Back in the 1960's and 1970's, various drugs were used to explore alternate states and realms of consciousness. This movement appeared as a counter point to the mass mind of culture. The mass mind is connected to the external cultural programing, that molds the personality of its citizens. This is done via education, media, Hollywood and propaganda, to create an external learning matrix that molds the citizens. This makes everyone acts in a generic way, implicit of the culture or sub culture.
Back then, it was felt that the mass mind was not good for you, since it was still war mongering, did not accept everyone, and was based on political gaming by self serving leaders; tricky Dick. To break the cycle of mass mind programming, a movement appeared, led by professors like Timothy Leary, who suggested turning inward, toward altered states of consciousness. Once there, one could shut out the programming of the mass mind.
This new movement was connected to exploring the inner world of the personality firmware. The hope was to find a better place, than then mass mind. The 1960's slogan was turn-on, tune-in and drop-out. Get high, find a new happy place, and then go there to exist; become renewed. The love generation was part of that renewal.
Drugs were an easy way to experience altered states of reality. Drugs allowed anyone, who wanted to, to have a direct experience of such things, to know they were real. Magic mushrooms; turn-on, might overlap reality, with a visual trip; hallucination. Knowing one just ate the mush, you would learn to differentiate this inner vision, as separate from physical reality; tune-in. Drop out was the movement inward away, from the external programing of the mass mind, in favor of the drug induced inner reality; repeat.
Although the drugs could get you there, once there, one was not in the best state of mind to explore, analyze and and develop this, further. The various techniques of eastern philosophy and meditation, as well as native American rituals, became popular and could prepare one. Meditation became popular and was used in conjunction with the drugs to make the inner world more educational.
I did not do any of the hard drugs, besides marijuana. I was afraid it could mess up my brain and intellect. There were side affects I could see. Instead, I became a baby sitter, for the mystical explorers, to keep them safe in cases of a bad trip. I would talk to them and learned from their experiences. I learned that there was an inner world, I had never known about, or learned from culture. It opened my mind to future experiments that I would someday induce directly on my unconscious mind.
The drug problem today is similar, but it is not about the same target. It is still used to create an altered perception of reality. However, it is not to learn about alternate states and the unconscious mind. Now it is about changing perception away from the hash reality of a divided mass mind, in favor of a more peaceful and fun inner sanctuary. This drug induced sanctuary is not stable, since it is chemically induced, and the mind has not developed the skills to refine it. It can become a prison; Stockholm syndrome.