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Queen of Denmark denounces Islam

Lost Soul

I guess an Athiest might look at your statemen like this........You can insult me and my family and I'll still forgive you. But if you insult my "imaginary" god........you have gone too far.

It makes me wonder if religion is not really the "opium" of the masses, but rather their "trigger".:(


Lost Soul said:
I guess an Athiest might look at your statemen like this........You can insult me and my family and I'll still forgive you. But if you insult my "imaginary" god........you have gone too far.

It makes me wonder if religion is not really the "opium" of the masses, but rather their "trigger".:(
This atheist only questions why you are using such a big font here :sarcastic
For the rest I don't believe in this God, but to them it's not imaginary. I can accept that easilly.
And everything that makes you feel save can act as a trigger yes..


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Peace said:
What shall I call this???? Isn't it a clear sign that there is an inner concealed hatred for Islam. Is the average of Muslims are violent?

What about the title of this thread Sey? The queen of Danmark announcing the opposition to Islam.

oh really? you don't know the position of the Prophet in the hearts of Muslims, that's why you are saying this. the cartoons is an insult to the Prophet pbuh. We do respect freedom of speech, but we don't respect the one that is void of respect and void of morals and good behavior.

You are totally wrong, for it touches the best personality sent to human kind. You are going to know that later Sey.

The minority is not representing the majority. I am against violence, my family and friends are against against violence and there are many majority Muslims against violence.
I apologise, Peace, if my post offended you, but you misinterpret me. I am not saying that Islam is violent. I'm saying that rioting, violent Muslims demonstrate to the Christian observers that Islam is a violent, intolerant religion. This is the Impression that a mob generates.

Political cartoons have been a time honored tradition in the West for centuries. Everyone gets parodied -- Jesus, God, Mary, President Bush. I realise that Islam forbids depicting anything in Heaven or Earth. But you cannot require Christians to abide by Islamic traditions. Christians draw pictures. Christians eat pork. I am a Hindu. I do not expect you to eschew beef just because this is a tradition in my religion. Nothing a Christian can do, say or draw can crimp a single hair in the Prophet's beard. The rioting Muslims are not defending Islam or the Prophet. They are having a temper tantrum because they feel slighted. They insult the pacific teachings of Islam far more than any picture could.

You intimate that the cartoonist is "void of morals and good behavior." What evidence do you have for this? You know nothing about him, other than he makes Muslims feel angry. He could be a saint for all I know.

You say I don't know the position the Prophet holds in the hearts of Muslims. I admit I'm confused. Why can a perceived insult prompt so many of the faithful to act in so un-peaceful, un-Islamic a way? Who insults the Prophet more, one who draws an irreverent picture or one who commits violent acts in the name of Islam, violating both the Islamic spirit of peace and bringing shame upon Islam and the Prophet by giving Christians the impression that Muslims are a volatile, intolerant people?


To Save A Lamb

You don't know Michel what the Prophet means to us, we Muslims. You don't know how dear he is to our hearts. If you conduct a survey and ask Muslims who is dearest person to you? is it your parents, your husband, wife, children, family, country, yourself or the Prophet? the answer will be certainly and without the least doubt: The Prophet. May Allah's peace and blessing be upon my dearest beloved Prophet!!!!

A man asked the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), “Whom should I honor most?” The Prophet replied, “Your mother.” “And who comes next?” asked the man. The Prophet replied, “Your mother.” “And who comes next?” asked the man. The Prophet replied, “Your mother.” “And who comes next?” asked the man. The Prophet replied, “Your father.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)


To Save A Lamb
I realise that Islam forbids depicting anything in Heaven or Earth. But you cannot require Christians to abide by Islamic traditions.
That's a little off. We aren't to make things that would be worshipped (like pictures of Prophets or things like golden calves). Everything else is okay.


Quran & Sunnah
jamaesi said:

A man asked the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), “Whom should I honor most?” The Prophet replied, “Your mother.” “And who comes next?” asked the man. The Prophet replied, “Your mother.” “And who comes next?” asked the man. The Prophet replied, “Your mother.” “And who comes next?” asked the man. The Prophet replied, “Your father.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
In this hadith the man is not including his worship to God and obedience to Him and to His Messenger, but talking about people. Obeying God & His Messenger come first, and this is out of question. By the way, by being being good to your mother and father you are obeying God and His Messenger.
This is another version
A man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him, "O Messenger of Allah (SWT), who among people is most deserving of my good company?" He said, "Your mother." The man asked, "Then who?" The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Your mother." The man asked, "Then who?" The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Your mother." The man asked, "Then who?" The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Then your father."(Bukhari and Muslim)

Allah says in chapter 9 verse 24
"Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than Allâh and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait until Allâh brings about His Decision (torment). And Allâh guides not the people who are Al-Fâsiqûn (the rebellious, disobedient to Allâh).


That Islam is not the “religion of peace” its apologists claim is so obvious that the description has become a standing joke. It’s a joke told by those who are either afraid of the truth, or who don’t know it. But with every passing month, the joke becomes indistinguishable from a mere lie.

The peacefulness of a faith should be obvious and easy to determine. If nonviolence is a prominent characteristic of a faith’s distant and recent history, of the teachings of sacred texts, and of the current behavior of spiritual leaders and ordinary followers, then that religion can be considered peaceful. Old Order Amish reject modern technology, are pacifists, and most value community, self-sufficiency, and God. Not one Amish has committed a violent act in the name of his faith. There are no Amish preachers advocating the destruction of other groups or states. There are no Amish mobs roving the streets launching Molotov cocktails and overturning cars. There are no Amish suicide bombers. There are no Amish politicians denying the Holocaust, amassing weapons stockpiles, or intent on developing atomic weapons. There are no Amish schools teaching the inherent deficiencies of other societies. Amish girls are not considered inferior, and are not stoned to death if they are unfaithful. In Amish society, it is illegal for a man to beat his wife, even if she disobeys him. The Amish practice a religion of peace.

Christianity during the Crusades was not a religion of peace. Today, however, Christians do not wander lands in armed bands seeking converts, treasure, or land. News broadcasts are not replete with stories of Christians murdering non-Christians to intimidate others into converting. Nor are there stories of Jews attacking Arabs for not being Jewish. Nor are there stories of Buddhists, Hindus, or Sikhs injuring or killing anyone in the name of their faith. There is only one religion whose adherents can be seen every day on television practicing not peace, but violence. They can be seen rejoicing in another bombing, ecstatically burning another flag, beheading another hostage, or excitedly declaring holy war.

Islam is not a religion of peace because of how it initially developed. Islam grew by violent conquest. Jesus gained converts through persuasion with His words and His deeds. Jehovah’s Witnesses try to gain converts one house at a time. But, Muhammad’s method of proselytizing was to attack people, and kill whomever resisted his efforts to execute Allah’s will. Islam did not spread quickly because of the attractiveness of its tenets, but because its army’s lethal powers.

We often hear that Osama bin-Laden, Hamas, and their kind don’t represent the true Islamic faith. But, inasmuch as one of their shared goals is to create a worldwide Islamist society through violence, they more closely resemble the original Muslims than do Muslims who don’t try to intimidate or kill innocent people to achieve their ends.

Islam is not a religion of peace because so many of its adherents support violent actions against innocent, unsuspecting people. There was no chorus of protest among high-ranking Muslims about the September 11 attacks, not even in the United States. The “Arab street,’ comprised of Muslims, cheered their hero Osama for inflicting pain on the Great Satan America. There were no influential Imams in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, or Syria – or anywhere – who condemned the attacks, or (at least) the people celebrating them.

Islam is not a religion of peace because it doesn’t even denounce violence by Muslims against other Muslims. The 2002 Bali bombings killed mostly Muslims. The 1998 African embassy bombs killed mostly Muslims. Practically everyone killed in the Iran-Iraq war was a Muslim. But no influential Muslim clerics protested against the actions of their wayward Muslims brothers. Just like no one is protesting the regular bombings in Iraq today that are killing mostly Muslims.
When Muslim nation Iraq attacked and pillaged Muslim nation Kuwait, it was the Judeo-Christian nation of the United States that saved Kuwait, or that even tried to defend it. The display of gratitude by Muslims is Al-Queda, one of whose original objections was that American troops were on sacred Saudi soil. Yet America was there because it was defending a Muslim nation from aggression by another Muslim nation.

The Muslim Palestinians blame Israel for taking their land. But the Palestinians never had their own state, because their Muslims brothers who controlled the surrounding land continually denied them one. It has been the Judeo-Christian United States that has risked its prestige and security by supporting a two-state solution to the Palestinian problem.

Islam is not a religion of peace because of its rabid, pathological anti-Semitism, and behavior towards Israel. The president of Iran denies the holocaust occurred. In Saudi Arabia children are taught that Jews are “monkeys and apes.” In the West Bank dancing Jewish teenagers and people riding the bus are considered the enemy deserving to be bombed. Throughout the Muslim world, the “blood libel” is recounted as truth to new generations.

Islam is not a religion of peace because Muslims are the greatest purveyors of violence in the modern world. Al-Queda, the worldwide terrorist network dedicated to killing Americans and who have claimed more than 3500 lives, is Islamic. The Iranian regime, dedicated to obtaining nuclear weapons, eradicating Israel, and supporting terrorist groups, is Islamic. Hamas, the new governing organization of the Palestinian Authority, with the blood of hundreds of Israelis on its hands, is Islamic. The Syrian government, supporter of Hizbollah and other terrorist gangs, is Islamic. The people who have been setting cars afire this week, burning flags, damaging embassies, and running amok through the streets due to a cartoon are, of course, Islamic.

When innocent children are killed in the name of Allah, there are no protests. When Muslims commit premeditated murder so that they can perpetually frolic with virgins, there are no protests. When Muslim leaders kill their own people with poison gas, by foolish wars, or by torture for political control, there are no protests. While Muslim children are inculcated with hatred toward different cultures and faiths, there are no protests. When Muslim parents send their children to be suicide bombers, there are no protests. When millions of Muslims live in stone-age squalor while their leaders repose in golden palaces, there are no protests. But when a free newspaper in a secular nation violates an Islamic law, there are frenzied protests.

Despite that their governments are wealthy and corrupt, their children are unhealthy and uneducated, and that their society is impoverished and stagnant, the rioters have nothing else better to do than to fanatically rage against a drawing published 4 months ago in a newspaper 1000 miles away. Death to anyone who offends the disciples of the Religion of Peace.

by Max Kimball


Active Member
Seyorni said:
I apologise, Peace, if my post offended you, but you misinterpret me. I am not saying that Islam is violent. I'm saying that rioting, violent Muslims demonstrate to the Christian observers that Islam is a violent, intolerant religion. This is the Impression that a mob generates.

Political cartoons have been a time honored tradition in the West for centuries. Everyone gets parodied -- Jesus, God, Mary, President Bush. I realise that Islam forbids depicting anything in Heaven or Earth. But you cannot require Christians to abide by Islamic traditions. Christians draw pictures. Christians eat pork. I am a Hindu. I do not expect you to eschew beef just because this is a tradition in my religion. Nothing a Christian can do, say or draw can crimp a single hair in the Prophet's beard. The rioting Muslims are not defending Islam or the Prophet. They are having a temper tantrum because they feel slighted. They insult the pacific teachings of Islam far more than any picture could.

You intimate that the cartoonist is "void of morals and good behavior." What evidence do you have for this? You know nothing about him, other than he makes Muslims feel angry. He could be a saint for all I know.

You say I don't know the position the Prophet holds in the hearts of Muslims. I admit I'm confused. Why can a perceived insult prompt so many of the faithful to act in so un-peaceful, un-Islamic a way? Who insults the Prophet more, one who draws an irreverent picture or one who commits violent acts in the name of Islam, violating both the Islamic spirit of peace and bringing shame upon Islam and the Prophet by giving Christians the impression that Muslims are a volatile, intolerant people?
Excellent points, Seyorni. I must also add that mob action by Muslims also convinces this Atheist that Islam is a violent religion, like the others.

Judgement Day

Active Member
DakotaGypsy said:
Excellent points, Seyorni. I must also add that mob action by Muslims also convinces this Atheist that Islam is a violent religion, like the others.
And mob actions by Atheists convinces this Muslim that Atheist is violent?


Active Member
Well, first of all, I'd like to know if Atheists have actually done any mob actions.

If they haven't, why ask the question?

Judgement Day

Active Member
Maybe, we just dont know because the media dont focus on this particular issue very much. But isnt it naif to say that no Atheists has done any violent actions?


Uber all member
Judgement Day said:
Maybe, we just dont know because the media dont focus on this particular issue very much. But isnt it naif to say that no Atheists has done any violent actions?
It really is a fallacy to try to justify or mitigate any violence by saying others are violent or may have done violence. It just does not excuse the violence of Muslims nor the historical Puritans nor the historical Inquistions and Crusades.

Judgement Day

Active Member
Pah said:
It really is a fallacy to try to justify or mitigate any violence by saying others are violent or may have done violence. It just does not excuse the violence of Muslims nor the historical Puritans nor the historical Inquistions and Crusades.
Absolutely, I agree with you. But the point Im trying to make is that it is not right to justify a religion based on actions of a few people. I dont consider Christians, nor Jews nor any other religion violent just because their followers did something stupid.



Uber all member
Judgement Day said:
Absolutely, I agree with you. But the point Im trying to make is that it is not right to justify a religion based on actions of a few people. I dont consider Christians, nor Jews nor any other religion violent just because their followers did something stupid.

The problem is that in those examples I used, it showed the violence of the time. The religions then were violent. As long as Muslim extremists are allowed by mainstream Islamic clergy to be as they are, the label fits. The pervasive silence of the mainstream gives consent to the extreme.

Judgement Day

Active Member
Pah said:
The problem is that in those examples I used, it showed the violence of the time. The religions then were violent. As long as Muslim extremists are allowed by mainstream Islamic clergy to be as they are, the label fits. The pervasive silence of the mainstream gives consent to the extreme.
Hmm..You may have mistakenly understood between the meaning of Islam and Muslim. Islam is the religion while Muslim is one that embraces that religion but doesnt necessarily practice Islamic teaching. Islamic leaders needs to take action to prevent these violence indeed. To make changes with power is the most effective way as accordingly to the following proverb:

"If you can change a wrong with your hand change it, If not then change it with your mouth, if you can do naught else change it with your head and your heart."

But I think a lot of Muslims already had taken actions although the media doesnt seem to focus on it. So Muslims are not completely silent.
