In mine, the "differences" are fake, as in the differences between the creation, created, and creator. From that perspective, you're just riding around in a vehicle and reality is just a fancy video game. You're part of the Brahman (the life force/god) experiencing itself through the Atman. (soul) There is no real difference between the two conceptually in Advaita, but it is convenient to understand that the apparent separation in this context is only a delusion. So, of course, if we're working logically how do you disprove that? It's the type of thing that isn't able to be answered outside of the context of one's own awareness.
But, you sort of lost the point of my conversation on manifestations versus truth. To simplify, just because you see something doesn't mean that's what it is. If you analyze the properties of something physically first you see its dimensions and form, keep measuring you find molecules, and then atoms, and then sub-atomic particles, and then things get even smaller most likely... But, what will eventually happen is you'll figure out that they're made of nothing. It'll happen, just give it time. Both religion and science will probably end up at the same destination, given enough time.