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Putting God's Design In Perspective

Well, ah . . . yes, because there are simply limits to the questions science can answer.

And how do you know theres limits to what science CAN or has the ability to answer when the people at the top DIRECTLY make rules PUTTING LIMITS on it? Putting limits on it stifles giving it a chance.

The existence of Gods, fairies, dragons, and purple people eaters just simply cannot be verified without objective verifiable evidence.

And how do you get evidence for something? You do it via the scientific method, which is

  • Step 1: Ask a question. ...
  • Step 2: Do background research. ...
  • Step 3: Construct a hypothesis. ...
  • Step 4: Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment. ...
  • Step 5: Analyze the data and draw a conclusion. ...
  • Step 6: Share your results.
It is not a matter of being allowed. Science by its nature addresses questions related to the nature of our physical existence.

So, it ASSUMES theres ONLY the physical and thats it?

No, it is everyone's responsibility to answer the questions 'why?' and other theological/philosophical questions, but not with science.

Everyone includes scientists, right? I dont understand why science cannot ask these questions? If your not alowed to ask certain questions then your not motivated by the quest for knowledge. Period. Its that simple.

No, you do not got it.

Lets see if i get it the next round.

Off limits for science, but not one's personal responsibility to deal with the questions.

Why is it off limits for science? And how does that not make science have an ulterior motivation, other then the quest for knowledge?

Actually, it does not do any good to hate math nor science, because math and science could care less.

You misunderstood. I dont hate science, in fact, i really like it. I cant say i love it. But i do like it alot. If i loved it, id make a career out of it. But, in anycase, i do love philosophy. Anyway, i dont hate science, i hate the mainstream. Those in power that have set the rules by there biases.

There is no mainstream nor other stream in science. Simply science is science.

You know, i WISH you wer right about that, i really do. But, politics simply has a strangle hold on the process of science in our world. Unfortanately.


Premium Member
How can you falsify or unfalsify it if your not first allowed to ask and research the question? Common sense.

You can research the question in Theology and Philosophy, but not in science, because the question does not have any objective verifiable evidence to support it.

So assume there's nothing there, then effort don't need to be done to do tests to figure it out. Ya, that makes a whole lot of sense! Not.

No assumptions that there is nothing there. There is simply no evidence there. You can only test objective verifiable evidence,

Lol, i cant help but laugh. Its a mantra, theres no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence. The reality is, there is evidence, lots of it. Very strong evidence. Not proof, but yes, evidence.

Please provide objective verifiable evidence that can be verified by independent observation.

The ones in power that set the rules for what science is or does. Thats the mainstream.

The limits are set by the availability of the objective verifiable evidence,

One of my reasons for believong in God IS intelligent design, which YOU reject. Therefore, yes, you reject my reasons for why i believe in God, yes you do. Yet you wanna say im attacking your reasons for belief in God, when in fact you never gave a reason. So how can i attack it?

ID may be your reasons for believing in God, OK, but non one at the Discovery Institute has every presented a hypothesis that may be falsified by scientific methods.


Premium Member
It doesn't?
Okay. How do you know that the authors of the gospels and the early Church Fathers believed in a literal Genesis?

Simply, the authors of the gospels believed in a literal Genesis. For example:

Matthew 24:37-39

"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Luke 17:26-27

"And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.


Premium Member
And how do you get evidence for something? You do it via the scientific method, which is

  • Step 1: Ask a question. ...
  • Step 2: Do background research. ...
  • Step 3: Construct a hypothesis. ...
  • Step 4: Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment. ...
  • Step 5: Analyze the data and draw a conclusion. ...
  • Step 6: Share your results.

So, it ASSUMES theres ONLY the physical and thats it?

The nature of science is that it deals with the nature of our physical existence, and that defines the limits of science.


Veteran Member
Like those of medieval times, you are confusing what is truly from a scientific pov (which I accept) from the existential pov, the mythic pov (which I also accept).

Can you understand the following statement by Black Elk? I stood at the center of the world, and the center of the world was the Black Hills, and the center of the world was everywhere.

When you can understand that, you will see how it can be true that the earth is not at the center of a solar system which is not at the center of a galaxy which is not is not at the center of the universe, and how the very place you now sit is at the center of everywhere.
You seem to think I'm talking about our perception of the universe. I'm not. I'm talking about the excessive nature of it: 30 billion trillion (3×10^22) stars within a space whose radius is now about 46.6 billion light-years.* and how it squares with the contention that it was all designed by god. To me it seems absurdly excessive.

* source: Wikipedia

You seem to think I'm talking about our perception of the universe. I'm not. I'm talking about the excessive nature of it: 30 billion trillion (3×10^22) stars within a space whose radius is now about 46.6 billion light-years.* and how it squares with the contention that it was all designed by god. To me it seems absurdly excessive.

* source: Wikipedia


Whats wrong with having a excessively big creation? God would be even bigger then it.
You seem to think I'm talking about our perception of the universe. I'm not. I'm talking about the excessive nature of it: 30 billion trillion (3×10^22) stars within a space whose radius is now about 46.6 billion light-years.* and how it squares with the contention that it was all designed by god. To me it seems absurdly excessive.

* source: Wikipedia


Lets use that imagination again. An ant comes up to your house and says "oh my, what a big house, its too big. The radius is too large for me. Hell, because this place is so darn big, it cant be designed. The contractor builders must be out of there mind making the place this big.

Also, theres an EXCESSIVE amount of nails used, that is insane. No real designer would do that. Must not be designed."



Premium Member
You seem to think I'm talking about our perception of the universe. I'm not. I'm talking about the excessive nature of it: 30 billion trillion (3×10^22) stars within a space whose radius is now about 46.6 billion light-years.* and how it squares with the contention that it was all designed by god. To me it seems absurdly excessive.

* source: Wikipedia


I am not sure excessive is the right word, but yes the universe is unbelievably huge without even considering the possibility of a multiverse.

My issue is the historical perception of the universe Biblically in contrast to the reality of the universe in contemporary science, which you accurately describe. In the context of the view of the world in the Biblical times was a relatively small Aristotles universe. This was believed by those that compiled, edited, and wrote the Bible, and impacted the history of belief in Christianity up until today, and science. This is the real issue. It is still considered literal history revealed in scripture by many today.

Whether God Created this vastly huge is not the real problem. The Creation of our universe and all possible universes as the Bah'i Faith believes in an eternal scale even beyond our universe believes is realistic by today's cosmology.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
How can you falsify or unfalsify it if your not first alowed to ask and research the question? Common sense.
It must not be too common, since you do not seem to get it.

How do you research something using science that cannot be demonstrated by objective physical evidence? That should be common sense.

No one is preventing you from asking questions, but you make positive claims and chant about evidence supporting those claims.

So assume theres nothing there, then effort dont need to be done to do tests to figure it out. Ya, that makes a whole lot of sense! Not.
If a person claims there are invisible pink unicorns running around everywhere, we should assume they exist? That does not make sense.

Lol, i cant help but laugh. Its a mantra, theres no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence. The reality is, there is evidence, lots of it. Very strong evidence. Not proof, but yes, evidence.
You can laugh all you wish, it will not make evidence that you do not have suddenly materialize into existence.

All the things that have been offered as evidence so far have been shown not to be evidence for the claims that intelligent design proponents claim. That is funny I suppose.

The ones in power that set the rules for what science is or does. Thats the mainstream.
There is no conspiracy of scientists controlling what science does. That is funny too.

One of my reasons for believong in God IS intelligent design, which YOU reject. Therefore, yes, you reject my reasons for why i believe in God, yes you do. Yet you wanna say im attacking your reasons for belief in God, when in fact you never gave a reason. So how can i attack it?
So you did not become Christian until the intelligent design movement began.

That may be part of the problem. The intelligent design movement told me that they were not saying the designer is God. I did not know that they were lying about that.

You did not respond to my questions about why my particular story is germane to the discussion. Given that evidence and the arrogant nature of your posts, my conclusion is that I was on the correct track about where you were taking this.

Thats false. Im not attacking you at all and you should know that. I asked you a simple question which was why do you believe in God? Why i believe, one of my reasons is intelligent design, which you reject. So, tell me your reasons so i may see if there better reasons then my reasons?
I accept that you believe in God. For the sake of the discussion, I do not need to know the details. Your belief in God is not at issue with me. It is your claims that are at issue, including your having evidence to support your claims. You cannot even verify some of the evidence you are claiming as evidence. How can unsupported supposition about alleged phenomena be used to support another claim while it remains unverified?

Oh but it does because we both believe in God, but, apparently you have perhaps better reasons for belief then my reasons which you reject. So, do tell?
Why do you keep having to return to the nature of my belief? I thought you said this was not an attack on my beliefs. My beliefs are not important if you truly think that intelligent design is science.

I wont dismiss you, but depending on your reasons for belief, i may or may not dismiss those reasons. I would evaluate your reasons just as you evaluate my reasons, which is intelligent design is one of my reasons.
I do not know that you are fit to judge my reasons for believing. I am not claiming there is evidence that exists for them that I can share with the group and verify objectively my reasons for holding those beliefs. The discussion will not fall apart based on my personal beliefs. It does not change the questions. It does not change the evidence or lack of evidence. There is only one reason to demand it and that is to divert the discussion and call those beliefs into question.

Im not talking about you, im talking about your reasons for belief in God.
I am asking why they are important to to the discussion. They are not. I am purposefully trying to leave my beliefs out of these discussions and base them solely on the evidence, since intelligent design proponents keep saying it is not about God specifically and that they do have evidence. My beliefs have no impact on the conclusions of science and they have no probative value in discussions about intelligent design where claims are made based on alleged evidence.

Intelligent design infers actual design. While naturalism infers merely an illusion of design.
Intelligent design claims the apparent design we see in nature is actual design. The inference is on belief alone and not on evidence. None of the evidence that has been offered has held up. Even people like Behe had to admit that.

How is the inference that design is an illusion any more scientific then infering actual design?
Science does not say the design is an illusion, just that it is the result of natural processes. Science cannot give a reason that has no physical manifestation. Scientists might as well attribute everything that has been discovered to Mighty Mouse if they follow your lead.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Lets use that imagination again. An ant comes up to your house and says "oh my, what a big house, its too big. The radius is too large for me. Hell, because this place is so darn big, it cant be designed. The contractor builders must be out of there mind making the place this big."

Contrive stories that make no sense are not going to support your case.

If you want to turn science on its figurative head, produce that talking ant.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Black widow and Brown Recluse spiders are not cute, neither are Turanchulla spiders. Some are deadly and some are harmless, but no need to design what naturally evolves.
I am not so sure about the tarantulas. I have had a few as pets. They are not cute in the classic sense, but they grow on you.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I am not sure excessive is the right word, but yes the universe is unbelievably huge without even considering the possibility of a multiverse.

My issue is the historical perception of the universe Biblically in contrast to the reality of the universe in contemporary science, which you accurately describe. In the context of the view of the world in the Biblical times was a relatively small Aristotles universe. This was believed by those that compiled, edited, and wrote the Bible, and impacted the history of belief in Christianity up until today, and science. This is the real issue. It is still considered literal history revealed in scripture by many today.

Whether God Created this vastly huge is not the real problem. The Creation of our universe and all possible universes as the Bah'i Faith believes in an eternal scale even beyond our universe believes is realistic by today's cosmology.
From my reading the possibility of a multiverse would eliminate the fine tuning argument completely.

I think my issues are more toward the historical views of the universe and the demand of a literal view of the Bible that includes the Aristotelian view as the revealed truth. Considering how big we keep finding the universe to be, I understand the "Why" question though.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
You seem to think I'm talking about our perception of the universe. I'm not. I'm talking about the excessive nature of it: 30 billion trillion (3×10^22) stars within a space whose radius is now about 46.6 billion light-years.* and how it squares with the contention that it was all designed by god. To me it seems absurdly excessive.

* source: Wikipedia

Again, there is scientific truth and mythic truth, and BOTH are valid. Scientifically, I'm less than a grain of sand on the beach. To my mother holding me as a newborn, I am her whole universe. Both are correct ways of looking at things.


Veteran Member
Simply, the authors of the gospels believed in a literal Genesis. For example:

Matthew 24:37-39

"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Luke 17:26-27

"And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.
Noah's account is one part of Genesis. It is not Genesis.
I asked you how you know something, and all you do is repeat yourself and post something that does not answer the question.
Simply, you do not know what you are saying, hence why you can't answer the question... I know because A B C.

This is like asking ....
How do you know there are multiverses?

...and getting the response....
Simply there are multiverses.
Most physicists believe they are multiverses.
So simply there are multiverses.

That's right. You assume you know, because you don't know.
A little bird didn't whisper it in your ear, did it?
Have a good day / night.
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Veteran Member
I am not sure excessive is the right word, but yes the universe is unbelievably huge without even considering the possibility of a multiverse.
If one adheres to the BB theory, or such, wherein the universe developed unplanned and unguided, then it would be a mistake to consider its size and contents excessive whatever they may be; however, as the result of a purposeful act, having been designed as such, I feel it's quite apt.



Nothing my eye, Something for sure
Perhaps God is a part of existence and is forced to make the best of a bad situation. So we are God's lemonade from lemons.
Hey its better then totally having nothing happen.

If God were totally separate from existence then there would be no reason to make such a vast violent void.

God , if exists, is bound to the universe, far from all powerful, and has an attitude that it is best to leave us all alone because Godself has way too much to deal with otherwise.

David T

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Nope. Until "relatively recently."

The first person to come up with the idea that stars and the Sun are the same thing, just at different distances, was Anaxagoras, in about 450 B.C. Later, Aristarchus, around 220 B.C., thought similarly. In 1600 A.D., Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for heresy, for asserting that the Sun is a star,

The first written example is all that is. Reality isnt all in writing.

Be careful about all reality starts in writing thats church folk crazy if ya think a bit about it.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Check this out. Everything in our milky way galaxy is just right for life.

Just-Right Design of the Milky Way Galaxy

If I throw a coin 1 million times, the sequence of head/tails I get at the end would have had an astronomically high probability to not have occurred; ridiculous, impossible, 1 out of 2 at the power of 1 million. Nobody could imagine such a small probability.

Yet, that precise sequence occurred. At the first try.

Post hoc probability calculations of event X, after its occurrence, are just useless, in any argument. They are hopelessly question begging.

Actually, technically, that probability (probability that X would occur if X occurred) is 1.


- viole
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