god is the universal truth, that noone can defeat.
I agree, completely.
What that doesn't mean is that god cares about human behavior, morality. Why would s/he? We are as we are created.
Ghengis Khan is arguably the most successful human to ever live.
In more quantitative terms, ~10% of the men who reside within the borders of the Mongol Empire as it was at the death of Genghis Khan may carry his Y chromosome, and so ~0.5% of men in the world, about 16 million individuals alive today, do so.
1 in 200 men direct descendants of Genghis Khan - Gene Expression
That's Divine morality, if god's creation is your guide. "Spread your genes" is the Divine Mandate we are all born with. Kill your genetic competitors, take their stuff, and impregnate their women.
Chicks dig it.
Humans have managed to learn how to have a more fulfilling and secure life, how to behave morally. But we don't learn that from any god, we learn to do differently sometimes and we learn it from other humans.
Primitive humans usually needed another human claiming to speak for god to recognize the value of living a moral life, rather than a natural one. And they often still do. That's why religionists commonly assert that there is no morality unless a prophet described it in an old book.