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Questions About Christianity


Jerrell said:
I've found out that many people have questions. I am here to answer any and all of them, just ask. Wether prophecy, or faith, or contradictions, or understanding, or history, or anything, Ask and I answer (Concerning religion).
So, Jerrell, when are you going to start answering some of these questions?


Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Super Universe said:
Huh? Did Christ say one thing to one man and something different to another?
Perhaps, I don't know. Whether he did or didn't doesn't alter the fact that there are, in some cases quite extensive, disagreements as to what Jesus actually said and taught.

As such, the 'someone who follows Christ's teachings' definition only makes sense when those teachings are themselves defined and put into context.

Super Universe

Defender of God
NordicBearskin said:
Perhaps, I don't know. Whether he did or didn't doesn't alter the fact that there are, in some cases quite extensive, disagreements as to what Jesus actually said and taught.

As such, the 'someone who follows Christ's teachings' definition only makes sense when those teachings are themselves defined and put into context.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Is there some disagreement over forgiveness?

The beauty, and sometimes horror, of anything written is that we all have the ability and responsibility to interpret it for ourselves.

People see what they wish to see. Christ did not say He was God but still people wish it to be so they can feel important. I guess for some the Son of God just isn't enough.


Lord of the Badgers
retrorich said:
So, Jerrell, when are you going to start answering some of these questions?

:sad4: I'm soooo impatient, this is driving me mental... :rolleyes:

Seriously, maybe he just can't, i mean there are some doosies in here, i doubt the Pope himself could answer them satisfactorily.


New Member
Halcyon said:
This inspires another question;

Why would God separate you from Him simply because you prefer, say, the Muslim or Jain depiction of God over the typical Christian concept?

First of all these are all very good questions. And i will honestly tell you that i might not answer this in a way that you want to hear it. I believe that there is no firm answer to this question or the two others below. Neither one of us are going to come to a 100% firm answer of right or wrong. That is where faith comes in. I believe that Christianity can be proven beyond reasonable doubt not just from evidence and idealogy but from looking at it as a whole. After you look at the idea of Christ and our sin then you look at what He said and that Christ's word will get to us and that it is through the Bible (whole other topic).
Anyways, "Simply" is a very understated word. Even though it seems that believing in the different ideas given above is minimal, they are expounded in the core of our hearts. Christianity is unique in that you live your life for Christ out of love. It is not out of your own works and it is not to get yourself into heaven. It is done because of what Christ has done for us. On the outside, what we do for each of our religions may look the same but in our hearts is what counts. If we truly love Christ and what he has done for us, we won't want to worship other God's. Who would we be if we did not believe in the God who saves us and believe in what He says. For if He saved us then we have reason to trust what guidlines He has for us. We believe in what He says in that the guidlines are there to help us even if we having trouble understanding them. It is not what we do but why we do it and the motivation in our hearts to do the things we do. If we do good so that we will go to heaven then we are selfish. The only way around that is for someone else (who is perfect and sinless) to get you there.

Halcyon said:
great question, Hal. if God doesn't save folks of non-Christian faiths, does that mean thatGod is limited in who he can save and not save? couldn't he save a Muslim or a Druze if he wanted to? if God is limited by christian doctrine, is he still all-mighty?

God can save anyone He wants to. For the Bible says that God wants all people to be with HIm in heaven. However He can not force someone to be with Him. If He did that would mean He would have to make us robots that automatically love Him (you might have heard this before). God cannot make someone love Him and be in heaven not because He is limited but because he cannot do something that is not even an option to do. For example, God cannot "smell the color red" because that is not possible, there is no such thing, so it is not there for God to try and do. It is an idea/statement that is made up or a misconception of our own ideas. So God created this entire systme for us to go through so that as many of us as possible can know Him and love HIm.

Halcyon said:
God is not limited by anything.
If a doctrine appears to limit him the doctrine is therefor wrong.

Those parts of the Bible and the doctrines gleaned from it that limit God, must either be wrongly reported, or we err in our interpretations of them.

His doctrine is perfect. It is our misconception of it that confuses us. Not because we don't understand but because we are so stuck to our own personal and selfish materialistic desires. I don't think anyone should blindly believe something and I don't know if i should portray it this way but if someone is going to denounce Christianity then they better be certain they are right because the stakes are high when it comes to life or death. There will always be problems and things we won't completely understand about Chistianity and you all bring up very good points. Christianity has shown that it is reasonable to believe in we could go in alot more depth than these questions and still get nowhere. .


New Member
Sorry those questions weren't all from Halcyon. They wer also from Gracie and Terrywoodenpic. I am still learning how to use this thing.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Super Universe said:
He said he would answer the questions, he just didn't say when.

But here is mine when you get around to it:

How do you explain the change in religious thought from the "wrath of God" portrayed in the Old Testament that evolved into "forgiveness" in the New Testament?

Just thought I would help out our friend,as he may have bit off more then he could chew.There are New testment references of his remaining wrath,judgement,condemnation,
I don't believe it changed in regards to those who still remain defiant and disobedient and not recieve the gift of His Son, that is a greater sin to be reckoned with.
jhn 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

Eph 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

Col 3:6 For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: