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Question for Theists


Well-Known Member
Science has made no case for or against unicorns, faeries and dragons either.
I assume you believe they exist as well?

I don't believe those who authored such fairy tales intended for anyone to consider these things as non fictional. God on the other hand was never introduced as a fictional being, like unicorns, dragons, and fairies. Lumping God in with the tooth fairy shows your reluctance to even consider Him. There is a proverb that says, "it is foolish to automatically dismiss what one has not investigated".

Yeah, that looks credible... :facepalm:
Seriously, THIS is your source?
THIS is what you call science?

To present, science has not been able to investigate the "God". They are simply limited technologically. As technology advances, they will be able to do a more thorough study. It appears that your presupposition keeps your eyes closed.


non-existential luminary
Science says that fish developed into dinosaurs and dinosaurs into birds and now you say that does not happen with brain development. You confuse us. Your argument is semantical and not based on science at all. Well maybe just a little science.
Don't be confused...what are you trying to say? that birds are better than fish?


non-existential luminary
I don't believe those who authored such fairy tales intended for anyone to consider these things as non fictional. God on the other hand was never introduced as a fictional being, like unicorns, dragons, and fairies.
when were those things intruduced as fictional beings? bigfoot?

Lumping God in with the tooth fairy shows your reluctance to even consider Him. There is a proverb that says, "it is foolish to automatically dismiss what one has not investigated".

dislumping the tooth fairy with God shows your reluctance to even consider HER.
there is a proverb that says, "we are all agnostic"

To present, science has not been able to investigate the "God". They are simply limited technologically. As technology advances, they will be able to do a more thorough study. It appears that your presupposition keeps your eyes closed.

science has also been unable to investigate the "flying tea-cup"...we WILL eventually find it :rolleyes:
Just like we will eventually find the BEST shade of purple.


Well-Known Member
when were those things intruduced as fictional beings? bigfoot?

I think it was May 3, 100000 b.c.

dislumping the tooth fairy with God shows your reluctance to even consider HER.
there is a proverb that says, "we are all agnostic"

I do consider her, him.

science has also been unable to investigate the "flying tea-cup"...we WILL eventually find it :rolleyes:
Just like we will eventually find the BEST shade of purple.

Atheist cliches.... Are any atheists unique?


Empirical Curmudgeon
I don't believe those who authored such fairy tales intended for anyone to consider these things as non fictional. God on the other hand was never introduced as a fictional being, like unicorns, dragons, and fairies. Lumping God in with the tooth fairy shows your reluctance to even consider Him. There is a proverb that says, "it is foolish to automatically dismiss what one has not investigated".

To be fair Revelations have several passages mentioning a dragon and the King James version also has a passage in Job talking about a unicorn. But all of that is irrelevant. Dragons, faeries, trolls and other mythical creatures have been a part of the folklore of various cultures for centuries an they certainly didn't think of them as fictional. Or what about the literately thousands of other gods and mythical beasts and beings presented in past religions. Why don't you believe in them?

The point I am making is that there is absolutely no more reason to think that a god exists than there is to think that any other mythological creature exists. And who are you to say I have not investigated?

To present, science has not been able to investigate the "God". They are simply limited technologically. As technology advances, they will be able to do a more thorough study. It appears that your presupposition keeps your eyes closed.

Or, I am unwilling to accept something based on blind faith.
Which is always a good idea.
When the supposed scientific evidence for god arrives I'm sure someone will let me know. ;)


Empirical Curmudgeon
Utterly...the case.

So, if I tell you that I have a blue invisible incorporeal goblin living under my kitchen sink, are you going to dismiss that as nonsense and me being delusional or are you going to properly investigate my claim?
Because if you intend to investigate every outrageous claim that anyone makes I wish you luck. Don't expect to be done any time soon.

Don't you think it is better to base one's view of reality on something more substantial that loose claims made by random people?
You know, perhaps, scientific evidence? ;)


non-existential luminary
Atheist cliches.... Are any atheists unique?
:sarcasticvery substantive..."nah nah nah, ur an athiest poo poo head, nah nah nah"
;)Well, there IS a flying tea cup, the world would make no sense to me without it, and its very very awesomely purple.
and i have exacly one mustard seed of faith in God, that's more than you.

oh, and to answer my own question, bigfoot was never introduced as a fictional being, and neither were fairies or elfs, nor was arthur the addvark, nor was Athena, nor was Jehova, the sungod.
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The Wizard

Active Member
Yes, but belief is a part of reality, it is an actual human ability and quite important if used wisely. It is of creating things from the inside outward. The mind affecting the physical experience, etc. Beliefs do not require an external scientific authority to be established as rational, valuable or work. Everyone has their own beliefs with the results .

We have the gift of belief- as well as thought, remember, imagine, etc. Don't let idiots destroy your knowledge of belief because they don't understand it, are afraid to believe in anything or are on the scientific dictatorship wagon.

If that is what someone is trying to say then they are wrong. The only thing substantial to figure out is how it affects a person's life. And, that they understand the practices of belief without thinking everything they believe in shares its quality in meatspace.
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Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
So, if I tell you that I have a blue invisible incorporeal goblin living under my kitchen sink, are you going to dismiss that as nonsense and me being delusional or are you going to properly investigate my claim?
Because if you intend to investigate every outrageous claim that anyone makes I wish you luck. Don't expect to be done any time soon.

Dear JOF...if an unusual number of people from your town started reporting blue invisible (how do ya know its blue?) goblins in their kitchens then yes I would investigate...first of course I would check the local water supply for mind bending toxins.

That's the point you don't seem to get....ghosts UFOs etc..are reported daily...in their thousands all over the world.
Invisible blue goblins that are incorporeal are hardly if ever reported.
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Premium Member
Another question for theists, is a universe without God worth living in?

As per my belief, based on Hindu teachings, the tattva (thatness) which we call God is the wisdom-intelligence in all. So, I do not know whether there would be a Universe, with you and I, or not?



St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
As per my belief, based on Hindu teachings, the tattva (thatness) which we call God is the wisdom-intelligence in all. So, I do not know whether there would be a Universe, with you and I, or not?



Although personally I find a universe that created itself without some intelligent plan far more awesome then a universe that required it. That would make us the most intelligent beings (barring hypothetical aliens) the highest order of intelligence anywhere in the universe. I found the universe a far more interesting place now than in the days in my early childhood when I believed there was an Abrahamic God pulling the strings.
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Empirical Curmudgeon
Dear JOF...if an unusual number of people from your town started reporting blue invisible (how do ya know its blue?) goblins in their kitchens then yes I would investigate...first of course I would check the local water supply for mind bending toxins.

That's the point you don't seem to get....ghosts UFOs etc..are reported daily...in their thousands all over the world.
Invisible blue goblins that are incorporeal are hardly if ever reported.

But there are plenty of phenomena that are reported by a significant number of people that we still dismiss without investigation, mainly because we have satisfying explanations for them, which is also the case for the majority of UFO sightings. Also, in the case of many reported phenomena we HAVE already investigated them, for instance the Lock Ness Monster, which we can be very sure does not exist at this point. There are still many people who insist on claiming it does though, but that doesn't make it so.

Again, I'm not saying that there are no aliens.
I'm simply saying show me the evidence first.


Premium Member
Because a world without a god is not a logical contradiction.
A round square is.

Difference. :)


That is just because of definition of two geometrical shapes that are known sensually.

Is a world with god a logical contradiction then, given its definition of being the Seer, Knower?



Empirical Curmudgeon
That is just because of definition of two geometrical shapes that are known sensually.

It is more than that. It is a contradiction in terms and definitions.
A square has four corners by definition.
A circle by definition does not.
Even if they were concepts we had never seen, touched or otherwise encountered it would be a logical contradiction to say they can be one and the same at the same time.

Is a world with god a logical contradiction then, given its definition of being the Seer, Knower?

I think you are going to have to explain a bit more about what exactly you mean by that before I can reply. :)