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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Psionics is the study and science of how the mind works and manipulates matter, energy, and reality through electromagnetic waves and frequencies. It encorporates amny supernatural and paranormal abilities, such as telepathy, kinesis, Energy Manipulation, empathy, constructing, psychometry, and more. It delves into the powers of the subconcious mind, and how the concious mind can be disciplined into merging with the sub concious to control these abilities through concentration and willpower.

I think we all have the ability for psionics and use it regularly without knowing it,i am sure everyone has had the experience of sensing an atmosphere within a group of people
and not neccasarily bad ones,sometimes an atmosphere of expectation and even if you you had just joined the group of people you sense an atmosphere,so we must be eminating something.
Another one is sensing something is not right or when you are in love the unspoken words etc,i think we need to unlock the doors.
On the subject of electromagnetism an interesting ghost story that happened in either ST Albans or Bath i cannot remember which,anyway a civil Engineer was working on an Archeaology dig when he saw some Roman soldiers march past him but he could only see them from the knee up.
Now where this relates to Electromagnetism is this,there is a theory that some substances like stone in buildings kind of store Electromagnetism as a recording of a previous event,now a few people have seen these soldiers but the interesting thing is that now the dig has uncovered a Roman road and the soldiers are complete.
Hope that was'nt too boring,very interesting subject


Tu Stultus Es
I think we all have the ability for psionics and use it regularly without knowing it,i am sure everyone has had the experience of sensing an atmosphere within a group of people
and not neccasarily bad ones,sometimes an atmosphere of expectation and even if you you had just joined the group of people you sense an atmosphere,so we must be eminating something.
I suspect simple body language (as already stated), human social expectations and an irrational insistence on confirming one's paranormal beliefs are responsible for any unusual "atmospherics". No need to shatter well established physical laws for a non-phenomenon.
...Electromagnetism is this,there is a theory that some substances like stone in buildings kind of store Electromagnetism as a recording of a previous event,now a few people have seen these soldiers but the interesting thing is that now the dig has uncovered a Roman road and the soldiers are complete.
Hope that was'nt too boring,very interesting subject
Not boring at all! But it begs the question: what precise electromagnetic radiation could be involved? Gamma rays, X-rays, UV- are we talking streams of photons? Which of these well documented and understood forces are responsible here? And how? Is it more likely that ghosts are the product(s) of the fallibility of human senses, human psychology (that damned willingness to cling to immortality despite the abject lack of evidence), urban legends, lies, or misinterpreted physiological glitches (migraines, hallucinations, hypnopompic sleep, and on and on....)? Or is it more likely science has to be revamped and physics, biology, chemistry- ******* hell! astronomy and engineering would have to be overhauled despite the complete absence of anything even remotely ghostly, psychic, or geist surviving death!

The emperor has no clothes, no intangible consciousness or soul, and no means to exert the electro-chemical processes in the brain and nervous system beyond their cranium.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I suspect simple body language (as already stated), human social expectations and an irrational insistence on confirming one's paranormal beliefs are responsible for any unusual "atmospherics". No need to shatter well established physical laws for a non-phenomenon.

Not boring at all! But it begs the question: what precise electromagnetic radiation could be involved? Gamma rays, X-rays, UV- are we talking streams of photons? Which of these well documented and understood forces are responsible here? And how? Is it more likely that ghosts are the product(s) of the fallibility of human senses, human psychology (that damned willingness to cling to immortality despite the abject lack of evidence), urban legends, lies, or misinterpreted physiological glitches (migraines, hallucinations, hypnopompic sleep, and on and on....)? Or is it more likely science has to be revamped and physics, biology, chemistry- ******* hell! astronomy and engineering would have to be overhauled despite the complete absence of anything even remotely ghostly, psychic, or geist surviving death!

The emperor has no clothes, no intangible consciousness or soul, and no means to exert the electro-chemical processes in the brain and nervous system beyond their cranium.

Maybe science just does'nt have all the answers ,mmm how true that is:D


Tu Stultus Es
Maybe science just does'nt have all the answers ,mmm how true that is:D
But science and scientific inquiry aren't about collecting "all the answers"; science is a method of analyzing the world, not necessarily compiling data into dusty tomes. Science is predicated on inductive reasoning: if something repeats itself in enough circumstances under predictable conditions it is scientifically sound to assume the pattern will continue. The orbit of the Earth around the sun is well understood; it's safe to say that science has all the answers on the predictable rising and setting of the sun. Your Roman ghosts example requires a lot more evidence before science concedes that the sun won't rise tomorrow. Anecdotes and personal opinions are all well and good, but they're worthless in determining whether or not something exists in nature.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
But science and scientific inquiry aren't about collecting "all the answers"; science is a method of analyzing the world, not necessarily compiling data into dusty tomes. Science is predicated on inductive reasoning: if something repeats itself in enough circumstances under predictable conditions it is scientifically sound to assume the pattern will continue. The orbit of the Earth around the sun is well understood; it's safe to say that science has all the answers on the predictable rising and setting of the sun. Your Roman ghosts example requires a lot more evidence before science concedes that the sun won't rise tomorrow. Anecdotes and personal opinions are all well and good, but they're worthless in determining whether or not something exists in nature.

True but maybe it isn't nature,perhaps its something else or not,it is easy to discount such things as the Roman soldiers to us it seems unlikely,yet many people who have nothing to gain report such phenomena.


Tu Stultus Es
True but maybe it isn't nature,perhaps its something else or not,it is easy to discount such things as the Roman soldiers to us it seems unlikely,yet many people who have nothing to gain report such phenomena.
True, but there may be more to gain than they realize; there's a vast collection of studies on the sociology of beliefs, whether religion, urban legends or the supernatural. The proponent of the tale gains a sort of notoriety for spreading the tale, and a sense of confirming their preconceptions about life after death- a belief that's at the very least deeply imbedded in human cultures, if not an actual genetic origin. Ghost folktales and myths reinforce a society's belief in immortality, and by extension their faith, specific religion, ethnic group, government, and so on. Several well educated academics supported Uri Geller's sleight of hand tricks as evidence of real psychokinesis despite evidence to the contrary. So invested were they in the validation of psychic abilities they suspended their rational mindset in favor of validating their biases. Human history has seen this from the comical claims of Joseph Smith's followers to UFO devotees to the Satanic Ritual Abuse hysteria of the 80s and 90s. Claims that support one's prejudices, particularly those dealing with life after death, can never be too outrageous or flimsy for the well meaning, honest, and intelligent to defend. It's one aspect of what makes use Homo Sapiens sapiens.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
True, but there may be more to gain than they realize; there's a vast collection of studies on the sociology of beliefs, whether religion, urban legends or the supernatural. The proponent of the tale gains a sort of notoriety for spreading the tale, and a sense of confirming their preconceptions about life after death- a belief that's at the very least deeply imbedded in human cultures, if not an actual genetic origin. Ghost folktales and myths reinforce a society's belief in immortality, and by extension their faith, specific religion, ethnic group, government, and so on. Several well educated academics supported Uri Geller's sleight of hand tricks as evidence of real psychokinesis despite evidence to the contrary. So invested were they in the validation of psychic abilities they suspended their rational mindset in favor of validating their biases. Human history has seen this from the comical claims of Joseph Smith's followers to UFO devotees to the Satanic Ritual Abuse hysteria of the 80s and 90s. Claims that support one's prejudices, particularly those dealing with life after death, can never be too outrageous or flimsy for the well meaning, honest, and intelligent to defend. It's one aspect of what makes use Homo Sapiens sapiens.

I agree with you on people like Uri Geller and fake Mediums,however there is still much that cannot be explained by anyone.
In the case of the Roman soldiers and Ghost sightings i do not think this has anything to do with the supernatural,i think its more to do with a kind of electromagnetism that science has'nt discovered yet.
As for other supernatural phenomena like Poltergheist(noisy ghost) or things like Telekenisis i think this is more than possible,even Quantum physics talks of different dimensions so it depends really on how open minded you are.
From my own experience there are definately things that happen that may not be from this dimension.


Tu Stultus Es
As for other supernatural phenomena like Poltergheist(noisy ghost) or things like Telekenisis i think this is more than possible,even Quantum physics talks of different dimensions so it depends really on how open minded you are.
Which kinda brings me back to the OP and psychic phenomena in general. There may be other forms of energy, but without any actual psychic evidence available, and no mechanism with which it could manifest itself, it remains elusive, or imo nonexistent.
As for "energies" or forces, only the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and the gravitational force have been substantiated. Anything else has failed to demonstrate its presence. To date, no medium that I’m aware of has provided information not available to any researcher through normal means or by a clever use of cold reading techniques. There's been no verified display of psychokinetic abilities or telepathy or the whole pantheon of psychic claims. I've never seen a poltergeist event hold up under scrutiny; nor telepathy, telekinesis, cryokinesis, clairavoyance, etc.-these are brazen hoaxes, mistakes in interpretation, or natural occurences exaggerated into supernatural importance.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Which kinda brings me back to the OP and psychic phenomena in general. There may be other forms of energy, but without any actual psychic evidence available, and no mechanism with which it could manifest itself, it remains elusive, or imo nonexistent.
As for "energies" or forces, only the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and the gravitational force have been substantiated. Anything else has failed to demonstrate its presence. To date, no medium that I’m aware of has provided information not available to any researcher through normal means or by a clever use of cold reading techniques. There's been no verified display of psychokinetic abilities or telepathy or the whole pantheon of psychic claims. I've never seen a poltergeist event hold up under scrutiny; nor telepathy, telekinesis, cryokinesis, clairavoyance, etc.-these are brazen hoaxes, mistakes in interpretation, or natural occurences exaggerated into supernatural importance.

I do not believe so called Psychics can talk with dead people and as you say use cold reading techniques but i do think Humans have untapped abilities.

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
Well, I don't know where the term psionics comes in...the field of science that studies psychic ability is parapsychology, and psi is the abbreviation for psychic ability that parapsychologists usually use.

It's one of my favorite subjects, I've read many books about it. I'll be making many threads about psi and its relation to science and religion over the coming months. :)
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Lord of the Badgers
Well, I don't know where the term psionics comes in...the field of science that studies psychic ability is parapsychology, and psi is the abbreviation for psychic ability that parapsychologists usually use.
I've only ever heard it used in a computer game, UFO: Enemy Unknown.