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Prove To Me That A God/Deity Exists

Super Universe

Defender of God
your the one making the claim with no credibility or validity

it is upon you to provide evidence and build your case

based on what evidence?


there is plenty of evidence he was created through mythology and evolved with the ever changing culture.

there is ZERO evidence of mythology being in any part of reality

What rule of physics says that it is upon me to prove God to you?

Who are you? Someone important? What would you do with it?

Would you admit that if God does exist and yet He does not prove Himself to you then maybe you're not supposed to know?

There is ZERO evidence of mythology being in any part of reality? Really? Ever hear of Troy?


So, myth's can't be true?

What law of physics states that?

Everyone has issues, it's understanding your issues that helps you assess who you really are.

many myths have a historical core, and that is obvious what it is through research of why the mythology was created.

history states it, not physics

history states your dodging the important questions you cant answer
many myths have a historical core, and that is obvious what it is through research of why the mythology was created.

history states it, not physics

history states your dodging the important questions you cant answer

I must say, that is of excellence. Applauses.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Logical inference? Hmm, so, to you, everything that exists and happens in the universe is logical?

Yes actually. Everything that happens does so according to specific rules. Because of the very convenient idea that God is non-physical, there is no empirical evidence so we must rely on logical inference. Since the laws of reason are some of the most basic and fundamental facts, there is no point in denying them (unless they contradict your beliefs apparently, then people love rejecting logic).

To prove God to you I have to provide you with reasonable evidence? What if you're not supposed to believe in God?

Convenient. I suppose that point cannot be passed, but that is the point behind such "reasoning". If you believe something against reason / unreasonable wouldn't it be easier just to say that? I mean you wouldn't have to deal with this if you just said that, I ignore fideists.

What rule of science says that whatever is the First Cause of the universe it must also be unintelligent and not conscious, not personal, not caring? You're getting caught on the biblical idea of God, think of God as a work in progress, the original scientist, the First Cause of the universe who is developing His personality but is maybe only 10% of what He will be.

See, maybe you shouldn't reject reason and evidence, it would make things easier. The fact that there is no evidence of there being and super intelligence / conscious thing interacting with our lives, answering prayers, making miracles, etc then science will support fact, evidence, and reason. Again, I say this constantly on here, just because we don't understand something 100% definitely does not mean that the truth will contradict other truths we know.

Learning about the earth and people is irrelevant to whether there is a creator or not? It's 100% relevant. The kids you might have one day, do you think they will follow your logic and reason or will they flush the remote control down the toilet?

I do know about Earth and the universe, which is why I know that there is no reason to believe in a creator. As for knowing people, I am not sure what that has to do with God. I know many different kinds of people and about even more, I spent years studying it. I will teach my kids how to reason, of course. That doesn't mean that they will not flush the remote. We are animals, conditioning comes before reason and we must also be learn through experience. This is irrelevant to the debate of God, but I'm quite sure you realize that.

You're pretty confident there is no divine creator? And what have you done/achieved, where have you been that we should follow you?

When did I ask you to follow me? What I've done is obsess over this question for years on end and studied every possibility until it was exhausted. I started as a believer and ended up an atheist, although I hope someone can bring me back. I wish there was some spiritual side of reality, but that doesn't change reality. I don't really care what people believe (unless it causes harm), but I am compelled to lay down facts and enforce reason. It's an annoying calling.

The countries thing is irrelevant? Have you ever driven a vehicle in the USA? Now, how about Italy? What is the difference and why?

:clap Most irrelevant thing I have ever heard in the debate of God. Congrats!


What rule of physics says that it is upon me to prove God to you?

quit dodging and provide your evidence becauise a lack of evidence proves nothing

Who are you?

someone with more historical knowledge then you possess

Someone important?


What would you do with it?

helping, setting world records.

Would you admit that if God does exist and yet He does not prove Himself to you then maybe you're not supposed to know?

all I see is a progression of known mythology.

if im not supposed to know then my position would be the default position and maybe the one to be followed.

what if its the suckers that follow the dogma ???

Ever hear of Troy?

yes I have, mythology still surrounds the city and the legends as written.

ever heard of unicorns, bigfoot, giants, etc ect ect. mythology survives today. STOP IT

Super Universe

Defender of God
No the universe is not evidence of God. Prove that the universe is not evidence of a deity? You are reaching now. It's up to you to add in completely unnecessary superstitions and make natural events need a starter. I don't understand saying that God is nature. Nature is nature, saying it is God is just adding comforting and unnecessary supernatural nonsense to nature, not to mention making it completely unamazing.

What does? Something probably incomprehensible and infinite, but like I said I would not call that God. If I was inclined to add spirituality to it I would probably go the route of Taoism, but even that is unnecessary. It would not take intelligence, love, consciousness, etc for one dimensional strings to vibrate. Nothing does or probably ever will suggest otherwise. Probably just natural. I realize you buy into the cop out that God = nature, but that is simply a dying gasp between theism and atheism in which you realize that this is all natural but wish there was a divine aspect anyways.

Really? Care to provide one single shred of evidence, reason, or even a single fact that supports the existence of God?

Yes the universe is proof of God. You make assertions, I make assertions, we can go back and forth on this all night long...

I'm reaching? You've been all of nowhere and done all of nothing yet YOU, the great majestic being that is YOU, knows whether God exists or not???

Einstein didn't know. Hawking doesn't know. Susskind doesn't know, but you do?

You would not call that which causes the universe to exist God? Fine then call it whatever you want, a name is just a name.

It does not take intelligence for one dimensional strings to vibrate? Then what causes them to vibrate?

String theory is probably natural? How would that which causes nature to exist not be nature?

Can I provide one single fact that supports the existence of God? Can you provide one single fact that disputes the existence of God?

Super Universe

Defender of God
many myths have a historical core, and that is obvious what it is through research of why the mythology was created.

history states it, not physics

history states your dodging the important questions you cant answer

Many myths have a historical core? Sure they do, has no bearing on whether it's truth or not.

History states that history is true? Uhh, so if a person says something is true then it is?

What question am I dodging? You're the one who has yet to tell me what you would consider evidence of God.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Yes the universe is proof of God. You make assertions, I make assertions, we can go back and forth on this all night long...

No, it is on you to provide evidence that the universe is proof of God. Since you are completely incapable of doing so...

Einstein didn't know. Hawking doesn't know. Susskind doesn't know, but you do?
Nobody knows, and because of the convenient myths of God nobody will be able to claim themselves 100% sure. Like I said, we do not know that the sun will come up tomorrow, but it is so likely that it's not even worth debating. If all reason, evidence, and fact point one direction, the truth will not be in the other direction.

You would not call that which causes the universe to exist God? Fine then call it whatever you want, a name is just a name.

It does not take intelligence for one dimensional strings to vibrate? Then what causes them to vibrate?
Well, if you weren't so opposed to thinking reasonably you would realize it does not take intelligence to make things move, it takes force.

String theory is probably natural? How would that which causes nature to exist not be nature?
It is nature, I already covered this. You can go assigning God like attributes to nature but you are only lying to yourself. Nature is impersonal, it is not conscious, it does not think. It is like a program. Ask it to rain and see if nature cares what you want. It is up to you to prove otherwise here, and it is impossible

Can I provide one single fact that supports the existence of God? Can you provide one single fact that disputes the existence of God?
I cannot provide evidence or fact or reason that God exists because there is none. I cannot provide facts that God doesn't exist because reality does not work that way. I cannot provide empirical evidence that something doesn't exist. However, I have already provided the evidence and reason supporting atheism. Since you can't refute it, I'll have to consider this a victory.


Many myths have a historical core? Sure they do, has no bearing on whether it's truth or not.

History states that history is true? Uhh, so if a person says something is true then it is?

What question am I dodging? You're the one who has yet to tell me what you would consider evidence of God.

you have other issues to deal with, before addressing anything to do with what is or isnt historical.

if one from a stance of ignornace argues historicity, one has lost before he starts.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Yes actually. Everything that happens does so according to specific rules. Because of the very convenient idea that God is non-physical, there is no empirical evidence so we must rely on logical inference. Since the laws of reason are some of the most basic and fundamental facts, there is no point in denying them (unless they contradict your beliefs apparently, then people love rejecting logic).

Convenient. I suppose that point cannot be passed, but that is the point behind such "reasoning". If you believe something against reason / unreasonable wouldn't it be easier just to say that? I mean you wouldn't have to deal with this if you just said that, I ignore fideists.

See, maybe you shouldn't reject reason and evidence, it would make things easier. The fact that there is no evidence of there being and super intelligence / conscious thing interacting with our lives, answering prayers, making miracles, etc then science will support fact, evidence, and reason. Again, I say this constantly on here, just because we don't understand something 100% definitely does not mean that the truth will contradict other truths we know.

I do know about Earth and the universe, which is why I know that there is no reason to believe in a creator. As for knowing people, I am not sure what that has to do with God. I know many different kinds of people and about even more, I spent years studying it. I will teach my kids how to reason, of course. That doesn't mean that they will not flush the remote. We are animals, conditioning comes before reason and we must also be learn through experience. This is irrelevant to the debate of God, but I'm quite sure you realize that.

When did I ask you to follow me? What I've done is obsess over this question for years on end and studied every possibility until it was exhausted. I started as a believer and ended up an atheist, although I hope someone can bring me back. I wish there was some spiritual side of reality, but that doesn't change reality. I don't really care what people believe (unless it causes harm), but I am compelled to lay down facts and enforce reason. It's an annoying calling.

:clap Most irrelevant thing I have ever heard in the debate of God. Congrats!

Everything that happens in the universe happens according to specific rules? Wow, isn't that convenient? Incredibly complex rules govern the incredibly complex universe. I mean, it's almost like there's a plan behind the scenes it's just that you can't figure out why.

The laws of reason are some of the most basic facts? Could you tell me what these supposed "laws of reason" are?

So I'm not supposed to bring up points that you cannot refute, huh?

There is no evidence of super intelligence or conscious thing interacting with our lives? What if God is just listening in? Do you have some proof that He isn't?

So the scientists don't know 100% of what exists in the universe but you, somehow, do?

Childrens actions are 100% relevant to whether God exists. Everything that happens is relevant. You're trying to put God in a box, for Him to fit you're box has to be the size of, not just the universe but the multi-verse.

You've obsessed over whether God exists or not? Why?

You've studied every possibility? I bet I have one you haven't heard or thought of.

I don't want to "bring you back" because I don't know where you were before. I'd be happy if you could admit that you just don't know and leave it at that.

You've never driven in Italy so that's why you don't understand the relevance to my question. In the US, most people follow the road rules. It Italy, 90% of the people speed and pass constantly. There will be a two lane road with FOUR cars wide, two in the lanes going the proper direction and one car each trying to pass. Someone will give way, usually. Why do you think there is a difference in the way people act, we're all people? Oh, right, you haven't studied people but even if you did they wouldn't reflect God in any way...


Resident Liberal Hippie
Although not a huge fan, I have to go with Dawkins on this one.

Insisting that there is absolutely no way a god exists is as unreasonable as insisting that god absolutely exists.
However, with no scientific empirical objective evidence for the existence of god, the likelihood that god exists is pretty slim.

Super Universe

Defender of God
No, it is on you to provide evidence that the universe is proof of God. Since you are completely incapable of doing so...

Nobody knows, and because of the convenient myths of God nobody will be able to claim themselves 100% sure. Like I said, we do not know that the sun will come up tomorrow, but it is so likely that it's not even worth debating. If all reason, evidence, and fact point one direction, the truth will not be in the other direction.

Well, if you weren't so opposed to thinking reasonably you would realize it does not take intelligence to make things move, it takes force.

It is nature, I already covered this. You can go assigning God like attributes to nature but you are only lying to yourself. Nature is impersonal, it is not conscious, it does not think. It is like a program. Ask it to rain and see if nature cares what you want. It is up to you to prove otherwise here, and it is impossible

I cannot provide evidence or fact or reason that God exists because there is none. I cannot provide facts that God doesn't exist because reality does not work that way. I cannot provide empirical evidence that something doesn't exist. However, I have already provided the evidence and reason supporting atheism. Since you can't refute it, I'll have to consider this a victory.

No, this is a "Religious Forum" so it's on you to prove that God does not exist. Unless you don't have any proof.

Nobody knows whether God exists or not? Then why not just go about your business and stop worrying about it? Maybe you're not supposed to know right now?

We don't know that the sun will come up tomorrow? And how does that relate to God's existence or not?

If all reason, evidence, and fact point in one direction the truth will not be the other direction? What fact proves that God does not exist?

It does not take intelligence to make things move? How many Samurai swords have we found in volcanic lava? How many computers? How many Ferrari's? To you, a zillion perfect accidents happened all in a row.

Nature is impersonal? Really? So where does personality come from then if it's unnatural?

You can't provide evidence that something doesn't exist? So if there is a box before us and I say there is something inside it and you say there isn't, why can't we just open the box and see?


Insisting that there is absolutely no way a god exists is as unreasonable as insisting that god absolutely exists

i dont find that to be true in the fact man has a long history of creating deities that match the culture that created them, and exactly as the culture change, the deity did as well.

thousands of deities have been created, but magically the one a person holds faith in with zero evidence somehow magically gains credibility due to said faith. despite the fact every defenition and description is different. the difference is the only common theme in deity worship if one looks at it from a historical perspective.


No, this is a "Religious Forum" so it's on you to prove that God does not exist. Unless you don't have any proof.

FALSE you make the claim you back it up

this is also a educational forum, not a avoid education and the facts of history and science due to theism

Super Universe

Defender of God
which god?

yours? theirs? the books? which one? who's?

if you cannot define him, maybe he doesnt exist

Which God is might be listening in? Maybe the one that started it all? Mine, yours, and theirs.

I can define Him but any definition of God by a human is incredibly insufficient.