj'ah.

So, this tradition never means that there will be new Imams after Imam Al-Mahdi (as).

Yes it does. There will be new Imams after Imam al-Mahdi a.s. and they are the 12 Mahdis mentioned in Prophet's pbuhap will.

The Imams after Imam al-Mahdi pbuh are not the 11 Imams because Raja doesn't start after Imam al-Mahdi pbuh. Raja and return of Imam Hussain pbuh starts after the Imam with no descendants and this is not Imam al-Mahdi pbuh as you have yourself accepted that Imam al-Mahdi pbuh will have children and descendants.

You refuted yourself in regards to the whole matter and so the truth of Ahmed al-Hasan pbuh was shown again.

Mirza AlNoori in Najm AlThaaqib v.2 p.73 After when he mentioned 12 evidences about the offspring of Imam AlMahdi a.s. he said(....and there isn't a report that conflicts with these reports except the hadeeth that the Thiqa Sheikh who is grand AlFathel Ibn Shaathan AlNaysaboori in his Gaiba with a Sanad that is Saheeh from AlHasan son of Hazaz..he said: I entered to Ali ibn Abi Hamza who was with Abi alHasan alRidha (as), he told him (as): Are you an Imam? He (as) said: "Yes." So he said: I heard you grandfather Ja'far bin Muhammad (as) say: There will not be an Imam unless he has descendants. So he (as) said: "Did you forget, O Sheikh (old person), or did you try to forget? This is not what Ja'far (as) said, rather Ja'far (as) said: There will not be an Imam unless he has descendants, except the Imam that alHussain bin Ali (as) emerges to, he has no descendants." So he said to him (as): You have told the truth, may I be your ransom, this is what I heard your grandfather saying.

Ghaiba alTusi, p.224, Hadith.188: From alHasan bin Ali alKhazaz, he said: I entered to Ali ibn Abi Hamza who was with Abi alHasan alRidha (as), he told him (as): Are you an Imam? He (as) said: "Yes." So he said: I heard you grandfather Ja'far bin Muhammad (as) say: There will not be an Imam unless he has descendants. So he (as) said: "Did you forget, O Sheikh (old person), or did you try to forget? This is not what Ja'far (as) said, rather Ja'far (as) said: There will not be an Imam unless he has descendants, except the Imam that alHussain bin Ali (as) emerges to, he has no descendants." So he said to him (as): You have told the truth, may I be your ransom, this is what I heard your grandfather saying.

1. You wrong. This tradition is not from Imam Al-Ridha (as). It is from Imam Al-Mahdi (as) and it is a supplication for Prophet (sawaws) and his 12 Successors (as) that was being recited in th times of Imams and has been reached to us through the narrator of the Hadith from Imam Al-Mahdi (as).

In this hadeeth the name of the 12th Imam pbuh is mentioned, so no more running away from the truth.

Imam Jaafar pbuh said:"O Allah be for your guardian,the one who rises with your matter Muhammad ibn Hassan, to his fathers peace and blessings in this hour and every hour,a patron,a protector,a leader,a victor,an evidence,and assistant,until you make him on earth be supported and make him enjoy its height and breadth and make for him an offspring Imams that inherit” Bihar Al Anwar v.49 p.349

You wrong. Ali ibn Sanan Al-Mooseli Al-Adl was called Al-Adl (العدل), not Al-Adel (العادل). What you have mentioned from Shaykh Al-Hor Al-Amili (ra) is for the term Al-Adel, not Al-Adl. You should know that Shaykh Al-Hur Al-Amili (ra) himself has said that the tradition of will has a Sunni route of the narrators (See, Al-'Ighaz Min Al-Haj'ah by Al-Hur Al-Amili, P 395).
Sunni scholars was called by other Sunni scholars as Al-Adl. Ayatollah Khu'i (ra) says in his famous Rijal book that the term Al-Adl in the name 'Ali ibn Sanan Al-Museli Al-Adl' implies that he was Sunni (See, Mo'jam Rijal Al-Hadith, V 13, P 49,50). In addition to these two eminent scholars, Sayyed Abdullah Shobbar (ra) has also mentioned that there are Sunni narrators in the route of the narrators of the tradition of will (See, Masabih Al-Anwar, V 1, P 488).

The Prophet's will is not from the way of the Sunnis: وفي الصفحة ( ١٣٧ ) يقول الشيخ الطوسي: (فأما ما روي من جهة الخاصة فأكثر من أن
يحصى، غير أنا نذكر طرفا منها). فهو في الصفحة ( ١٣٧ ) يشرع بسرد الروايات الواردة
- ١٠٢ - من جهة الخاصة (الشيعة)، وهذه الروايات الشيعية تشمل الروايات رقم ( ١٠١
- ١١٢ - ١١١ - ١١٠ - ١٠٩ - ١٠٨ - ١٠٧ - ١٠٦ - ١٠٥ - ١٠٤ - ١٠٣
١١٤ ) والرواية الأخيرة ( ١١٤ ) تقع في الصفحة ( ١٥٤ )، أي إ ّ ن الروايات الواردة - ١١٣
.( من طرق الخاصة تستغرق الصفحات من ( ١٣٧ ) حتى الصفحة ( ١٥٤
ورواية الوصية هي الرواية رقم ( ١١١ ) من روايات الخاصة، وموقعها في الصفحتين
.(١٥١ - ١٥٠) And in p.137 of Gaibat AlToosi Sheikh AlToosi says:"As for what I reported from the side of the Khaasa(shia)it is more than what can be counted, but we shall mention some of them." So he in p.137 he starts mentioning the narrations that are from the Khaasa(shias) 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114...last narration is 114 and the will is 111 so the will is from the way of the Shias p.150-151

Sheikh AlToosi says in p.127"And what was reported about this from the side of the opposers of the Shia" and then he mentions a group of the narrations from the Sunnis(Aama) and they are numbered narrations(90-91-92-93-94-95-96-97-98-99-100) and the narration 100 falls on page 136 meaning that the Sunni narrations cover pages 127 until p.136 وفيها يقول الشيخ الطوسي في صفحة ( ١٢٧ ): (فمما روي في ذلك من جهة مخالفي
- ٩٢ - ٩١ - الشيعة) ويسرد مجموعة من الروايات العامية، وهي الروايات المرقمة: ( ٩٠
١٠٠ ). والرواية رقم ( ١٠٠ ) تقع في - ٩٩ - ٩٨ - ٩٧ - ٩٦ - ٩٥ - ٩٤ - ٩٣
الصفحة ( ١٣٦ )، أي إ ّ ن الروايات العامية تستغرق الصفحات من ( ١٢٧ ) حتى الصفحة

I think that Ali ibn Sanan Al-Adl who was a Sunni scholar

Ali ibn Sinan alMoosili al-‘Adl
Sheikh alNamazi alShahrudi considers him as Hasan [worthy] and Kamil [faultless].
(a) In his (ra) book Mustadrak Ilm Rijal alHadith vol.5 p.382-383 number.10071: (Ali ibn Sinan alMoosili AbulHassan alMu’adil: He narrated from his father just as alSadooq has narrated in Kamal alDeen (new version: p.476) from Ahmad ibn alHussain ibn Abdullah, from alHussain ibn Zaid ibn Abdullah alBaghdadi, from him(alMoosili), from his father, who said: "When your Master Abu Muhammad alHassan al’Askari (as) passed away … etc"*.
And this narration is narrated in alBihar (new version: vol.52 p.47) from him, from Zaid ibn Abdullah alBaghdadi, from him(alMoosili), from his father, etc.
Muqtathab al-Athar li Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ayash p.10 from him(alMoosili), from Ahmad ibn Muhammad alKhalili [which is] a noble narration** signifying his (alMoosili) worthiness/goodness [Hasan] and his faultlessness [Kamil], and also in alBihar (new version:vol.36 p.216). And another important narration in this volume (new version: vol.36page.260).
Ghaiba lilTusi (new version: p.147)**: In its chain, from alHussain ibn Ali, from him(alMoosili), from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn alKhaleel. And also from him in (new version: p.150): from alHussain ibn Ali ibn Sufyan alBazoofri, from him(alMoosili). And in Qurb al-Isnad p.123 from him(alMoosili), from Malik ibn Asheem.)
(b) A Hadith** with a chain involving alMoosili was mentioned by Sheikh Muhammad Baqir alKajuwri in his famous book AlKhasaa'is alFaatimiya vol.2 p.498, and he said that it is Sahih alSanad [authentic chain]: (Allah (swt) has chosen these Lights [Ahlulbayt] above all the creatures just as it is shown in this Hadith which is Sahih alSanad [authentic chain of narrators], from Abi Salma: …).This is the same Hadith mentioned by alShahrudi (ra) in Muqtathab al-Athar li Ahmad ibn 'Ayash p.10 and Bihar alAnwar vol.36 p.216.
(c) Furthermore looking at the first Hadith* mentioned by Sheikh alShahrudi (ra) (in Kamal alDeen), it shows alMoosili narrating from his father about the Shia who were looking for the Imam after Imam Hasan alAskari (as) passed away. This is significant thing to consider for alMoosili and his father concerning their faith and reliability. This was a time of great Fitna/trial in which many were sifted out when tested with Imam alMahdi (as), the 5 year old Imam (as). As well as narrating the Hadith of the Will, alMoosili also narrated in alGhaiba p.147 a Hadith mentioning the names of the 12 Imams (pbut).

Ya Ali

You wrong. The Hadith says that Allah has named Imam Ali in His heaven [i.e., supernatural world] as Mahdi [i.e., the name of Mahdi for Imam Ali is from Allah and supernatural world]. Contrary to what you said, the issue is naming, not calling. The Hadith says that the names of Imam Ali are selected by Allah and one of them is Mahdi. Then the Hadith says absolutely that the name Mahdi should not be attributed to any one but Imam Ali. So, the issue is attributing the name Mahdi to others, and not calling.
But in the end part of the tradition, the name Mahdi is attributed to 1th Mahdi!

Also, there is another odd thing in the tradition. The traditon says that Imam Ali narrates: "Prophet said to Imam Ali....!!!" Instead of saying that 'Prophet said to me', the tradition says that Imam Ali narrated : Prophet said to Imam Ali!

Nope, you are merely giving it one specific meaning while it can be said that Ali ibn Abi Taleb(as) is named Mahdi in the heavens of Allah therefore it can't be attributed to anyone else in the heavens of Allah as no one is worthy to be named Mahdi like Imam Ali(as) in the heavens of Allah according to the hadith, it's all true. As for you second paragraph, you are merely wasting your time on useless things while moving away from the most important and the only thing that matters for your safety and guidance. The matter of Imamat, there are 12 Imams and after them 12 Mahdies, while the First Mahdi from the progeny of Imam Al Mahdi is Ahmed. The Will is all authentic by the ways of Shias, so the only thing for a reasonable person if he seeks safety in this world and the hereafter is to accept the Will of Prophet Muhammad(s) and know how no falsifier can ever claim the Wasiyya until it's owner/companion claims it.

Ali son of AlHussain (Ali ibn Al-Husain) is not the father of Shaykh Al-Saduq (ra). The name of the narrator in the book of Ghaybat Al-Tusi is recorded as only "Ali ibn Al-Husain". Ali ibn Al-Husain can be the name of the different men among them there are relaible, unrelaible and unkown ones.

As for the name "Ali ibn alHussain" when it is mentioned bare without any attribute or family name, it refers to the highly esteemed scholar Ibn Babuya who is Sheikh alSadooq’s father (ra). This has been confirmed in a 50 page research by Sheikh Nathem al-Aqeeli in the book Intisaran LilWasiya which is an Arabic book that can be found here: (http://www.almahdyoon.org/arabic/documents/books-Ansar/Intissar-Alwassiya.pdf).
It is very common for the scholars to mention alSadooq's father (ra) simply as "Ali ibn alHussain" and it has been done this throughout the books of Hadith and Ilm alRijal; alMirza alNoori (ra) writes in this regard:
AlMirza alNoori alMuhadith (ra) said in his book Khatima alMustadrak vol.1 p.316: (… Indeed the mentioning of alSadooq’s father in Hadith books and Ilm alRijal books can be found with the name: "Ali ibn alHussain", or Ali ibn Babuya…).
And he (ra) also says this in the footnote of Khatima alMustadrak vol.3 p.141: (… Ibn Qawliya is narrating from Ali ibn alHussain, which is proven to be Sheikh alSadooq’s father (ra) …).
Rijal alTusi p.432 number.6181: (Ali ibn alHussain ibn Musa ibn Babuya alQumi, nicknamed AbulHassan, reliable [Thiqa], he has compilations which we mentioned in Fahrast, and he narrated from alTal'akbari…).
Second point: If someone says otherwise [it is not alSadooq's father] due to their calculations, then there is no problem in that. That is because if a Shia narrator has no positive or negative reports then he is reliable [Thiqa] and it is encouraged to take his narrations.
Hence if we look at the possible "Ali ibn alHussain" entries inside alKhoo'i's encyclopedia we find that there are 52 of them. A portion of them are Thiqa [reliable] and another portion have no reports. One of them is from the Zaydi sect however he cannot fit into this scenario because he has a 2 generation mismatch, also this Hadith would oppose his beliefs which do not conform to the 12 Imams (pbut). Thus this narrator is either one of those 52 being either Thiqa or having no report, or he is not one of the 52 and consequently he will have no report. And all of these scenarios makes him Thiqa [reliable] because we can not prove anything negative against him.

We can see this being done by the Shia scholars who graded 4000 companions of Imam alSadiq (as) as reliable [Thiqa], of which 3000 are present in the books of alRijal. And they used the reason that if there was no evidence for weakness [dha'eef] or negative reports (or positive), then the narrator is reliable [Thiqa]. We can observe this process in the following entry of the narrator Khaleed: AlHur al'Amili said in his book Amal al'Aamil vol.1 p.83 Explanation of Khaleed: (And if we were to say the authentication[Tawthiq] of Khaleed and the authentication of all the companions of alSadiq (as) except those confirmed to be weak [Dha'eef], then this is not farfetched; that is because alMufeed in his book al-Irshaad, and ibn Shahr Ashub in his book Ma'aalim al'Ulemaa', and alTabrisi in his book I'laam alWara have all authenticated[Thiqa] four thousand persons from the companions of alSadiq (as) of which they are seen in most of the books of alRijal and Hadith, not exceeding three thousand. And Allama and other than him mentioned that Ibn Uqda gathered four thousand of the mentioned ones in the books of alRijal). Also Sheikh Ali alNamazi alShahrudi talked about alMufeed and others authenticating [Thiqa] the companions of alSadiq (as) in his book Mustadrakat Ilm Rijal alHadith vol.1 p.64: (And these authentications are not less [in value] than the authentications of Ibn Qawliya in his Rijal book, and alQumi and the explanation of his Rijal, and alTabrisi in his Rijal book. Then it is possible to say: The Principle [Asil] is reliability [Withaqa] among all the companions of alSadiq (as) except those with evidence [of being weak/Dha'eef], as it has been said in the Rijal book of Ibn Qawliya and alQumi). And since we do not find any weakness or negative report for Ali ibn Bayan then he is reliable [Thiqa]. and the same reasoning also applies here; all Shia narrators are reliable and we can take their narrations if there are no negative or positive reports about them. Some of the big Shia scholars have talked about this. Some of these will be shown; we can observe this process in the following entry of the narrator Ahmad ibn Ismael. Allama alHilli (ra) said in one of the entries in his book Khulasat al'Aqwal p.66: (Ahmad ibn Ismael ibn Samka ibn Abdullah: … Our scholars have not provided any Ta'deel [praise] for him, nor have they found in him any Jarh [weakness], then it is encouraged is to accept his narrations along with its soundness from any opposing [reports]). Also AlMuhaqiq alKhoo'i (ra) said in his book Ma'jam Rijal alHadith: vol.2 p.57-58: (I say: These words are clearly showing the method Allama (ra) used for Authenticating Reliability [Asalat al-Adala] for every Shia narrator who does not have any confirmed corruption, just as a group of the Fuqaha[scholars] have ascribed, and we revealed this previously from a number of the big [Shia scholars], in the explanation of Ibrahim ibn Salam (Salama), and there is nothing odd about this coming from Allama [because] after him many other big [Shia scholars] had published in this [way]). And same as above reference vol.1 p.122: (Firstly: From what I have learnt is that the classical [Shia scholars] relying on a narration[Hadith] from an individual is not established by the individuals being Thiqa/reliable [in the Rijal books], and that I also learned this method has been built onto the Authentication of Reliability [Asalat al-Adala], which we have not built on top of [further]).

We have proven our argument with complete, legitimate and rational proof, and it is all available and published in various books, the latest one is the Book of the Sacred Will, while people do not have a response other than lying and the craftiness of the incapable one which is questioning the chain of narrators of the Will, the Will that is frequently narrated and is mentioned in other places and also, its chain of narrators was declared authentic by al-Toosi, as he described the narrators to be سhia [particular ones]. And they, and all the clerics after al-Toosi, are dependent upon the sayings of al-Toosi concerning the narrators, and they cannot refute the saying of al-Toosi about the narrators with the sayings of the recent clerics, otherwise, even the crumbs between their hands that they call Ilm Al-Rijal (Biographical Evaluation) will be destroyed.

Ya Ali

Sulaym ibn Qays Al-Hilali narrates:

Imam Ali narrated to me:

The Messenger of Allah (sawaws) said to me, “Indeed, my Lord, mighty is His Majesty, has informed me that He has responded to my prayer for you and your partners [i.e., other Imams], those who will follow you.” I asked, “O Messenger of Allah (sawaws)! Who are my partners after me?” He replied, “Those whom Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He, has accompanied with Himself and me in His verse: Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and the possessors of authority amongst you”[Quran, 4:59]

I requested, “O Messenger of Allah (sawaws)! Name them for me.” He rejoined, “This son of mine” and he placed his hand on the head of Hasan (as), “then this son” and he kept his hand on the head of Husain (as), “then his [i.e., Husain] son, Ali (as), who will be born in your life, so convey my Salaam to him, and thus twelve [Imams] will be completed.” I prayed, “May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah (sawaws), name each one of them for me.” So, he named them one by one to me. By Allah! O brother of Bani Hilal, amongst them [i.e., 11 Imams after Imam Ali who are his partners in Imamat], is the Mahdi of the nation of Muhammad (sawaws), the one who will fill the earth with justice and equity like it has been fraught with injustice. By Allah! Surely I know who will pay allegiance to him [i.e., the Mahdi of nation of Prophet (sawaws), who is amongt the 11 Imams that are after Imam Ali] between the Rukn and the Maqaam and I know their names and their fathers and their tribes.”
(Source: Kamaluddin by Sheykh As-Saduq, P 285)

So, even if we suppose for a moment that the Hadith of will of Prophet which is in Al-Qayba At-Tusi book is true, contrary to what you believe in, according to this mentioned Hadith, the one given allegiance between the Rukn and Maqaam is indeed between 12 Imams (pbut), not 12 Mahdis who are after 12 Imams (pbut).

As for the hadith you posted, it doesn't prove that, as it can be said that the Messenger of Allah(s) replied to the question of Imam Ali(as) when he(as) asked 'Who are my partners after me'? So Messenger of Allah(s) told Imam Ali(as) about the partners AFTER Imam Ali(as) and said this son, then his son and then 12 will be completed. So 12 after Imam Ali(as) includes the First Mahdi from the progeny of Imam Al-Mahdi who is Ahmed mentioned in the Prophet's Will and as other hadith mentioned one given baya between rukn and makam is 'Ahmed, Abdullah, the Mahdi', the name exclusive to First Mahdi(as).

It’s just like so many other hadith that are about 12 Imams from the progeny of Imam Ali(as) and from the progeny of Fatima(sa). For example this: AlHasan son of Ali pbuh said:"This matter will be ruled by 12 Imams from the sons of Ali and Fatima pbut"Kafayat AlAthar -Khazaz AlQummi p.226-227

Who are 12 Imams from the progeny of Imam Ali(as)?

And good that you talked about Sulaym ibn Qays for here is a hadith that shows that, the Mahdi's father will come after him(and this only makes sense if his father is in an occultation and then he appears after his son Ahmed who is called a Mahdi in the Prophet will)Suleim Ibn Qais p.429 Sulaim Ibn Qais from Salman AlMuhammady from the Messenger of Allah pbuhap in a long narration:"And then he hit his hand on AlHussain pbuh and said:"O Salman, Mahdi of my nation that will spread the earth with justice and tranquility after it has been fillied with oppression and tyranny is from this son. Imam son of Imam, scholar son of scholar, executor son of executor, his father that comes after him is an Imam executor of a . He said: I said: O Prophet of Allah, the Mahdi is better or his father?He said: His father is better than him. The first one has like all their reward because Allah guided them through him"

Sheikh Nathem AlUqaily said that trom this narration the Mahdi here cannot be Imam Al Mahdi pbuh because it doesn't apply to him if the father comes after the son we know that the father can't come after the son because the Prophet s.a.w said "his father that comes after him is an Imam executor of a scholar"and ofcourse there is no parent that comes after his son in existence so it remains that the Mahdi pbuh , his father will come after him in appearance such is the case of Imam Al Mahdi pbuh and his executor Ahmed. So the narrations indicate that the first Mahdi would appear before his father Imam Al Mahdi AlHujja son of AlHasan pbuh so the Mahdi whose father comes after him is the first Mahdi from the offspring of Imam Al Mahdi pbuh. And the father of Imam Al Mahdi pbuh who is Imam Hasan AlAskari a.s. is not better than Imam Al Mahdi pbuh from evidence of the Prophet s.a.w From Abi Baseer from Abi Jaafar pbuh said: There will be from us 9 after Hussain son of Ali. The 9th of them is the Qaim and he is the best of them. Dalael AlImama p.453

There are many reports where the guiding Imams pbut indicated about Ahmed, the 13th Successor. From Zuraara he said I heard Aba Jaafar pbuh saying:"We are 12 Imams and from them were Hassan and Hussain and then the Imams from the son of Hussain pbuh"Kafi v.1 p.533 h.16 The Imam said "from them" are Hassan and Hussain and then Imams from the son of Hussain pbuh. Here Imam Aba Jaafar a.s. didn't include Imam Ali a.s. or even mention him. He didn't say from them are Ali,Hassan and Hussain but rather Hassan and Hussain and then continued. Just like From Abi Jaafar pbuh he said:The Messenger of Allah pbuhap said:"I and 12 from my children and you are O Ali the balance of the earth meaning its pegs and mountains, by us Allah has pegged the earth so it will not perish with its people,so if the 12 from my children vanish, the earth would have perished with its people and will not remain" Kafi v.1 p.534 h.17

Note: Imam Ali a.s. is not from the children of Prophet Muhammad s.a It’s just like this clear hadith: Prince of the believers pbuh said:"I thought about a child from the back of the 11th one from my son,he is the Mahdi that will spread it with justice and tranquility after it has been filled with unjustice and tyranny,there will be about him confusion and an occultation,tribes of people will become misguided and tribes will become guided.I said:O Master how long will this confusion and this occultation be?He said pbuh:6 days or 6 months or 6 years?" First son:Imam Hassan Second son:Imam Hussein Third son:Imam Ali ibn Hussein Forth son:Imam Muhammad ibn Ali Fifth son:Imam Jaafer ibn Muhammad Sixth son:Imam Musa ibn Jaafer Seventh son:Imam Ali ibn Musa Eighth son:Imam Muhammad ibn Ali Ninth son:Imam Ali ibn Muhammad Tenth son:Imam Hassan ibn Ali Eleventh son:Imam Muhammad ibn Hassan From the back of the eleventh son is who? Book of Ikhtisaas p.209 by Sheikh AlMufeed Publication of the office of AlZahra-Qom Beware of this trial that has come to you, for verily no matter what you do, you are paving the way for the Qaim(as).

No matter how much your hearts reject the offspring of Imam Al-Mahdi(as) and the Imams from the progeny of Imam Al-Mahdi(as), you can’t do anything about it for verily by their lights were heavens and earth created long before any of this even existed, their wilaya is incumbent upon every one and there is no excuse for anyone, while more than 100 reports exist about the progeny and the offspring of Imam Al-Mahdi(as) and ‘Allah will complete his light even if disbelievers hate it’. The statement in the prayer of Imam Reza -the right-of Imam Mahdi in the era of emergence "O Allah Give him and his family and his son and his descendants and the nation, and all his subjects what pleases him... until he says: O Allah, bless the rulers of his era and Imams after him and reach to their hopes and make their lives longer and dear their victory." Mosbah Al-Motahajid for the Tusi page 409. Imam Al Mahdi pbuh: "My God, I ask you by the name that Jacob asked you with, when his eyes became blind and his gathering was scattered and lost the joy of his eyes, his son, so you answered his supplication and collected his gathering and made his eyes joyful and lifted his inflictions and you were close to him.'O' close one, Send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and permit me after all what has been torn apart within my matter and make my eyes joyful by my son and family and money and reform my state, all of it, and bless me in all my conditions" p.331-356 Mahj Al Da'waat Imam Jafar pbuh said: "O Allah be for your guardian, the one who rises with your matter Muhammad ibn Hassan, to his fathers peace and blessings in this hour and every hour, a patron, a protector, a leader, a victor, an evidence, and assistant, until you make him on earth be supported and make him enjoy its height and breadth and make for him an offspring Imams that inherit” Bihar Al Anwar v.49 p.349


Active Member
mojtaba, you are only showing your ignorance by attributing untrue titles to the Hujjah of Allah swt Ahmed al-Hasan al-Yamani a.s. You are like the Jews who insult Jesus pbuh and Christians who insult Mohammed pbuhap, who cannot go through a debate without slandering and from those who are ill from the illness of Iblis l.a, denying the Caliph of Allah swt.

I didn't change any hadeeth. To change a hadeeth is to copy the hadeeth change its context and paste it. I never copied the hadeeth or change it, it was a comment in regards the matter who is given allegiance between Rukn and Maqam. Due to my shortcomings I couldn't present what was on my mind.

Hadeeth of Ahlulbayt pbut are like puzzle, you need to put them together to understand certain matter. The one who will have people pledge allegiance to him between the Rukn and Maqam is from the son of Hussain a.s. :

From Jaaber he said: Muhammad son of Ali pbut said to me: O Jabir, for Banu AlAbbas is a banner and other than them are banner. Beware and beware again-three times-until you see a man from the son of Hussain pbuh who will have people pledge allegiance to him between the Rukn and Maqam..."
Mustadrak AlWasael v.11 p.38 h.12376
Usool AlSita Ashar p.79
Jame Ahadeeth AlShia Buroojerdi v.13 p.75 h.164
Salamun Alaykum!

Do you think that adding a thing to the meaning of a Hadith for changing its true meaning is not as evil as the addition of a thing to the text of the Hadith itself? Do you see any difference between them?!

Yes. The one who will have people pledge allegiance to him between the Rukn and Maqam is from the sons of Hussain, but he is the ninth from the sons of him, Open your eyes and see the ff clear Hadiths. As you said, Hadiths of Ahlulbayt are like puzzle, we need to put them together to understand certain matter. :

1.Prophet Muhammad said to Imam Husain:
"O Husain, you are the Imam son of Imam, nine ones from your descendants will be the pious Imams, the ninth one of them [=12th Imam] is the Al-Qa'im of them." Then some one asked Prophet: " O Messenger of Allah, who many Imam will be after you?" Prophet replied: "Twelve, nine ones of them are from the descendant of Husain".
(Kifayat Al-Athar, P 30-1)

2.Prophet Muhammad said to Imam Husain:
"You are Master son of Master. You are Imam son of Imam, and father of Imams. You are the Proof of Allah, and son of His Proof, and the father of nine Proofs from your sons. The ninth of them [=12th Imam] is their Al-Qaim."
(Al-Imamat wa Al-Tabsirat, P 110)

3.Imam Ali said to Imam Husain:
"The ninth from your sons [=12th Imam] is the Al-Qa'im [establisher] of the right".
(Al-Imamat wa Al-Tabsira, P 1)

4.Imam Al-Hasan said:
"Al-Qa'im behind whom the Sprit of Allah, Jesus the son of Mary will pray, Allah, the Exalted, will hide his birth and conceal his person, so there will not be any commitment of allegiance on his neck for anyone when he rises. He is the ninth from the sons of my brother Husain [=12th Imam], the son of the Mistress of bondmaids."
(Kamaluddin, P 316)

5.Imam Husain said:
"Al-Qa'im of this nation is the ninth from the sons of mine [=12th Imam]."
(Kamaluddin, P 317)

6.Imam Al-Baqir said:
"There will be nine Imams after Husain, the ninth one [=12th Imam] is their Al-Qaim."
(Al-Kafi, V 1, P 533)

7.Imam Al-Baqir said:
"Our Al-Qaim is certainly the ninth from the sons of Husain [=12th Imam]. Because the Imams after the Messenger of Allah are twelve ones, so that he [i.e., ninth of the sons of Husain] is Al-Qaim."
(Kifayat Al-Athar, P 249-250)

8.Imam Al-Baqir said:
"300-odd persons, the same number as that of the soldiers in the Battle of Badr, will give allegiance to Al-Qa'im [=the ninth from the sons of Husain=12th Imam] in between the Rukn and Maqam.
(Al-Qaybah Al-Tusi, P 477)

9.Imam Al-Baqir (as) said:
'That day Al-Qa'im [=the ninth from the sons of Husain=12th Imam] will be in Mecca leaning his back against the Kaaba .... Allah will make his [Al-Qa'im] three hundred and thirteen companions (i.e., the masters of other companions) join him without any previous appointment ....They will give allegiance to him [i.e., Al-Qa'im=12th Imam] between the Rukn and the Maqam. With him there will be a covenant from the Prophet (sawaws) that has been inherited by the descendants; one after the other.'
(Kitab Al-Qaybat by No'mani, P 281)

And so on ...

First Mahdi, Ahmed from Prophet's Will is from the son of Hussain pbuh:
As I proved, this version of Hadith of will is a fake one whose root reaches to the saying of Ka'b Al-Ahbar in Sunni books. Imam Ali and Imam Sadiq said that Ka'b Al-Ahbar was a liar.

A)The Sahih and authentic Hadith of will

Imam Ali said:

"The Messenger of Allah asked for a sheet of paper and dictated to me what he wanted to write in the tablet before people. He let three persons witness that. They were Salman al-Farsi, Abu Tharr and al-Miqdad. He mentioned the names of the Imams of guidance, whom he ordered the believers to obey until the Day of Resurrection. He mentioned my name as the first of them then my son Hasan and then my son HUSAIN and then NINE ones from the progeny of my son Husain [=12 Imams]."
(Source: Al-Ghaybat / Occultation by Shaykh Nu’mani, Ch4, H11, p. 96-97 Engl. Hard Copy Edition)

B)There are only 12 Imams. There are not 24 Imams

1.The Messenger of Allah (sawaws) said:
The Imams after me will be twelve. The first of them is Ali Ibn Abi Talib
and the last of them [i.e., 12th Imam] is the Al-Qaim. They are my Caliphs, my Successors, my friends and the Proofs of Allah upon my nation after me.”
(Kamaluddin by Al-Saduq, P 259 and P 280)

2.Imam Ali (as) said to a person who asked him about the number of the Imams of the Islamic nation:
"They are twelve Imams."
(Kamaluddin by Al-Saduq, P 298)

3.Al-Ma’mun asked Imam Al-Redha (as) to write a brief account of the PURE ISLAM for him. Then he (as) wrote,
“In pure Islam it suffices to confess that there is no god but God the One for Whom there exists no partner; ...And that Muhammad is His Servant, Messenger, Trustee, and Appointee among His creatures. He is the Master of the Messengers, the Seal of the Prophets, and the Noblest of the people of the Two Worlds. There are no Prophets after him and there will be no changes in his Islamic Laws.....Moreover, the evidence for the believers after the Prophet (as), the manager of the affairs of the Muslims, the spokesman of the Qur’an, the knower of its decrees is his brother, Successor, and Trustee – (1)Ali bin Abi Talib.....After him comes (2)Al-Hassan and (3)Al-Husain....Then there is (4)Ali ibn Al-Husain ....Then there is (5)Muhammad ibn Ali ....Then there is (6)Ja’far ibn Muhammad As-Sadiq ...Then there is (7)Musa ibn Ja’far Al-Kazim. Then there is (8)Ali ibn Musa Al-Redha. Then there is (9)Muhammad ibn Ali. Then there is (10)Ali ibn Muhammad. Then there is (11)Al-Hassan ibn Ali. Then there is (12)His Proof – the Al-Qaim; the Awaited One. May God’s Blessings be upon them all. I bear witness to their Trusteeship and Divine Leadership..... .
(Uyun Akhbar Ar-Ridha by Al-Saduq, V 1, P 129-30)

You can not see any other Imam here.

4.Imam Al-Ridha said:
"We despise whoever considers divinity for the Prophets or the Imams, or considers that Prophethood belongs to the Imams, or considers people other than the Imams to be Imams. We despise him in this world and in the Hereafter."
(Uyun Akhbar Ar-Ridha, by Al-Saduq V 1, P 217)

Muhammad son of Abdullah son of Jaafar Al Himyari from his father from Muhammad son of Abdulhameed and Muhammed son of Eissa from Muhammad son of AlFuthail from Abi Hamza(Al Thumali) from Abi Abdullah pbuh in a long hadeeth he said: "O Aba Hamza, from us after the Qaim are 11 Mahdis from the son of Hussain a.s." p.478 Gaibat AlToosi
Hadiths say that they are not Imam. They are only ordinary Shi'ites.

Imam Al-Sadiq clearly said that they are not Imams. Exept that you want to twist the clear Hadiths:

1.Abu Baseer narrates:
I said to As-Sadiq Ja’far bin Muhammad (a.s.): O son of Allah’s Messenger, I have heard from your father that he said:
“There will be 12 Mahdis after/besides the Al-Qa'im (as)?” Imam (a.s.) said: “He has said 12 Mahdis, not 12 Imams. They shall be our Shi'ites who would call the people towards our Wilayat (guardianship and Imamat), and Marefat (i.e., recognition) of our rights.”
(Source: Kamaluddin by Saduq, P 358 )

Keep in mind that those Mahdis call people towards the Imamat of 12 Imams (They shall be our Shi'ites who would call the people towards our guardianship, and recognition of our rights.). If they themselves were Imam, they should call others towards the guardianship and recognition of rights of themselves, not others.

2.Hanan Ibn Sadir narrates:
"I asked Imam Al-Baqir (as) about Ibn Hanafiyya [son of Imam Ali], that was he an Imam?
Imam (as) replied: 'No, but he was a Mahdi.'"
(Al-Imamat wa Al-Tabsira by Ibn Babawayh Al-Qomi [father of Sheykh Al-Saduq], P 60)
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Active Member
He is named Ahmed,Abdullah,Mahdi in Prophet's Will and Prophet tells us in different narration that he is the one given allegiance between Rukn and Maqam:

Huthayfa ibn AlYamani heard the Prophet of Allah pbuhap say:"He will be given allegiance between the Rukn and Maqam his name is Ahmad,Abdullah,and Mahdi, that is his three names." Gaiba Al-Tusi p.305p.299,p.454,p.470
This Hadith is recorded in Al-Khara'ij wa Al-Jara'ih by Sa'id ibn Hibat Allah al-Rawandi as the following:

Hadheefa narrates:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (sawaws) and he mentioned the Mahdi and said: Verily, his pledge of allegiance is given between the Rukn and the Maqam. His name is Muhammad, Abdullah, and the Mahdi, for these are his three names.
(Al-Khara'ij wa Al-Jara'ih, V 3, P 1149)

So, it is not clear now that Prophet Muhammad (s) said Ahmad or Muhammad.

Even If we accept the name Ahmad, I proved that both Ahmad and Muhammad are the names of 12th Imam. So, according to the Hadiths, the one given allegiance between the Rukn and the Maqam is certainly 12th Imam.

Number of hadeeth where one given allegiance between Rukn and Maqam by name Mohammad ibn Al-Hassan pbuh = 0
Number of hadeeth where one given allegiance between Rukn and Maqam by name Ahmed,Abdullah,Mahdi, his son from Prophet's will = 1
If you see the Hadiths that I have wrote in the second part of the previous post (#64), you can conclude that the one given allegiance between the Rukn and the Maqam is Al-Qaim who is the ninth from the sons of Imam Husain, i.e., 12th Imam. See specially the Hadiths 6, 7 and 8.

In addition to those Hadiths, these ff Hadiths say that the one given allegiance between Rukn and Maqam is between 12 Imams and the 12th one of them:

1.Sulaym Al-Hilali narrates:
Imam Ali narrated to me,
The Messenger of Allah said to me, “Indeed, my Lord, mighty is His Majesty, has informed me that He has responded to my prayer for you and your partners [i.e., other Imams], those who will follow you.”
...I requested, “O Messenger of Allah (sawaws)! Name them for me.”He rejoined, “This son of mine” and he placed his hand on the head of Hasan (as), “then this son” and he kept his hand on the head of Husain (as), “then his [i.e., Husain] son, Ali (as), who will be born in your life, so convey my Salaam to him, and thus twelve [Imams] will be completed.”
By Allah! O brother of Bani Hilal, amongst them [i.e., 12 Imams], is the Mahdi of the nation of Muhammad, the one who will fill the earth with justice and equity like it has been fraught with injustice. By Allah! Surely I know who will pay allegiance to him [=the one who is between 12 Imams=the Mahdi of nation of Prophet Muhammad=12th Imam], between the Rukn and the Maqaam and I know their names and their fathers and their tribes.”
(Kamaluddin by Sheykh As-Saduq, P 285)

2.Al-Husain ibn Khalid narrates:
It was asked from Imam Al-Ridha (as): O son of Allah’s Messenger, from which of you ,Ahlul Bayt, is the Al-Qa'im? Imam Al-Ridha [i.e., 8th Imam] (as) replied: He is my fourth descendant [=12th Imam], the son of the best of the maidservants....And he is the one by whose name a caller would call out from the sky inviting people to him.
(Kamaluddin by Al-Saduq, P 372)

3.Imam Al-Sadiq (as) said: “The name of Al-Qa'im [fourth descendant of Imam Al-Ridha=12th Imam] will be called out [from the Heaven]. It will be said to him while he is behind the Maqam: “Your name has been called out. What are you waiting for?” Then his hand will be taken to be paid homage.
(Bihar Al-Anwar by Allama Majlisi, V 52, P 321-2)

If you continue your belif that 13th supposed imam is the one given allegiance between the Rukn and the Maqaam, you are indeed rejecting the sayings of your Imams (peace be upon them).

Furthermore, there is the Beast of the Earth emerging :

And the beast of the earth comes at the end times:

The messenger of Allah pbuhap said on behalf of the Prince of the believers pbuh:"He is the beast of the earth that Allah mentioned about it in his book "And when the word comes to them , we shall emerge from the earth a beast that will speak to them, for that mankind did not believe with assurance in Our Signs."And then he said: If it was the end of time,Allah will make you emerge in the best picture and with you is a poison that will be used to poison the enemies"Bihar v.39 p.243 Surat Al Namel verse 82
"If it was at the end of time,Allah will make you emerge in the best picture"
Imam Ali pbuh at the end of time is not alive only in the Return(Raja) but the Mahdi Ahmad a.s. is the beast of the earth coming before Imam Al Mahdi a.s.
The translation is not correct. The correct translation:

"Once the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) came to Amirul Momineen (a.s.) [i.e., Imam Ali] while the latter was asleep in the mosque; he had made a heap of sand and rested his head on it. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) shook his leg and said: “O Daabbatullaah [Allah's creature)]! Get up!” A companion who witnessed this asked, “O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.)! Shall we address each other with this name?” He replied, “No, by Allah it is restricted only for him (Ali) and he is the Daabba that Allah has mentioned in His book…”
“And when the word shall come to pass against them, We shall bring forth for them a creature from the earth that shall talk to them, because people did not believe in Our communications.” (Surah Naml 27:82)
Then the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: O Ali, in the last period of time the Almighty Allah will bring you out in the best form and you will be having a seal with which you will mark your enemies."

Do you mean that Imam Ali is reincarnated in the best picture, i.e., Ahmad Al-Hasan!!!
This is so odd.
Imam Al-Reza (a.s) said, ‘Whoever believes in reincarnation is an unbeliever.’
(Uyun Akhbar al-Reza by Al-Saduq, Vol.2, Ch. 46, H 2)

This Hadith is only for Imam Ali himself and says that the creature that will be brought out from the earth is Imam Ali (as) who will return to this world in the time of Raj'ah (See the bolded parts).

So, this Hadith proves nothing.
From Abdullah AlJarni he said: (I entered to the Prince of the believers pbuh and he said: Did I mention for you three things until when someone entered to me?I said:No,so he said: I am Abdullah,I am the beast of the earth with its truth and justice, and the brother of the Prophet,did I tell you about the nose of the Mahdi and his eye?I said:No,So he placed his hand on his chest and said:"I".) Bihar Al Anwar v.39 p.243

According to Ansari Book Dabat Al Arth and Tale AlMashriq:"When Imam Ali pbuh was talking about the beast of the earth he stated something about being the brother of the Prophet and went along saying I am the nose of the Mahdi and his eye. The nose here is symbollic to the power and honor,the eye here represents successorship,minister,deputy,brotherhood,or the right handed man.
This Hadith says that Imam Ali is Abdullah (i.e., the servant of Allah), the creature that will be brought out from the earth and the brother of Prophet Muhammad (as), as many Hadiths say.

It then says that the eyes and nose of Imam Mahdi (as) is like those of Imam Ali (as). As Hadiths say that the eye color of Imam Ali was black, likewise the eye color of Imam Mahdi is mentioned in Hadiths as black.

So, this Hadith proves nothing.
From Ali son of Ibraheem son of Mihzyaar from Imam Al Mahdi pbuh when he was asked about when will the matter arrive he said:.."a year of such and such,at then there will emerge a beast of the earth from between the Safa and Marwa and with it is the staff of Moses and the ring of Solomon leading the people to the gathering"Besharat Al Islam p.236
The rate of Hadith is weak.

Anyway, this Hadith says that Imam Ali will return to this world in the time of Raj'ah, then he will appear himself in between the Safa and Marwa.
There is a Hadith according to which Imam Ali will return in the time of rising of Al-Qaim (Al-Khara'ij wa Al-Jara'ih, V 1, P 848).

So, this Hadith proves nothing.

So a sign for Imam Al Mahdi a.s. is the beast of the earth and Imam Ali a.s. has a wilaya and Ahmad a.s. is the beast of the earth because he has a wilaya Imam Al AlBaqir a.s. said "whoever turns away from him then hes from the people of hell". Imam Ali a.s. is the first believer in the Prophet and Imam Ahmad a.s. is the first believer in Imam Al Mahdi a.s.
As Prophet (sawaws) said, the creature who will be brought out from the earth is only Imam Ali (The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) shook leg of Ali and said: “O Daabbatullaah [Allah's creature(walker being)]! Get up!” A companion who witnessed this asked, “O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.)! Shall we address each other with this name?” He replied, “No, by Allah it is restricted only for him (Ali) and he is the Daabba that Allah has mentioned in His book…).

Do not say that Dabbatul Ardh is Ahmad Ad-Dajjal. He is only Imam Ali himself.

From Imam Al Saadeq pbuh he said:"And then the appearance of the Beast of the Earth between the Rukn and Maqam and it will
be written on the face of the believer'believer',and on the face of the disbeliever'disbeliever',and then the appearance of
the Sufyani and will march with his army to Iraq...and he will destroy AlZawra(baghdad)..and destroy AlKufa and
AlMedina...and then emerge to AlBayda...and so the earth will swallow them..."AlRaja' Istrabadi p.100
If you see all the text of Hadith, you see that before this part which you have mentioned, the reappearance of Al-Qa'im is said.

"Al-Qa'im will be in Mecca leaning his back against the Kaaba.... Thus the first to pledge allegiance to him will be Jibraeel.... All this will occur at the time of sunrise. And when the sun would be up, a caller will call out from the horizon, which will be heard by all in the earth and the heavens: "O creatures, he is the Mahdi of the progeny of Muhammad - he will name him same as that of his respected grandfather, the Messenger of Allah and say his nickname which is also same, and associate him to his father, Hasan Al-Askari, 11th Imam, until the Husain ibn Ali - All of you pledge allegiance to him and you will be guided. Do not act contrary to his orders or you will be deviated ....And then the creature of the earth appears between the Rukn and Maqam and writes on the face of the believer 'believer', and on the face of the disbeliever 'disbeliever', and then the appearance of the Sufyani...."

So, this Hadith proves nothing.

Also, it should be said that this Hadith is so weak. There are two extremes (those who believed in divinity of Imams and believed in reincarnation) in the route of the narrators about whom Rijal books has reprted unreliablity and lying. For example, that part of Hadith which says that Sufiyani will destroy Medina is not correct and other different Hadiths oppose it. There are other parts in the Hadith which other different Hadiths oppose them.
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Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
Muslims and shia polytheists disagree on this.

Ali(r.a) gave Abu Bakr(r.a) bayyah. That alone destroys the shirki cult

Muslims and shia polytheists disagree on this.

Ali(r.a) gave Abu Bakr(r.a) bayyah. That alone destroys the shirki cult


It is absurd to see that the Wahhabis who believe Allah has a body calling the Shiites of Ahlulbayt (a.s.) as polytheists and Mushriks…

Nobody knows Tawheed (monotheism) better that Ahlulbayt (a.s.) and their Shiites…

And the Wahhabis, by the way, cosider most of the Muslims to be polytheists…and they killed more Sunnis than Shiites..

Now, as of the Caliphate of AbuBakr, Even Umar said that it was illegitimate…

And all Muslims know that the prophet appointed Imam Ali (a.s.) as his successor, however, the Meccans who generally were the enemies of Islam and the hypocrites in Medina hijacked Islam and revenge from the Muslims who defeated them during the life of the prophet (pbuh&hh)