Your morality is not constant either. As you've clearly demonstrated by your honest replies (for which I am most thankful for you directly answering the question and not dancing around it), whatever you believe God says to be moral, is moral. If God says today that eating cake is moral and tomorrow it is immoral, you would be compelled to believe that without question. God can and does clearly change His mind. After all, He commands Abraham to kill his son, but whispers to Moses "Thou shalt not kill". Then commands the Israelites to slaughter a few of their neighbours. He's hot and He's cold, He's yes and He's no. Or something like that. You know...Katy Perry.
If God were to pop down from the clouds and command you to rape a child, in your mind, that would be moral. If God were to pop down from the clouds and command you to commit mass genocide, in your mind, that would be the right thing to do. Like Abraham, you wouldn't pause for a minute to consider the harm you are causing to others (even to those you personally know and love) because you would blinded by the confusing and maniacal demands of your God. Morality isn't nearly as wishy-washy as you make it out to be. There is never a circumstance where ordering a father to kill his son for the reason of "prove your loyalty to me" is moral or "the right thing to do" and I guarantee you they'll not only still think that in 100 years, but even in 1000 years should humans survive it.
Why on Earth you would choose to base your morality unquestioningly on such an objectionable figure is beyond me.