You see this is exactly the vision that Tarantino says he wants for the film; that they all work together, that all the characters from OS are represented. He wants to expand on the vision of the OS.
"In all the films they’ve established it so much, that you need Uhura, you need a Scotty, you need Bones, you need all that stuff going on all the time — everybody has to be represented in some big story where they all have to deal. Where I actually think it could be cool — ’cause some of those episodes are fantastic, and the only thing that limited them was their sixties budget and eight days shooting schedule, and even having said that they did a magnificent job — but you could take some of the great, classic Star Trek episodes and just easily expand them to 90 minutes or more and really do some really amazing, amazing stuff.” - Quentin Tarantino
If he is like he said going to be faithful to the source material and utilize it, then I think he will be successful in producing a great Star Trek movie