I think that is quite some spiel you all got going there with a whirlwind of voodoo and bluffing and besides, you have no reason to complain as the Churches are going along for the ride even though it is all crude nonsense.
I know, it's awful. And all because the Churches were dedicated to ensuring nobody would discover REAL astrolo...I mean, astonomy because they are in league with the aliens, and if we ever learned the astrolog...sorry,
astronomy that you know we'd figure out that the alien invasion is coming and be able to prepare for it.
The problem is generational and fed by an indoctrinating process through schools and colleges, convenient if you are an academic making a few dollars
Right. Because academia is where all the money is. If you are lucky enough not to rely entirely on student loans for an undergrad degree and to get into a doctoral program that includes a master's (or doesn't, but doesn't require you to have one either) AND enough scholarships, fellowships, etc., to actually not
loose money during the next ~7-10 years you'll spend studying while doing grunt work that requires expertise yet pays minimum wage, also that you can finally get that doctorate! And THEN you are in luck, because once you've got that, it's only an extremely competitive field where you are hired with a salary that is below that of people operating toll booths but with less job security (they don't actually kill you, but "publish or perish" is not a joke). Finally, if a tenure spot opens up and (after your life is gone over with a fine-toothed comb just to make sure you didn't accidentally forget to cite a source in some paper that you maybe published in grad school) you are hired, you actually do have job security, and a salary that hopefully you can live off of (providing that you aren't already beyond bankrupt due to the many thousands upon thousands of dollars you had to borrow to get just that undergrad degree, let alone whatever you had to do to survive during grad school).
It's a miracle that more people aren't taking advantage of this guaranteed path to success and a life of lies and ease.
and gaining a reputation in the process but worthless in content and character.
Gaining a reputation. Right. How many people with PhDs have you heard of? The vast majority only have a reputation in their field, where often enough that reputation ensures that others who disagree with them will be on the look-out to tear into their work. For example, many of my favorite linguists who were or are major contributors to the cognitive sciences were involved in so fierce a battle that there's actually a book
The Linguistic Wars describing it (this isn't the only history of modern linguistics book that describes the polemics, acrimony, and so forth but it has the most apt title).
There is no such thing as the 'scientific method'
Here's a statement we both think is true, but I'm willing to bet we think so for very different reasons.
unless you call speculative conclusions using variable assertions
Do the variables represent (symbolically) the assertions or do you mean assertions about variables? Actually, "variable assertion" sounds like a nice way to informally introduce parts of symbolic logic.
There is however that vicious strain of empiricism that keeps academics in jobs and humanity entertained with outrageous claims.
Seriously. What a con. It's not like you're posting this on an online discussion board that required decades of research and work by
astronomers & astrophysicists, mathematicians, engineers, cognitive scientists, linguists, computer scientists, physicists, and scientists in various other fields. Oh wait. You are.
Few over the centuries had the necessary depth and breath of historical and technical details to make a go at understanding where the herd driven conclusions come from and even the best ones such as Von Humboldt's 'Cosmos' commentary fail to nail down exactly where things went wrong
How many languages do you know?