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Putin said he supports Harris in the 2024 election.


Well-Known Member
Watch: Putin discusses his 'favourite' US president

The Biden-Harris DOJ was starting to saber rattling, once again, trying to resurrect the tired and worm out Russian Election interference excuse to censor Trump and the RNC. They had a list of Putin things, which are theRNC talking points about inflation, economy, immigration, that are important issues to the people and liabilities to the DNC. They tried to attach this platform to the premise of Russian Disinformation, as an excuse to censor Trump and Vance; another election steal.

Before the Lefties get too excited, the BBC recently interviewed Putin and ask him about the America elections. He said he preferred Biden and with him out of the contest, he now supports VP Harris. We may need to censor the DNC and fake news since they may be carrying Putin's water, once again, like they did the previous two times. The first fake Russia Collusion coup divided the country worse than ever. America almost had a civil war, that was beneficial to Putin. The second; the Russian Disinformation scam about the laptop, allowed Putin's puppets to steal the election with old fashion Soviet strong arm censorship tactics.

The latest assistance to Putin, by Biden's DOJ, may have to abort, less it be used against them in a court of law; pathway to the charge of treason.

My gut says that Putin egged on the DNC, and because their power means so much to them, they happily did the dirty work an he became their scapegoat; double agent. However, the state of affairs that the DNC has left behind for the world, is very destabilizer even for Putin and Russia. This admission of supporting Harris is a signal to call off the dogs. This US and world decline, under the DNC, is not working out for Putin, but rather he knows the DNC are back stabbers, and now they need to go. MAGA is more stabilizing for the world and he can help end the reign of the DNC war mongers.


Well-Known Member
This all makes more sense, if you add up all the facts supported by 20/20 hindsight from 2016 forward. What is now does not have 20/20 hindsight and can be spun. But 20/20 allows us to compare.

The European Union is like modern version of the Soviet Union, where a single alliance formed with a central government that is heading toward socialism. This is being pushed by the globalists and the DNC. The Soviet Union used to be the globalists in the Cold War. Regan got them to break up into Democracies. The DNC used their old model, while expanding NATO, like the old Soviet Army. This made Putin nervous since the EU had his old buffer, including a united Germany. Great Britain and USA under Trump calmed things down.

In 2016,l Putin gave a large donation to the Clinton Foundation when Hillary was Secretary of State under Obama. It was in the $millions. What did she do to earn that? Clinton and her campaign in 2016, made the fake dossier to implicate Trump, using foreign assets both Russian and British, with the Russian asset writing the disinformation. I am sure Putin knew and thought it was funny. I may have felt only a bonehead would buy that, but the gossip will embarrass Trump.

The Russian collusion coup, was a scam, where Obama and Biden spied on candidate Trump before their coup of Russian disinformation, in a way worse than Nixon. It was like the Old Soviet Union with Obama using CIA and FBI assets. This divided the country, which could not have been a better scenario for Putin. In 2020 the DNC goes back to the Russian disinformation scam to justify Soviet style censorship to steal the election, based on the word of those who engaged in the first Russian scam. Trump bottled Putin up and he needed Trump out and the DNC in; to invade Ukraine. Biden did not try to stop him; quid pro quo.

Add up what Trump got besides huge lawyer bills, defending against the crooks and being the scape goated. The DNC has gone through Trump's past with a fine tooth comb, and there is nothing or else it would have been used before this year. They have has to fabricate crimes and buy judge like old Soviet Union. Under Trump, Russian did not invade anyone. It makes sense you invade and take lives and territory only when you can get away with it; Obama, Clinton and Biden. I tend to think Kamala Harris was in for the ride, but not a master mind. However, she may continue she support and the quid pro quo. But Putin will take her to the cleaners.

If you look at fossil fuel and green energy, Russia has a large supply of fossil fuels and it makes sense if their DNC ally could get the price of US oil up, then Russian oil sold to Europe will be at a premium; no US competition. Russia does not give a crap about green energy, Putin wants to increase gas exports.

China is big on green energy since they produce most of the battery material and most of the solar and now even cheap e-cars. Green favors China more than anyone in terms of making money. The DNC helped Russia and China, by their US policy, at the expense of the USA, which why Biden and Harris never bad mouth's China; kickbacks. They will bad mouth Putin, since he likes that double spy disinformation KGB stuff; spy vs spy. Name calling does not bother Putin. He is not whiny liberal but a former KGB officer who reached the level of dictator. That is the also the DNC dream; rigged election with spying, and censorship, and kangaroo courts. The Biden family business got money from both China and Russia, funneled through Hunter.

Putin now has the DNC over a barrel. He just hinted what he will do publicly in terms of helping himself. He was a Cold War KGB officer, and I am sure still has a copy of the hard drive from Hillary illegal e-mail server, that she thought was destroyed. If she was corresponding via e-mail about the big donation, you can plant a bug. What I hope happens is after Trump wins, Putin threatens to spill the beans of all those who engaged in crimes against the USA. Trump says, I dare you. That will drain the swamp.


Admiral Obvious
Methinks it's a transparent Putin ploy. He says he prefers X, millions of Americans loath Putin and will not vote for Putins claimed favourite even if they want to so they will have to vote Y or not vote.
I prefer to look at it that even Putin is tired of Trumps BS....

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Putin was being sarcastic. Obviously he would favor the party that would benefit him the most. It's primarily republicans who want to end funding for Ukraine, after all.
Russia is not in the NATO...so he couldn't care less about the elected POTUS.
We Europeans care. We exist too.
I mean...a president serving a devilish gang of warmongers is not preferable for us. ;)


Veteran Member
Russia is not in the NATO...so he couldn't care less about the elected POTUS.
We Europeans care. We exist too.
I mean...a president serving a devilish gang of warmongers is not preferable for us. ;)
Wrong, he cares passionately about who the POTUS is, just like he wants to wreck the EU, interfere in elections, and generally promote his warmongering.
I really hope Starmer publishes the full Russia Report.

Russia is still at it.....


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Wrong, he cares passionately about who the POTUS is, just like he wants to wreck the EU, interfere in elections, and generally promote his warmongering.
I really hope Starmer publishes the full Russia Report.

Russia is still at it.....

If Trump had been president, neither the Gazan War nor the Ukrainian War would have started.

Do you want the Gazan War to continue, or are you glad so many Gazans are dying?


Veteran Member
If Trump had been president, neither the Gazan War nor the Ukrainian War would have started.

Do you want the Gazan War to continue, or are you glad so many Gazans are dying?
Ukraine, may not have happened, because Trump would have turned a blind eye.
Gaza is not new; Israel is in the wrong as is Palestine. Of course I'm not happy that people are dying. Trump would talk about it, but achieve nothing.


Active Member
Methinks it's a transparent Putin ploy. He says he prefers X, millions of Americans loath Putin and will not vote for Putins claimed favourite even if they want to so they will have to vote Y or not vote.
Your argument is excellent. It's just that reading him from the perspective of my culture, he's very funny.


Well-Known Member
In America, the DNC is in charge of vast majority of US propaganda. In the current election cycle 80% is biased Harris-Walz. Even you if assume Russia and China have sticks on the fire, that is tiny compared to the DNC and swamp. The DNC does not have to hire these fake news stations, since they already carry the water for the cause. It is free illegal campaign donations. Luckily this media is not the brightest. It panders to the intellectually lazy who prefers, feel good emotions, even if based on lies.

Which party has censored, had spied and has committed law fare, believes in socialism, and starts wars? That party is the clone of Putin. He does those same things in Russia. Which party voided the Democratic vote of its primary, in favor of a rigged result? That party also looks like Putin, since he wins by a landslide, after he gets rid of his opponents with law fare. The DNC did that in one of their own in the primaries; Kennedy. They tried it with Trump but his lawyers are too strong, and the DNC is not yet firmly in charge to just rail road Trump. Putin does not invade countries when Trump is around. Putin has the green light to invade when his DNC comrades are in charge.

How about the members of the DNC propaganda machine, list all the Putin and Trump parallels, so we can compare. These need to be based on action and not just works. Words can be lies or spin, but actions leave a finger print of truth; science data.

You emotional thinkers are letting the DNC propaganda get the best of your common sense. The DNC is not stating Harris's policies since they know this would be a dead giveaway of their intent. It is not in the best interest of the USA or Democracy. They are using the closet campaign to hide something. You all know they cannot speak the truth or else they will not be able to fool enough people to win. Why not stand tall and proud and tell us all the anti-communists polices that will strengthen American and not try to mimic Putin? The truth is you want it to be more like Putin. The DNC would like to rig the system so they never have to put any effort to retain power, like Putin. Trump is in their way.

If you were around during the Cold War, Pravda was the official news organization of the Old Soviet Union. It was their version of the NYT and CNN, who was an extended part of the swamp government. It would carry water and help run scams. To hide the incompetence of the Government, they would disguise what was going on and make disaster appear like roses. DNC Convention. The USA is living in a parallel old Soviet universe. NY-Pravda will not discuss policy and the results of Biden and Harris, but try to run puff pieces and projection disaster onto others.

Citizens of the old Soviet Union, who suspected propaganda, could not get the truth out of Pravda, since they carried the water for the corrupt government. The West set up a radio station, which was taboo, call Radio Free Europe. This way the people of the Western Soviet Union could get information from the West. Many people wanted to be free. This is more like FOX News; fair, balanced but taboo. Fox was launched in 1996, during Bill Clinton, as a radio free America voice, to counter the American Pravda, since the DNC had a lock on legacy TV news. The Clintons and FOX are still involved.

This challenge to the legacy media was made possible by the new technology of cable TV and then the internet. The transition to the soviet style Pravda has been in the works since the 1960's, with the rise of TV; Kennedy-Nixon debate. Biden and Harris was sort of a peak of all those efforts that came before. However, the more radical DNC got too greedy and reach toe far too fast. This led to a rough and incomplete transition that has now a backlash. The tide has turned. There are not enough Liberals to win. Only liberals believe their own propaganda. While the majority of Americans look at policy, and their own situations, and can do the math.

If you have read the news, two more prominent Democrats have changed Parties, since their party is not the original Democrat party any more. There is too much outside Big Money influence and puppet leaders are being coronated, negating the Democratic vote. The working class has been sold out. It is getting too Putin style. Putin has acknowledged his support for the party that most carries his water and his ideals. He is saying thank you, comrades for decades of support. Copying is a sincere form of flattery.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Ukraine, may not have happened, because Trump would have turned a blind eye.
Gaza is not new; Israel is in the wrong as is Palestine. Of course I'm not happy that people are dying. Trump would talk about it, but achieve nothing.
I asked you a question.
Do you want the Gazan War to continue indefinitely?
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Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Methinks it's a transparent Putin ploy. He says he prefers X, millions of Americans loath Putin and will not vote for Putins claimed favourite even if they want to so they will have to vote Y or not vote.

Putin, among other things, is a smart guy. I also think he knows most Americans will see through this transparent ploy, but my guess is he's engaging in it because it very likely will still sow some political division and chaos. That some people take it seriously shows he knows what he's doing when he does this.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Ooooh, pardon my manners.

No, I don't want the Gaza War to continue in the short term, never mind indefinitely.
But you do want the Ukrainian War to continue indefinitely... no matter how many Ukrainians die. Until the evil tsar is defeated.

So Gazans = more important lives than Ukrainians'

The short circuit of the Left, mesdames et messieurs.


Veteran Member
But you do want the Ukrainian War to continue indefinitely... no matter how many Ukrainians die. Until the evil tsar is defeated.

So Gazans = more important lives than Ukrainians'

The short circuit of the Left, mesdames et messieurs.
I want both resolved BUT all you propose is appeasement; appeasement gives the side winning what they want.
If Russia retreats to its borders and returns the lands they have stolen, then we can talk peace.
Israeli, Palestine is much more difficult, I don't have a solution. Both sides are immoveable.

What is your solution?