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Agnostic Theist
Following the way of an apostate angel. Excessive induglence in pleasure and the senses - sex,drugs,paganic ritualism, dark magic etc.
The first thing you may want to do is research Satanism. Because as it sounds from your brief description, you do not know what Satanism is.


Active Member
The first thing you may want to do is research Satanism. Because as it sounds from your brief description, you do not know what Satanism is.

I think under the guise of Satanism their tactic is to tell you that you're wrong and follow up with numerous alternate philosophies/theories. The biblical Jesus does say the devil is a liar.
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Agnostic Theist
I think under the guise of Satanism their tactic is telling that you're wrong and following up with numerous alternate philosophies/theories. The biblical Jesus does say the devil is a liar.
Again, you need to do some research on what Satanism is. Most Satanists do not worship Satan.


Well-Known Member
Respectfully, a Satanists reason for deciding to practice his religion is independent of what some christian thinks Satanism is.

For me, it was the moment I realised there was no god, which came after about ten years of meditation on the subject. I realised that if there is no god, there is no reason to sacrifice myself, to hold mysef back, to behave, for anyone or anything else. The self-imposed yolk of my oppression was lifted. I no longer hold myself back from being who I truly am. Now I'm absolutely free, the happiest I've ever been, and I'll never look back.
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Well-Known Member
For the philosophy of Symbolic or nontheistic Satanism I strongly encourage you to read The Satanic Bible, Nietzsche and Ragnar Redbeard (Starting with the Satanic Bible and followed by the other two in order to expand on it).

I do know of a few websites dealing with theistic Satanism, one of which has a rather handy FAQ which should give you a better idea about Satanism.

FAQ about theistic ("traditional") Satanism in general


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
Agreed; Please define yourself;)
Fine, I consider Satanism(not Luciferianism) to be an Agnostic/Atheist movement that stands in direct opposition to Christian "values" of submission to some inane dogma that has no practical bearing on one's life. Indulgence is a part of it, but more of it is to be the "Adversary" to those who follow the Right Hand Path and worship some deity who, if he exists, definitely isn't our friend. I consider Satanism to be, simply, self-deification.


Well-Known Member
Fine, I consider Satanism(not Luciferianism) to be an Agnostic/Atheist movement that stands in direct opposition to Christian "values" of submission to some inane dogma that has no practical bearing on one's life. Indulgence is a part of it, but more of it is to be the "Adversary" to those who follow the Right Hand Path and worship some deity who, if he exists, definitely isn't our friend. I consider Satanism to be, simply, self-deification.
Interesting; the way I view Satanism through various studies and reading, the worship of "self", with abundant greed and vapid vanities being the center of self indigences. If you break this down to a further more precise level, Satanism is the worship of deception for Satan is the Father of Deception. Luciferianism on the other hand is the worship of the First Fallen Angel, Lucifer; the Angel of Light, hater of Humanity, Father of All Evils. Once again you have your basic "Devil Worshiper" who rather if they know it or not are worshiping the Father of Lies. Self-deification is a rather good explanation for all of the above IMO to an extent, but Right Hand Path Religions are just as guilty as Left hand Path Religions; All are guilty of placing "limits" on that in which "limits" cannot be placed;)


Premium Member
What inspires or motivates some people to practice Satanism? thanks.

It is my view that we who are Satanists or Left-Hand Pathers in general are some how born wired differently than most other people. A lot of us discover at a very early age that we are different and even social outlanders. For me personally, my fascination with the occult and Satanism and the Black Arts in particular seems to have been incorporated into the very fabric of my being, as it seemed only natural to me at the tender age of 9.

I was brought up in the Christian faith but it wasn't forced upon me. The few times that I did ever attend church or Sunday school, I always found it to be boring and a waste of my time. I actually had to force myself to read over half of the Christian bible as an excercise in self-discipline as I found it to be so exceedingly boring and devoid of any inspiration. When I entered my teens my interest in the Devil, Satanism, and Black Magic began to grow more and more, and on the morning after Christmas 1984 when I was 14 & 1/2 years old I suddenly awoke from a deep sleep filled with an indescribable sense of inspiration and accepted that which I truly was - a Satanist.

To make a long story short, in my teenage years I began to learn and to grow in my practice of the Black Arts which eventually lead me to the Temple of Set. And at the age of 20 on a warm summer night in June I performed my first ritual invocation to Set and it was during this Magical Working that the Prince of Darkness revealed Him/Its Self to me in such a profound and tangible way that it changed my life for ever. And it was on that sacred night that I proclaimed my eternal allegiance to the Majesty of Set, who to me is the supreme manifestation of the Lord of Darkness, and ever since, I have been and shall always be a disciple of Set and a keeper and guardian of His Black Flame. :bat:

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Left Hand Path
What inspires or motivates some people to practice Satanism? thanks.

For me personally, it was my quest for knowledge.

Of course this "quest" was developed and influenced by a few certain people around me that helped me and continue to help me along my own path of Self evolution.

I was never raised with a religious background, and never really started considering any philosophical or ontological concepts until around my sophomore year in high school.

Funny thing is though that I started considering myself a Satanist in the late 6th grade before I even had any idea as to what it was or even the ties that the studies can bring.

Satanism though, is in itself a very over abused concept, used as a scapegoat by some, and a "justifying" reason to act out against certain "norms", like in gangs or people that use it purely for intimidation methods. Don't get me wrong though, it is a very powerful form a perception that usually leads One to possess a greater influence of the environment and beings around him.

But the level of this influence is subject to the person and their studies, like in other beliefs and ways of life, some never conceive of reaching their greater potential and tag along just because other people are doing it or it is the only right thing to do.

Not all people are motivated or inspired to be a "Satanist", some just are, and some just consider themselves to be.


Well-Known Member
ok . . . good luck with all that. Farewell

What we have here was an unsolicited expression of contempt from the beginning. It started with a forced grin, and was ended here with a phrase of dismissal to show he was done and didn't need to hear any followup.

I want to thank this person for almost being honest, not trying to avoid hurting our feelings, and for cutting it to a swift, unapologetic close rather than dragging this on and on as though someone is going to convince someone. Christianity and Satanism will not mix.
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Unrepentant goofer duster
What we have here was an unsolicited expression of contempt from the beginning. It started with a forced grin, and was ended here with a phrase of dismissal to show he was done and didn't need to hear any followup.

I want to thank this person for almost being honest, not trying to avoid hurting our feelings, and for cutting it to a swift, unapologetic close rather than dragging this on and on as though someone is going to convince someone.

So true. I don't follow any "handedness" in my path but this thread was, without a doubt, motivated by whatever indefinable "horse-blinded" obsequious quality which causes me to have such visceral contempt for the vast majority of christians. And their god (sorry dude.. keep your people in line...)..


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
What we have here was an unsolicited expression of contempt from the beginning. It started with a forced grin, and was ended here with a phrase of dismissal to show he was done and didn't need to hear any followup.

I want to thank this person for almost being honest, not trying to avoid hurting our feelings, and for cutting it to a swift, unapologetic close rather than dragging this on and on as though someone is going to convince someone. Christianity and Satanism will not mix.

So I take it that, ultimately, you approve of his leave?