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Question for atheists.


"Jesus" closed his eyes and saw something inside him
"Buddha" closed his eyes and saw something inside him
"Muhammed" closed his eyes and saw something inside him
"Nanak" closed his eyes and saw something inside him
Almost all "Starter's of religions" closed their eyes and saw something inside them.

Don't you think this "Closing the eyes" is common ?:)

Yes, my post was pretty clear that I believe people close their eyes and imagine supernatural agency, and there are only two possibilities: they are all wrong, or only one person is right.

Fyi, Buddha was not a theist.

To be honest, I find this to be a pretty BS answer. You have a general understanding of what the word God means, and I don't understand what so many people on this forum get out of pretending that they don't.

God, being a projection of the individual's ego (IMO) is as unique as the individual doing the projecting. If you ever drill right down into people's definition of God, you will find an incredible diversity of incompatible attributes.

Here are a few I've heard just among patriarchal monotheists:
God is a man vs. God is genderless.
God is benevolent vs. God is wrathful
God is invisible and permeates everything vs. God is corporeal and lives in the sky
Jesus is God vs. Jesus isn't God.

It's endless, and patriarchal monotheists are not the only theists. There are polytheists, matriarchal monotheists and animists, all with their own unique projections of God/s.

I didn't know that I had a grudge against you. I actually like your posts and we tend to be on the same side of most issues. I guess you learn something new every day. :D

EDIT: But if you are interested, I did open a thread to discuss the issue of whether it is a reasonable defense to claim that you have no idea what is meant by the word "god".

Count me in, I'll help defend the "meaningless" position.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
No. Theism implies belief in the existence of a God. I don't have any of that belief.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Hello chinu,

I believe that there is a "God", but it exists in the mind as a metaphor for that which transcends all comprehension. I don't know about "God" existing beyond the mind. Do you?

But because God lives in the mind, then doesn't it also exist beyond it?

The mind influences our behavior objectively, and influences our reality subjectively. If one believes in the God of Christianity for example, then God exists because they believe in it. We create these Gods, sure, they may not have a physical existence, sure, but they do still interfere with reality via our minds, isn't that enough to make any God "real"?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Which kind of deity do you expect to meet ? tell me..:)

Well, the talking kind for starters chinu. heh. ;0)

Perhaps even a finger pointing at that fine line bordering ideologies and reality where there is discernment enough to point things out clearly rather than obscure inferences suggesting there is more than meets the eye.


I figure the best "deity" already is what "encompasses and encapsulates" the whole of reality, and is so natural and common we dont even notice.

Thats why I stopped the notion altogether concerning gods and such. Saw no real need anymore in light of everything.


But because God lives in the mind, then doesn't it also exist beyond it?

The mind influences our behavior objectively, and influences our reality subjectively. If one believes in the God of Christianity for example, then God exists because they believe in it. We create these Gods, sure, they may not have a physical existence, sure, but they do still interfere with reality via our minds, isn't that enough to make any God "real"?



Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
But because God lives in the mind, then doesn't it also exist beyond it?

The mind influences our behavior objectively, and influences our reality subjectively. If one believes in the God of Christianity for example, then God exists because they believe in it. We create these Gods, sure, they may not have a physical existence, sure, but they do still interfere with reality via our minds, isn't that enough to make any God "real"?

Well, I suppose that logic would be enough to make anything we could conceivably believe in "real". Maybe it is different from "exists"?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Question for atheists.
What makes you SURE that there's isn't any God ? :)
I rarely say that god does not exist. I honestly can't think of the last time I said that. While some folks might say I am knit-picking, I am on record as saying the god(s) that the vast majority of human animals believe in -- does not exist -- beyond the confines of their own minds, of course. They are in for a bit of a disappointment. There is a subtle, but important, difference.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.

I'd appreciate it if you read the paragraph underneath to back it up and explain in depth. :)

Well, I suppose that logic would be enough to make anything we could conceivably believe in "real". Maybe it is different from "exists"?

Then it's all about how you define real. If it's not what interferes with reality and our senses, what is real?


Just me
Premium Member
But because God lives in the mind, then doesn't it also exist beyond it?

The mind influences our behavior objectively, and influences our reality subjectively. If one believes in the God of Christianity for example, then God exists because they believe in it. We create these Gods, sure, they may not have a physical existence, sure, but they do still interfere with reality via our minds, isn't that enough to make any God "real"?
Yes, in the same way abstracts, characteristics and properties are real.


Well, one should always be clear from what definition they are operating, so as not to confuse people.
Once there was a question which "COLOUR" is this ?

Some said: Red, Some said: Mahroon, Some said: Apple red, Some said: Ruby red, Some said: Blood red, Some said: Cherry Red etc... One colour, so many answers.

If it is so difficult to make clear among so many people that which colour is this, than how it is possible to make clear what is "Atheists", Thus.. i think there's no need to get entagle in so many new questions before coming to real question of thread, those who will feel to clear any point they will clear themselves. :)


I've yet to hear a clear, consistent, coherent definition of what "god" is, so until then, there isn't anything to believe exists.
For me "He" is the creator of everything, And for you "He's" the reason of your being an atheist.

I hope you got now. :)


Just like if someone claimed that aliens made the pyramids. Is it possible? Sure. Are you positive that they didn't? No. Do you think it likely that they did? No. Why? Because there is no evidence.
Aliens didn't made pyramids, Yes, there's no evidence.
But there are pyramids infront of us, and as they are infront of us than surely they are made by someone by using some invisible powers, and the one who uses these invisible powers to make these things is called "God", or the creator.

We cannot reject there are no pyramids infront of us, isn't it ? :)