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Question on Intelligent Design


Admiral Obvious
all supported by predetermined universal constants, math, algorithms I'm afraid.

quite the opposite

Unlike Darwinsim, ID science actually accepts the empirical scientific evidence- that the gaps in the fossil record are real, not simply artifacts of an incomplete record as predicted 150 years ago, and some denominations of evolutionists are beginning to accept this also. It has no need for artistic impressions of imaginary creatures

It also proposes a proven mechanism for the origination of novel digital information systems required to operate life; creative intelligence. It does not have to imagine some unknown spontaneous mechanism doing likewise- we don't even know if this is possible far less the most probable

That's another advantage of ID, it offers an explanation for both

hint: you are using proof of it right now (unless you think this software also spontaneously wrote itself for no particular reason)

I've seen lots, they were all puppies, none had wings

again, this software supports variation in text color, size, style, just like dogs come with a capacity for similar variation, otherwise they'd all be clones- it's a pretty logical thing to include in any design

But in either case you cannot write the digital code that supports a capacity for variation- by using the very variation that code supports- : insurmountable paradox
It is most frustrating that creationists keep pushing the bold faced lie "GodDidIt" is an explanation...

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Unlike Darwinsim, ID science actually accepts the empirical scientific evidence- that the gaps in the fossil record are real,
You have to wonder......what does ID creationism have to do with gaps in the fossil record? Why are such gaps a necessary prediction for this "designer"?

It also proposes a proven mechanism for the origination of novel digital information systems required to operate life; creative intelligence.
"Creative intelligence" is not a mechanism, it's a trait.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
It is most frustrating that creationists keep pushing the bold faced lie "GodDidIt" is an explanation...
Given that "God did it" is the whole point behind creationism in the first place, I really can't say I'm surprised that creationists keep pushing it. If they didn't, they wouldn't be creationists.


Admiral Obvious
Given that "God did it" is the whole point behind creationism in the first place, I really can't say I'm surprised that creationists keep pushing it. If they didn't, they wouldn't be creationists.
How rude.
To ruin a perfectly good whine with logic and reason...

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
But we do know of natural, unguided systems that can create order from disorder. Invoking a magical, invisible deus ex machina is both unnecessary and absurd.

How does order come from disorder?

How would we know it is order (or intilligence?) and how is order more vaulable than disorder since one comes from another rather than disorder seen as is?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
According to researcher Leonard Susskind, he says that a majority of cosmologists are drifting in the direction that there was always matter/energy/subatomic particles in what may be a multiverse and not just a universe. IOW, "infinity" may preclude a "primary cause".
I've been a huge fan of Dr. Susskind ever since I first started reading about string theory. A remarkable man.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
1. So, one I don't understand how there is such a thing as a First Cause. Can you explain that to me by how I can see a building and conclude the building itself (the actual blocks) did not exist until I started putting it together?

There is no such need, except by the emotional constraints of some people and doctrines.

2. Then two, there is Intelligence. Not only does there need to be a cause, it needs to be intelligent? Is that another word for, the cause need to be something that can make a pattern?

For example, if the bricks were spread on the floor, it's no longer what we call a house. So, people disregard it as a lump of bricks. But when it's built into a house, then they find value into it.

3. Why do you find value in intelligence (or pattern?) and not that things exist in and of itself?

A lump of bricks is just as valuable (if we, again, had no definition of reference of what that means to us humans) than the house it is made from. That, and it's an illusion to think there is such thing as a house built by nature.

Some people claim that life could not arise independently, and quite a few also fail either to understand or to accept natural selection.

It looks like vanity to me, to be frank.

That is pretty much the answer for your next few questions.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Exactly how does ID creationism "account for the very origins of the information systems in the cell"? What mechanism do they propose is responsible? When did the event(s) occur? Where did the event(s) occur (e.g., on earth, in space, some other planet)?
Look at some of the links in It Ain't Necessarily So's post #43 in the Abiogenesis is Not Working thread:
Some significant experiments that demonstrate testable predictions of abiogenesis are:
Inorganic matter to amino acids (organic matter) - http://www.abenteuer-universum.de/pdf/miller_1953.pdf
Amino acids to ribonucleotides - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/909793
Ribonucleotides to RNA (self-replicating molecule)- Life’s First Spark Re-Created in the Laboratory
RNA to primitive ribosomes (basic molecular machine)- biology-direct.com/content/5/1/36
Abiogenesis and the origin of life - Topix poster Dogen
45 papers on abiogenesis abiogenesis - PubMed - NCBI 656 on Origins of life "origins of life" - PubMed - NCBI
"Life As We Know It Nearly Created in Lab" http://www.livescience.com/3214-life-created-lab.html
Abiotic Synthesis of Organic Molecules The Origin of Life
Protocell formation: A recursive vesicle-based model protocell with a primitive model cell cycle : Nature Communications A recursive vesicle-based model protocell with a primitive model cell cycle : Nature Communications
Protocells make RNA nucleotides - nonenzymatic RNA copying succeeded inside a fatty acid vesicle. http://pandasthumb.org/archives/2013/12/new-szostak-pro.html
Protocells which ingest, replicate, mature and divide http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150929/ncomms9352/full/ncomms9352.html
A protobiont so life-like, that certain marine bacteria respond to it as if it were living prey
Protocells which grow, catalyze and compete http://www.nature.com/nchem/journal/v5/n6/full/nchem.1650.html
Protocell membranes which selectively absorb molecules and grow http://www.nature.com/nchem/journal/v6/n6/full/nchem.1921.html
Protocells which grow and spontaneously divide, accompanied by distribution of the DNA to the daughter vesicles http://www.nature.com/nchem/journal/v3/n10/full/nchem.1127.html
Protocell membranes allow the passage of nucleotides, which then take part in efficient template copying in the protocell interior. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18528332
Protocell research which demonstrates electron transfer reactions http://astrobiology.com/2014/03/fuel-cells-may-have-answers-to-origin-of-life-on-earth.html
If life started abiogenically on earth, then inorganics should form organics under early earth conditions -----> This hypothesis tested and confirmed with the spontaneous generation of 30 different amino acids from simple inorganics, under a variety of early earth conditions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Urey_experiment#Recent_related_studies
If life started abiogenically on earth, then organics should form more complex organics under early earth conditions ----->This hypothesis tested and confirmed by the reactions of the organic formamide, which produces all four ribonucleotides and other biological molecules when warmed in the presence of various terrestrial minerals. Formamide is common in the Universe, produced by the reaction of water and hydrogen cyanide.
From the one-carbon amide formamide to RNA all the steps are prebiotically possible. - PubMed - NCBI
Origin of life: Adding UV light helps form 'Missing G' of RNA building blocks
If life started abiogenically on earth, then complex organics should have formed pre-cell like structures under early earth conditions. ----->This hypothesis tested and confirmed by a self organized cell structure - a protocell formed from lipid molecules - which self-proliferates for multiple generations and exhibits a primitive model cell cycle comprising four discrete phases of ingestion, replication, maturity and division.
A recursive vesicle-based model protocell with a primitive model cell cycle : Nature Communications

all supported by predetermined universal constants, math, algorithms I'm afraid.
Exactly. It's all chemical and biological algorithms.

Unlike Darwinsim, ID science actually accepts the empirical scientific evidence- that the gaps in the fossil record are real, not simply artifacts of an incomplete record as predicted 150 years ago, and some denominations of evolutionists are beginning to accept this also. It has no need for artistic impressions of imaginary creatures

It also proposes a proven mechanism for the origination of novel digital information systems required to operate life; creative intelligence. It does not have to imagine some unknown spontaneous mechanism doing likewise- we don't even know if this is possible far less the most probable
What is this "Darwinism" that doesn't accept fossil evidence?
There's no mysterious, false gaps controversy. Fossils are rare. Gaps are to be expected, and every intermediate creates two more gaps. How many fossils would it take for you to accept them as part of a series?

Creative Intelligence is no "proven method." If anything demands a leap of imagination it's not the "unknown spontaneous mechanism" of ordinary chemistry, but the magic and intentionality of an invisible, intelligent entity.
There is no empirical evidence of such an entity, or of intentionality, or of any need for anything other than ordinary, chemical processes
hint: you are using proof of it right now (unless you think this software also spontaneously wrote itself for no particular reason)
ID "explains" nothing. It just proposes an agent.
My laptop doesn't breed, there are no little laptops with variations for natural selection to work with.

Hint: You do not understand the mechanisms of evolution, ergo, the validity of your opinions on it are of questionable validity.
I've seen lots, they were all puppies, none had wings
Are you're seriously proposing this as a rebuttal? I'm surprised you didn't include a photo of a crocoduck.
again, this software supports variation in text color, size, style, just like dogs come with a capacity for similar variation, otherwise they'd all be clones- it's a pretty logical thing to include in any design

But in either case you cannot write the digital code that supports a capacity for variation- by using the very variation that code supports- : insurmountable paradox
There is no paradox. Variation happens. Copy errors, mutations, reproductive variation, genetic drift -- These do not apply to machines, it's a false analogy.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
How does order come from disorder?
Ordinary chemistry, laws of Nature... whatever. Fill your sink with ping-pong balls, they'll automatically assume a precise interpositional pattern -- no intelligence required. Sometimes all it takes is a single molecular pattern to get things started:

How would we know it is order (or intilligence?) and how is order more vaulable than disorder since one comes from another rather than disorder seen as is?
There are no "values," and a reasonable person doesn't posit intelligence unless there is evidence of intelligence, ie: unless there's evidence the laws of Nature have been tampered with.

Ponder This

Well-Known Member
If you see 'HELP' written in rocks on a deserted island beach, zero evidence of anyone ever being there, do you default to the explanation that the waves washed them up that way?

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes


Thou art That
There is no First Cause, simply because there is no such 'material' Universe. Quantum Physics now says that all particles in the Universe are actually standing waves. It's like when you see a wheel spinning at a certain speed; at some point it appears to be standing still, or even going backwards. But the materiality effect of standing waves is on another scale. These 'particles' are actually being created by fluctuations in the fields in which they 'exist'. And so now physicists have turned their attention from the 'particle' to that of the surrounding field. Hence, 'Field Theory'. 'Particles' are energy, not 'matter'. All material reality, then, is a virtual reality. In terms of Quantum Physics, we are living in a world of 'superposition of possibilities' and not a Newtonian world of atomic materiality. What we perceive as a material world is in reality an illusion, or as the Hindus have noted for over 4000 years, maya. We see a material world of forms not created, but manifested by an underlying intelligence; pure abstract intelligence, called The Unified Field in science, 'The Ground of Being' in Hinduism. But we don't see it that way via our ordinary conditioned awareness. We see a Universe with First Cause, in time and space. We don't see it as The Absolute, Brahman, etc. In the words of Vivekenanda:

"The Universe is The Absolute, as seen through the glass of Time, Space, and Causation"

"Now Swami Vivekananda's statement that the Universe is the Absolute seen through the screen of time, space and causation allows us to get some interesting information, albeit in negative terms, about what he calls the Absolute. Since it is not in time, it cannot be changing. Change takes place only in time. And since it is not in space, it must be undivided, because dividedness and separation occur only in space. And since it is therefore one and undivided, it must also be infinite, since there is no "other" to limit it. Now "changeless," "infinite," and "undivided" are negative statements, but they will suffice. We can trace the physics of our Universe from these three negative statements. If we don't see the Absolute as what it is, we'll see it as something else. If we don't see it as changeless, infinite, and undivided, we'll see it as changing, finite, and divided, since in this case there is no other else. There is no other way to mistake the changeless except as changing. So we see a Universe which is changing all the time, made of minuscule particles, and divided into atoms."

The Equations of Maya

Your analogy with a house is not good. The Universe is not a made 'thing', or artifact; it is grown in an organic process that is an unfolding, a huge difference.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Ordinary chemistry, laws of Nature... whatever. Fill your sink with ping-pong balls, they'll automatically assume a precise interpositional pattern -- no intelligence required. Sometimes all it takes is a single molecular pattern to get things started:

Maybe pattern is another word for intelligence? Mayb another word for god?

There are no "values," and a reasonable person doesn't posit intelligence unless there is evidence of intelligence, ie: unless there's evidence the laws of Nature have been tampered with.

That depends on the person. I pt value in the laws of nature, as those laws "take care of us" (if we want to make it personal) but I agree, no intelligence (if talking about an outside entity) is needed. I don't see how evidence will make it more valuable than just living with what we have without needing evidence for anything for it to be valuable for us.

Almost as frustrating as evolutionists claiming "NaturalSelectionDidIt". :p

Not all non-believers are evolutionalist, though. National selection or life evolving naturally and sustained by energy among other things is just a fact. I don't understand how you can devalue this, really.

If I replaced intelligence in my OP with god, and I was a blank slate looking at a building, why and how would I assume that the building was created from nothing?

Everything is "created" or formed to what we define in our existence by pre-existing things. So, if I found out someone built this house, why would I put more value and just disregard the house and worship the builder?

That is like saying thank you to a person who gives you a gift but throw the gift away because it is not as valuable if at all as the person who gave it. Yet, they both go hand in hand. But in this case, we do not know if there is a creator because everything is created (or came into our existence) from pre-existing things. The Bible isn't a science book and science books admi they know nothing. So neither party can say anything is a fact; they can just theorize, make claims, and state what writer's believe but that's it.

There isn't really anything wrong with "not knowing." Unless believers can't live without belief in god because it comforts them that even though they don't know, at least they can trust someone who does. Though I wouldn't disvalue people who can find value in not knowing (the wisdom when one gets older, the less they realize they know) and put more sacredness in what's present than what's not.

Why is the unseen more sacred than the seen?

Who knows. No one has answered that question either. :shrug: Why?

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes

Hmm was just listening to Sherlock Holmes stories!

So that would be the point, unless we can 100% utterly eliminate any person possibly arranging the stones, that is by far the more probable explanation right?

So too with God, if we merely allow both (God and unguided natural mechanisms) the slightest chance to exist, the more probable is clear.

In other words: atheism must eliminate God from the playing field entirely to allow chance to win out. But the same does not apply the other way around, you can keep all the natural mechanisms you like, God is still the less improbable explanation
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Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Look at some of the links in It Ain't Necessarily So's post #43 in the Abiogenesis is Not Working thread:
I'm not sure how those are examples of ID creationism explaining how anything happened or providing a mechanism.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What we perceive as a material world is in reality an illusion, or as the Hindus have noted for over 4000 years, maya. We see a material world of forms not created, but manifested by an underlying intelligence; pure abstract intelligence, called The Unified Field in science, 'The Ground of Being' in Hinduism. But we don't see it that way via our ordinary conditioned awareness. We see a Universe with First Cause, in time and space. We don't see it as The Absolute, Brahman, etc. In the words of Vivekenanda:
An excellent synopsis, but, for me, "intelligence" implies a facility with data manipulation and decision making.
Maybe pattern is another word for intelligence? Mayb another word for god?
Pattern, natural law, Nature -- as long as we agree on the meaning we won't be talking past one another. For me, though, "intelligence" implies a conscious, decision-making entity, rather than a quantum field.

Why is the unseen more sacred than the seen?
Value and sanctity are in the eye of the beholder.

So that would be the point, unless we can 100% utterly eliminate any person possibly arranging the stones, that is by far the more probable explanation right?

So too with God, if we merely allow both (God and unguided natural mechanisms) the slightest chance to exist, the more probable is clear.
Yes. Familiar, understood mechanisms we experience in everyday life are much more probable than magic.
In other words: atheism must eliminate God from the playing field entirely to allow chance to win out. The same does not apply the other way around, you can keep all the natural mechanisms you like, God is still the less improbable explanation
I don't see it. Atheism pretty much ignores the concept of God. It doesn't need to eliminate anything. It makes no assertions, so incurs no burden of proof.

It's the theists who posit an invisible, magical entity.



Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Hmm was just listening to Sherlock Homes stories!

So that would be the point, unless we can 100% utterly eliminate any person possibly arranging the stones, that is by far the more probable explanation right?

So too with God, if we merely allow both (God and unguided natural mechanisms) the slightest chance to exist, the more probable is clear.

In other words: atheism must eliminate God from the playing field entirely to allow chance to win out. The same does not apply the other way around, you can keep all the natural mechanisms you like, God is still the less improbable explanation

Well, we have evidence that people can write "help". Especially, when lost in a desert island.

Alas, we have no evidence of God doing anything.

This is a consequence of the following logical fallacy: if intelligence is known to produce structured things, that entails that structured things can only be produced by an intelligence. This is an obviously logically unwarranted conclusion.

So your analogy fails miserably.


- viole


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
How does order come from disorder?

One way is by being guided by natural properties of the elements and the environment.

Waterdrops spontaneously acquire a roughly spherical shape due to its material properties. Snowflakes usually observe six-sided symmetry for the same reason. The properties of electromagnetic charges make it so that random spreads of those spontaneously organize themselves in various ways as they interact. Random mixtures of matter are organized by mass and/or particle size when subject to enough movement and gravity or acceleration and/or filters. Matter properties make it so that heat spreads itself in predictable ways.

How would we know it is order (or intelligence?)

We don't. We can however notice that intelligence would have certain likely consequences, which are not often found.

and how is order more valuable than disorder since one comes from another rather than disorder seen as is?

Presumption of intentional order is apparently valuable to people who are too attached to the idea of a conscious creator.