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Queens of Heaven have been historically far more kind and rational than Yahweh!


श्री कृष्णा शरणं मम
Kali: the Hindu Goddess of destruction, death, cemeteries (If there is a feminine Deity that resembles Yahweh more that I know of, it would be Kali, but Kali doesn't strike me as jealous or bigoted, just has rage against Demons and people that oppress her devotees that causes innocent people to die.

I promise that Maa Kali is nothing like Yahweh. Her appearance is meant to be symbolic, and she takes on angry forms to vanquish evil, not to punish non-believers or innocent people.

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
Who says it's God? Maybe it's Satan, misleading as Satan always does, pretending to be God?

Spiderman says: "I don't want to be in Heaven forever worshipping the most sadistic being"

No one wants to be with the most sadistic being for eternity. So, theists tell lies. They say that God is loving (contrary to all that you quoted from the bible). They say that God is just (killed the world, but saved Noah, kin, and just a couple of animals....pity about all them dinosaurs).

Forcing kids to pray to their God in schools is against the separation of church and state. Anyone who insists that there should be a separation is deemed a foe of the church, and hoards of theists band together to elect their representative. They claim that atheists are trying to take away their religion (thereby violating freedom of religion). They gather more votes by opposing abortion, and tell people that their opponents want to wait until babies are born, then murder them, rather than put them up for adoption.

So theists (called the Religious Right) make huge rallies so they can do away with wars, help the homeless and poor, and cure the sick (all the things that Jesus would do). But they end up with wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and torture camps in Guantanamo and Iraq. Hoards of homeless people have no help. Universal health care (Obamacare) is opposed. Logging roads into forests, drilling off coast, fracking, and polluting, destroyed God's nature. Tax breaks for the rich allowed them to outsource factories, which made unemployment.

Satan rules by fear, lies, and greed, and wants to destroy the miracles of God's creations. Satan always (each and every time) impersonates God, in order to get support.

President W. Bush used fear to get support for his wars (constant phony Orange Alerts). Tom Ridge said that he didn't issue those, but those were issued by higher up (Bush and Cheney). Notice how the masses were duped, using fear, into doing Satan's bidding.

Look for the good to find heaven. Look for the blood trail, greed trail, and trail of environmental damage, if you want to find Satan.

Deeds speak louder than words.
and now from secret rituals
and Satan said kneel down and you will rule everything it was never literal and did not say this to Jesus
just as it is written the seven days of creation there was never that creature (they speak of light and darkness and the sign in the sky and these symbolic seven days
god simply gave the message even though it is a story and there is no need to discuss yes they changed the fonts and removed and added the fonts themselves testify to it
and that he flooded the whole country? you are just a fool when you say it and you don't read it with symbolism
and after seven days he irrigated the earth (that is, after seven thousand years people were born) we probably understand the tradition of the Jews, right? or will we do it as selfish people? and he said elsewhere, and the waters of Israel (they will do something) signify the nations of Israel
and on the seventh day the waters destroyed the earth (war would it)? and such is the fact and those who know it will not say anything and those who know are bloated in their hearts and conceited that they are something more that they are saved but where they are in complete omil
and as for the real message, you will spread them throughout the books, specifically verses, and that's not all Moses and other prophecies have come up with dots of a line, etc ... and don't be naive that the numbers in the Bible are just for fun
and what dear Mr. without understanding, says he can not sell and buy who is not marked beasts, what should it mean? that no one could find it but who is marked by the beasts of the message of truth? and many conspiracy generation
I honestly wouldn't even see him if he literally washed away the whole country and didn't leave a single person there
and what you call the church he condemns (specifically it is written there that you prefer to study at home in peace) than in the church where you repeat the same and some verses you do not even say only in part and then songs if you stand for knowledge by writing then study day and night and maybe you will be lucky and if you are lucky then you will understand the whole nostrdama was not understood as well as the gematria
if you really want to find a beast you can see it and you don't understand how Jesus God said it is really wise that he hid it and it will only become apparent in the last days
and what the bible says about cutting one of the limbs (simply before you adulterate the limbs)
how sad this whole generation is, and even sadder is the life of one who is written there and misunderstood
as the books say boslaveny the one who was before he was born
it reminds muslims of imman mahdi christ christian when they made a prophet a god and not only does the bible itself say that it was not crucified and it is even written there that they could not know him as the koran claims if your heads would at least cost you to study but do not mind
as Issac Newton says, whether Christians will not be judged by an even harsher punishment than Jews have ever been punished
and don't let yourself be loved that you don't have a conviction over you, you have time to study for two thousand years, did you have it? if he condemned those who did not diligently seek prophecy and the so-called antichrist is the fruit of the people not only did they not understand the prophecy even worse atrocities did they say where the antichrist is satan? where is the beast in that verse? or forgive it there is nothing there so you have correctly installed this yourself and added and removed (in this sense the prophecy applies, you will not add or remove anything from the book) and you will do it yourself and it applies to all religions
how sad the life of the one who comes to me in diligent search will be found by the one who is reasonable
and opened a certain abyss and eat a book in your stomach you will be bitter and in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey and another misunderstanding of the prophecy it is a literal disease as I found out simply thanks to pism not otherwise
namely the beautiful number 144000 and the peace of the angel 144 (just like the days out of a thousand become smaller numerals) so from 2000 there are 2 etc ...
when you understand what that number means then you understand the whole book but don't say that you understand it if you don't understand it thank you only you would disgrace the prophets who came before you and capture it you don't even have to try
and most importantly, don't try to throw everything at Satan, or will it not be realized that the imposter was not Michael and then reunite with God?
for those less captivating the meaning of the word michael suggests, although it is probably in vain to write it to someone who stands behind the meaning of what the priest will say


Well-Known Member

You aren't the first to think Mary was some saint
In Luke 11:27 we read, "As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and
“Blessed is the womb that bore You, and blessed are the breasts that nursed You!”
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”…

Take note - "BLESSED RATHER..."
No blessing in Mary, or Joseph, or Jesus' brothers or sisters, or cousins or uncles....

Mary is not going to save anyone. Those who made her Queen of Heaven found a convenient way
of getting around the hard, offensive and yes, boring to their minds, doctrine and life of Jesus.

Says in Zechariah 9 and 12 that the Jews will see their Messiah coming to reign over the nations.
And they will mourn when they see it's the same lowly man they pierced. And it says the whole
world will mourn when He comes. Why mourn? Because they will understand He is not coming
for them - they have no part in this matter - just occupied with earth and time and motherhood and
sexuality and many temporal, empty, worldly things.


Veteran Member
I pick this one:


Except put her in a thong, a white thong.

Contrasting over that tan skin.

Now you see why we can't worship camel toe.

No, I don't see why honestly. Camel toe isn't a war crime against anyone. What Yahweh has done is slaughtered innocent babies, pregnant women, and children , and hardened people's hearts , and left people in fear of eternal damnation, destroyed monuments that others held as sacred, insisted that there be an all male priesthood, only men write the Bible, almost all prophets are men, and per capita they had scorched earth policies and genocide worse than Nazi Germany.

Yeah, I'll stick with the mother Goddess or pray my Hail Mary's to the Mother of God, that her intercession restrain Yahweh's wrath and insanity!

I know you were joking but still, implying somehow you can't pay homage to a female entity because of how she dresses or is portrayed in art, but it's okay to worship a mass murdering bigot worse than Adolf Hitler (like when he flooded the world and drowned 99.9% of innocent babies and children).

I'm not trolling. Just look up the definition of the word bigot. It is totally Yahweh in the Bible. And he believed in slavery , racism, and the harshest, most rigid laws and policies I have ever seen (comparable to groups like ISIL).

So, all things considered, your statement about "Camel toe", isn't a deal breaker! ;)


Veteran Member
I must admit, that I never prayed to Kali. Good reason though. Once she came in my dream and afterwards I was really sick for 1 year. I saw it as a cleansing, but it was not fun. But, that what does not kill you makes you stronger they say. And this is definitely what happened to me in that year.
I love Kali.

She attends Catholic Mass with me and I receive Holy Communion for her and offer her the treasures of Holy Communion.

I believe that Kali even got baptized this Easter Vigil, but that's between myself and her, and you.

I share my thoughts and Religion with her. She shares her thoughts and Religion with me. Kali and Durga are the oldest Prehistoric entities I pray to, but mainly Kali. Kali was created out of Rage and people fear her.

She loves cemeteries and spooks and people find her to be creepy. But she is the terror of evil spirits. As long as I'm devoted to her, she will protect me like no other, in proportion to how I trust her.

She is filled with rage against those who try to harm the ones she loves. I've had experiences with her. She's actually a sweet heart and tender mother of humanity, just most people mistaken her for being evil. It has to be rough.




Veteran Member
I promise that Maa Kali is nothing like Yahweh. Her appearance is meant to be symbolic, and she takes on angry forms to vanquish evil, not to punish non-believers or innocent people.
as I said, "she doesn't strike me as bigoted or jealous" , so isn't like Yahweh in that respect.

I did read that when she has fits of rage that innocent people are sometimes killed as collateral damage and even Shiva had to stop her from destroying the Universe.

But I don't want to insult her. She's my buddy! She needs love! :)


Veteran Member
Have you ever spoken to a priest about your issues with Christianity and God? It really sounds like you would benefit from better faith formation. Someone might have failed you here. Maybe even attend RCIA classes and ask questions there. You can even look at Christian points of view outside of Catholicism, such as Orthodox Christianity. I find that Orthodoxy has a more mystical and sublime view of God that is much more compassionate than much of what you find in Western Christianity, which is very degraded at this stage as it has been under attack by various cultural forces for the past few centuries. The Orthodox view of Hell is very different from the Western view, too.

Just a suggestion, out of concern for you.

And like I said, Cyrus was Persian, not Babylonian.

I have spoken to priests about this many times in the confession booth. There is a priest at the Cathedral of Saint Paul who won't even absolve me for my sins and tells me to leave the confession booth.

What are priests going to say to help. God is a sadist and a bigot in the Bible and the Bible is the whole basis for the Catholic Liturgy and the Catechism speaks of eternal torture for those who die in mortal sin.

Enough said!


Veteran Member
I love Kali.

She attends Catholic Mass with me and I receive Holy Communion for her and offer her the treasures of Holy Communion.
You got yourself some good company when going to Holy Communion:cool: ... not many are able to say that:)

I share my thoughts and Religion with her. She shares her thoughts and Religion with me. Kali and Durga are the oldest Prehistoric entities I pray to, but mainly Kali. Kali was created out of Rage and people fear her
I do the same, sharing my thoughts and Religion with the Divine, but don't worry, I leave Kali for you, I picked another one

She loves cemeteries and spooks and people find her to be creepy. But she is the terror of evil spirits. As long as I'm devoted to her, she will protect me like no other, in proportion to how I trust her
I know that to be true, because the one I choose to protect me told me "you can only die if I want", and mine totally does not want me to die. Heck, I might live 200 years if it's up to her I think. Not sure if if I am in for that though :). Once you got Her to protect you, She will never let you go, and then it does not even matter if you trust Her at a particular moment, because those are just our emotions. Faith works on a much deeper levels


Veteran Member
You either love Her or fear Her. I love the Divine Mother, as well as the Divine Father

How come She only has 4 arms in the previous picture, but here She has 10
Anyway, She has plenty to hold you in Her arms to protect you; She even has a few spare arms for me I guess
I might start praying to kali, I never did, but it went through my mind recently

I liked the video, with the Orcas dancing in the water ... I love these animals, even though it was a bit photoshopped.


Veteran Member
How has Yahweh proven that he is a nicer God than the Pagan Deities who he repeatedly tramples upon, and whose people he has violently murdered

I hope those scriptures are false but sometimes not certain.

She is filled with rage against those who try to harm the ones she loves. I've had experiences with her. She's actually a sweet heart and tender mother of humanity, just most people mistaken her for being evil. It has to be rough.

And for Hawkins , my personal Ishtar (Wonder Woman Easter Goddess) I would do things for her even God or the Pope couldn't get me to do. That is the power she has to persuade God to be merciful and patient with any wretched sinner who has trusted themselves to her care. She can also get the Almighty to change his mind.
It seems to me, that you have proven that the Divine Father is GOOD. And en passant it would also prove that God did not actively "do" the violent "acts" as pictured in Scriptures like the Bible and the Koran. So, I guess it must have been the imagination/minds of the writers of those Scriptures


Veteran Member
It seems to me, that you have proven that the Divine Father is GOOD. And en passant it would also prove that God did not actively "do" the violent "acts" as pictured in Scriptures like the Bible and the Koran. So, I guess it must have been the imagination/minds of the writers of those Scriptures
Sorry. I bad mouth the Divine Father as he is portrayed in the Bible.

If the Bible is falsehood, which I'm pretty sure a lot of it is, then I have no resentment of the Divine Father.


Veteran Member
You either love Her or fear Her. I love the Divine Mother, as well as the Divine Father

How come She only has 4 arms in the previous picture, but here She has 10
Anyway, She has plenty to hold you in Her arms to protect you; She even has a few spare arms for me I guess
I might start praying to kali, I never did, but it went through my mind recently

I liked the video, with the Orcas dancing in the water ... I love these animals, even though it was a bit photoshopped.
Mahakali (Sanskrit: Mahākālī, Devanagari: महाकाली, Bengali: মহাকালী), literally translated as " Great Kali," is sometimes considered as a greater form of Kali, identified with the Ultimate reality of Brahman, where she sometimes appears or is depicted as having more arms than at other times.


Veteran Member

I simply get more out of praying to female entities, so I just ask that God would assign the perfect Spirits or Angels to the Egyptian, Shinto, Babylonian, Greek, and Roman female Divinities (Queens of Heaven) that I feel called to pray to, that I would be interacting with souls allied with him and not Devils.

View attachment 49114

The people the Prophet Jeremiah was dealing with people who wouldn't stop burning incense to the Queen of Heaven. The Idolaters essentially said, "when we pray to the Queen of Heaven she helps us and our lives are great. When we stop burning incense to her and just pray to Yahweh, everything falls apart and we are afflicted in every way" (same message just a different choice of words).

The worst atrocities I've ever heard of , and the worst tortures, as well as the worst cases of narcissism and bigotry I ever heard of are contained in the Bible and Qur'an. Descriptions of Hell make Auschwitz sound like a drop of water in the ocean compared to how severe the sentence is of eternal excruciating pain (that Scripture says their screams will rise up to Heaven night and day forever who worshipped the beast and his image.

Many of the people who worshipped the image do so out of ignorance, fear, and inability to buy or sell without receiving the mark.
Surely such a penalty is the most epitome of unjust and inhumane policy ever heard of. Not to mention, those who don't believe the correct Doctrine will go to that place of eternal torture).

So, I've reached the point where I cannot even possibly desire anything other than my mother would have aborted me if that is the kind of God we have, because I don't want to be in Heaven forever worshipping the most sadistic being I've ever heard of.

Plus the Bible I read from Genesis to revelation and find it to be the most depressing piece of literature that had plenty of verses that say the opposite of what other verses say, leading people to opposite opinions that lead to burning heretics at the stake, incessant arguing, division, rage, anger, destruction of relationships, and religious wars.

I don't see a lot of the female Deities inspiring Scriptures that are ordering massive amounts of genocides and being extremely jealous of anyone sharing in their glory, and insisting that everyone should be devoted to them alone or perish (with threat of a lake of fire or eternal damnation where there will be "wailing and gnashing of teeth" and "the worm doth not die").

No doubt Pagans have committed their atrocities against Monotheists, but Pagans have also been very kind to Monotheists as well, tolerating them and exalting them, like Pharoah who was considered God gave Joseph control of his house and all of his possessions, or like King Cyrus of Babylon, Jews hailed him as their Messiah, the "anointed one of the Lord", the "King of Kings", who ended their Captivity, created Israel, and restored the Temple.

Genghis Kahn was not an Abrahamic Monotheist but very Spiritual always praying to his sky God Tengri and created the first Empire in history where all Religions were supposed to respect each other by law. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam however adhere to very bigoted Scriptures where there is no message in Scripture about respecting what Polytheists hold as sacred.

Repeatedly the message in Scripture is to destroy what they hold as sacred and put them to the sword. Scripture even sanctions sex slavery where you kill everyone in a city but the women who haven't known men (Virgins), and take them as wives and concubines.

Not to mention, Scripture says that if a man rapes a Virgin, the Virgin has to marry her rapist. That has to be hell reliving the same traumatic event over and over again for the rest of one's life like that.

Where have such barbaric , cruel, depraved policies been instituted on a massive scale by a female entity? Which Religion has a female entity creating Scriptures that say "worship me or you are going to perish in a lake of fire where your screams will rise up in agony for eternity. Worship me alone for I am jealous of any other Supernatural being you show your love for. Destroy everything in those cities that worship other Divinities. Put pregnant women, babies, and animals to the sword!"

How has Yahweh proven that he is a nicer God than the Pagan Deities who he repeatedly tramples upon, and whose people he has violently murdered. Lets not forget , God said he would harden the heart of Pharoah to not let the Hebrews out of slavery. Then he sent the Angel of death to kill babies and children (all the first born of Egypt) because Pharoah had hardness of heart, that God made clear he was responsible for in the first place. Is anything more sickening?

Yahweh ordered that that people caught working on Saturday should be stoned to death.
Death by stoning would be a scary and often painful way to die. What would we think if there was a regime now a days that killed people for working on the wrong day of the week? Wouldn't we say that is as bad as terrorist groups like ISIS and their policies (which have their roots in Yahweh).

Were there any female Divinities that instituted laws like "Kill people for working on the wrong day of the week".

I used to think abortion was mean, but better to die as a baby than let Yahweh abuse us the way he does with blatant epitome of hatred, wrath, and bigotry.

Fortunately, I think Yahweh evolves and it is Biblical that an intercessor can get him to change his mind, which is why I don't think the Bible is very relevant anymore. No where does the Bible say to use the Bible as the sole and only rule of Theological truth.. At least Jesus totally contradicted all the Scriptures when he preached charity, but even the New Testament has some of the epitome of injustice and psychopathic eternal tortures in store for people where the crime doesn't even meet a microscopic fraction of the time (sentence).

Anyway, my Religion dates back to 4,000 BC when the phrase "Queen of Heaven" first began to be used in Mesopotamia. I feel it is extremely sad so many people are without the remedy that helped me. No jailhouse ministries are teaching people that there are female entities they can pray to. In fact they almost always would discourage it.

There's an old saying "Mom's are like Dad's, just smarter". The Bible , which was written entirely by men, seems to give that message some credibility, ...and I'm no feminist or pandering to women by any stretch.

But coming up I'll discuss the Arab Moon Goddess Fatima View attachment 49118 who was venerated at Mecca before the rise of Islam crushed devotion to her, Our Lady of Fatima (as the Virgin Mary who made the Sun dance in a vision witnessed by a crowd of 70,000 people in 1917),

View attachment 49124 Amaterasu, the Japanese Sun Divinity who grew more important, influential, loved, and powerful than her maker,

Aphrodite the most beautiful of Greek Goddesses View attachment 49119 ,

View attachment 49123 Venus the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. An equivalent of Aphrodite with a little bit more restraint on her erotic passions

Athena: the Virgin Goddess of War View attachment 49117 and Wisdom,

Kali: the Hindu Goddess of destruction, death, cemeteries (If there is a feminine Deity that resembles Yahweh more that I know of, it would be Kali, but Kali doesn't strike me as jealous or bigoted, just has rage against Demons and people that oppress her devotees that causes innocent people to die.
View attachment 49126

And Isis the Egyptian Mother Goddess

View attachment 49125

You think YHWH is "MALE"?


Veteran Member
Sorry. I bad mouth the Divine Father as he is portrayed in the Bible.

If the Bible is falsehood, which I'm pretty sure a lot of it is, then I have no resentment of the Divine Father.


Like you said:
1) the Divine Mother is loving, and protecting Her 'children'
2) the Divine Mother has the power to persuade the Divine Father to be merciful
3) the Divine Mother has the power to change the Divine Father's mind

IF the above is true
IF the Bible God will be the first one the Divine Mother would change, as she protects her 'children'
IF the above would not be true

Hence the proof that the Divine Father can't be unloving, having the loving Divine Mother as His Consort
Hence the proof that those Bible/Koran verses are a 'bit' of track, hence I just skip those ones; always common sense first

Note: Even in worldly husband/wife it's usually the wife who guides the man into the right track she wants him to go (World reflects Heaven)
Last edited:


Veteran Member
The Christian and Hebrew Bible

The reason I asked is Spiderman, because that is a very vague description of "scripture". I agree with you that the "Bible" when you say like that does refer to God as the father, and reflects him as a male but not the whole Bible. What you must know is that the Bible is mainly two parts, NT and OT, and they differ drastically. Also one must note that the Bible as a whole is written by around 45 to 50 authors so it is too vague to say Bible as a blanket statement. I hope you understand.

In the OT there are some books that depict God as the father where humans address him as father. But that's a human interpretation, not the God saying "I am a male, and I am your biological father". Also, in places like Deutoronomy, and in Jeremiah when God is supposed to be referring to himself as "I am the father" etc, he does not really depict himself as a male who has a consort and they had babies. It is more of an anointing. When the Tanakh calls Ephraim Gods first born or in the Septuagint as prototokos, it is an anointing or appointing. It is never assigning a gender to God.

In the New Testament one maybe able to argue that since Jesus is theorised to be the true to God son of God unlike Ephraim and other literature that says Israel is the son of God etc, God is seen as a male.

Thats the reason you cannot really put both together or rather "all" together and make one blanket statement.

God is neither male or female.


Well-Known Member
The reason I asked is Spiderman, because that is a very vague description of "scripture". I agree with you that the "Bible" when you say like that does refer to God as the father, and reflects him as a male but not the whole Bible. What you must know is that the Bible is mainly two parts, NT and OT, and they differ drastically. Also one must note that the Bible as a whole is written by around 45 to 50 authors so it is too vague to say Bible as a blanket statement. I hope you understand.

In the OT there are some books that depict God as the father where humans address him as father. But that's a human interpretation, not the God saying "I am a male, and I am your biological father". Also, in places like Deutoronomy, and in Jeremiah when God is supposed to be referring to himself as "I am the father" etc, he does not really depict himself as a male who has a consort and they had babies. It is more of an anointing. When the Tanakh calls Ephraim Gods first born or in the Septuagint as prototokos, it is an anointing or appointing. It is never assigning a gender to God.

In the New Testament one maybe able to argue that since Jesus is theorised to be the true to God son of God unlike Ephraim and other literature that says Israel is the son of God etc, God is seen as a male.

Thats the reason you cannot really put both together or rather "all" together and make one blanket statement.

God is neither male or female.

Neither male nor female. But Jesus said that when you pray say "Our Father..."
so that settles the issue. Your faith shouldn't be a shallow, fashion centered
woke ideology.