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Question about the Trinity ?


Veteran Member
But it says the Word was God. And that the word was made flesh.

and at Acts 28 v 6 B it says.....'a' god .And also says 'a' god at Acts 12 v 22 B.

The KJV translators inserted the letter 'a' at Acts but did not insert the 'a' at John.

The original was not written in English but translated from the Greek.
The same Greek grammar rule applies at Acts 12 v 22 B; Acts 28 v 6 B and John 1 v 1
Why did they insert the 'a' at the two verses in Acts and not at John ?

God and also Lord are titles Not necessarily the same person.
For example:
Please notice in the KJV Bible are two [2] LORD/Lord's mentioned at Psalm 110 v 1
One LORD is in all upper-case letters
One Lord is in some lower-case letters
The Tetragrammaton [YHWH ] appeared were LORD is in all capital letters.
Lord [Not in all capitals] the Tetragrammaton never appears.
That is because Psalm 110 v 1 is talking about two [2] different LORD/Lord's.
What does the Lord 'Jesus Christ' do at Hebrews 9 v 24 ?________


Well-Known Member
and at Acts 28 v 6 B it says.....'a' god .And also says 'a' god at Acts 12 v 22 B.

The KJV translators inserted the letter 'a' at Acts but did not insert the 'a' at John.

The original was not written in English but translated from the Greek.
The same Greek grammar rule applies at Acts 12 v 22 B; Acts 28 v 6 B and John 1 v 1
Why did they insert the 'a' at the two verses in Acts and not at John ?

God and also Lord are titles Not necessarily the same person.
For example:
Please notice in the KJV Bible are two [2] LORD/Lord's mentioned at Psalm 110 v 1
One LORD is in all upper-case letters
One Lord is in some lower-case letters
The Tetragrammaton [YHWH ] appeared were LORD is in all capital letters.
Lord [Not in all capitals] the Tetragrammaton never appears.
That is because Psalm 110 v 1 is talking about two [2] different LORD/Lord's.
What does the Lord 'Jesus Christ' do at Hebrews 9 v 24 ?________

I know. But there's no word "Lord" in the verse I am referring to in John 1:1c plainly "In the beginning was the Word (logos) and the Word was with God and the (it's "the" and not "a") Word was God... and the Word was made flesh." Do you know any other "Word made flesh" and has actually dwelt amongst us" aside from Jesus?Nope. And what was the "Word made flesh"? John says God (not Lord, which is quite generic) Surely, there are a lot of disputable or questionable translations in the Scripture, but it does not include John1:1c (as much as I've been taught in my Theology subject in highschool). Besides, could you find a "more accurate" translation of that verse in English? My interlineal (and no, it's not Catholic authors who wrote it) bible DO have that translation in English and nothing else.
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Well-Known Member
John concluded chapter 20 at verse 31 with what was written down about Jesus was enough to believe Jesus is the Christ [Messiah] in order to gain life [everlasting].

Jesus taught No tradition or custom outside of Scripture.
The apostles stood by Jesus teachings
Jesus nor his disciples ever quoted oral Jewish tradition to support their teachings, but always referred to the written word [Scripture]
-Matthew 4 vs 4-10; Romans 15 v 4; 2nd Timothy 3 vs 15-17

What does 2nd Thess. 3 v 6 say: Now we are giving you orders,.... to withdraw from every brother walking disorderly and Not according to the tradition [instruction] you received [ past tense ] from us. Received as in already finished. Which you have [past tense] been taught verbally by the apostles or by their written letters.- 2nd Thess. 2 v 15

2nd Thess 2 v 15 is in reference to 1st Cor. 11 v 2 which is in connection to 1st. Cor. 4 v 17 'That is why I am sending Timothy to you....he will put you in mind [remembrance] of my methods [ways] in connection with Christ Jesus, just as I am teaching everywhere in every congregation.' No further additions are needed. - Rev. 22 v 18
In as much as I want to answer this based on the Early teachings of the Church, but I'm quite busy now, I would say that you have a wrong notion about the "Traditions". When Catholics talk about "Traditions", these were different from the Jewish Traditions, FYI.


Well-Known Member
Diaglott(i)1 In a beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the God, and a god was the Word. 2 This was in a beginning with the God


Well-Known Member
Literally from the Greek, yeah. But when translating one cannot always be so literal.

Same as what bible scholars say actually. According to them also, the problem with John 1:1c is NOT the translation or the Greek text but the theology about it. The verse is really plain in simple even in Greek. And yeah, majority of translators (including the non Catholic ones) actually agree that it's properly translated as "the" instead of "a".


Well-Known Member
I am aware of "articles" in the English language "A" and "the", it's just that there is a difference in Greek in terms of usage. And, translators usually refer "the" on that verse on John, as I've said. Will be back for the explanation later though. Still not on the mood.
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Veteran Member
I am aware of "articles" in the English language "A" and "the", it's just that there is a difference in Greek in terms of usage. And, translators usually refer "the" on that verse on John, as I've said. Will be back for the explanation later though. Still not on the mood.

...and aren't we aware that Revelation 3 v 14 says that Jesus is the 'beginning' of the creation by God ?

There is No Scripture that says Jesus was 'before' the beginning as God was 'before' the beginning. Only God was before the beginning because God had No beginning.
Did Jesus have a beginning according to Revelation 3 v 14 ?

- Psalm 90 v 2


New Member
Here is Yahchanan ( John ) 1: 1-5 from the Hebrew.

Remember that this great apostles name was changed from Yahchanan which means Yahweh is Merciful in the Hebrew language to John in english.
This needed to be done so as to hide the true Name of the Creator Whose name is YAHWEH.

In the beginning was the plan of Yahweh, and the plan was with Yahweh, and the plan was Yahweh’s.
2 The same plan was in the beginning with Yahweh.
3 All things were done according to it, and without it nothing was done, that was done.
4 In this plan was life, and that life was the light to mankind.
5 Now that light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not take hold of fit.

The false religions worship Gods and lords not the Creator.
