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Question about Heaven II


Not your average Mormon
If you don't believe in God's word, there is very little chance of your getting to Heaven.
So how would you suggest that decent human beings who just don't share your beliefs approach God anyway? I, for one, would really be interested in knowing how a person goes about willing himself to believe something. Explain why you believe in God. Was there ever a time when you didn't? What concrete proof do you have that the Bible really does contain His Word? Don't get me wrong... I believe in God with all my heart, but I've never even had to try. It's like there's just something inside of me that will not let me deny His existence. But since I've never actually seen Him or heard an audible voice claiming to be Him, it's really just a matter of faith. How does someone make themselves have faith?


Question Everything
It is a common refrain from certain people within the RF community that those whom do not believe in God are going to hell. Yes, I know this is not shared by everyone.

It is also quite common to hear that those whom are of a religious nature that they have received some evidence of God's existence, even if this evidence is only based on their own personal experiences. Those that do not believe (myself included) have not received any evidence that would allow us to believe, and many atheists (myself included here too) have said that they would reconsider their religious positions should they receive evidence that would change their viewpoint.

All of these comments raise an interesting question for those whom assert that those whom do not believe in God will not go to Heaven. God has given those whom now believe proof of his existence, and has not given those whom disbelieve proof. From these statements, we should presume that God has decided whom he wants with him in Heaven or not.

Now, is there anything wrong with my logic? If so, what is it?

We are accountable for what we know. We will not be given anything we are currently unable to act on.

ignorance can be your salvation... rather than the other way around....

47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
(New Testament | Luke12:47 - 48)

we might not all start out the same, but we all have the same potential. Not saying anyone is any better than another, different people learn different things at different times is all.