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Questions about Satanism?


Angel Of The North
how do you relate satan to Lucifer?

That mortal that bridges the gap of the abyss etc... is he here on earth right now?

Does 999 mean anything to you?

Do you beleive in vampyres?

How do you see Hell?

Whats your personal thoughts on Lucifers chosen one (so called false prophet/anti-christ) and Jesus angel (second coming) Lucifer and Jesus are both called the morning star or bringers of light etc,
could they (chosen one and second coming/Messier) be two sides of one IYO?

Hello, David.

how do you relate satan to Lucifer?
I largely regard the bible as rubbish. Christianity is only set above other mythologies because it is contemporary. With that said, I see the biblical character lucifer as being unrelated to Satan save through inference. The main conection being the literary 'lucifers' influence medieval christian scribes that associated the fallen angel with the hebrew word for adversary, and later on Faust/Dante and others that built upon that image. There is nowhere in the bible that even infers Lucifer is the devil, or the devil is Satan, or the devil even exists. These inferences came much later.
That mortal that bridges the gap of the abyss etc... is he here on earth right now?
I guess that depends what you mean by that.
Does 999 mean anything to you?
999 - 9+9+9= 27 - 2+7=9
9 is a key number in base 10 mathematics, and also quite 'magical', in that it will always come back to itself.
Do you beleive in vampyres?
I believe in 'psychic vampires' as described in TSB, as I have dealt with many of the course of my years. As for the more 'supernatural' kind, knowing the origins of vampire legend (corpses that died of the 'plague' tended to bleed around the mouth, causing some to think they were 'rising up and feasting on the living'), I recognize it as superstition and further a good source of many books and movies I have enjoyed.
If you mean energy vampires ala the ToV, I have yet to have that 'technology' demonstrated to me in a form I find convincing.
How do you see Hell?
A literary invention of the catholic church, with the purpose of adding a further layer of control. This doctrine came about when church and state were indistinguishable. It was used much as the threat of 'jail' is today. Hell is not mentioned in the bible explicitly.

Whats your personal thoughts on Lucifers chosen one (so called false prophet/anti-christ) and Jesus angel (second coming) Lucifer and Jesus are both called the morning star or bringers of light etc,
could they (chosen one and second coming/Messier) be two sides of one IYO?
The 'morning star' analogy used to connect jesus and Lucifer exists purely within the realm of linguistics. 'Morning star' was a descriptive term that could be applied to anything that brought forth new knowledge. I don't think there is anything substantial connecting the two figures.
Hope this was helpful!


Well-Known Member
Satanic philosophy? Anything you want to know, I will answer.


One thing that I've always been confused about is the nature of God and belief in Satanism. I know that the Church of Satan has taken a distinctly atheistic stance, but personally, reading the Satanic Bible I found various sections that seemed to promote panentheism, agnosticism, apatheism, deism and obviously autotheism. I'm afraid I've lent my copy out to a friend so I can't look up the sections in question to post examples.
Basically I've always felt that LaVey wasn't quite promoting atheism, though the differences between atheism and Satanic Theology (if it can be called that?) are somewhat subtle. It seemed to me that LaVey essentially felt that it didn't really matter what a Satanist considered to be "God" providing they don't put any external entity before their own interests. What are your thoughts on this?

Thankyou in advance :)
Is there much difference between atheistic Satanism and epicureanism?
Although there are many shared elements between the two philosophies, there are also many differences. They share common ground in that they are both hard materialist philosophies to the point that they are both actively iconoclastic towards superstition and ideas of the 'divine', and that they both encourage hedonism(although a more controlled form in the case of Satanism), but that is where they part ways.

In epicureanism the highest good is experiencing pleasure, where in Satanism the highest good is the invocation of the Will. These are not always in accord.


Although there are many shared elements between the two philosophies, there are also many differences. They share common ground in that they are both hard materialist philosophies to the point that they are both actively iconoclastic towards superstition and ideas of the 'divine', and that they both encourage hedonism(although a more controlled form in the case of Satanism), but that is where they part ways.

In epicureanism the highest good is experiencing pleasure, where in Satanism the highest good is the invocation of the Will. These are not always in accord.

Thank you. :)

One thing that I've always been confused about is the nature of God and belief in Satanism. I know that the Church of Satan has taken a distinctly atheistic stance, but personally, reading the Satanic Bible I found various sections that seemed to promote panentheism, agnosticism, apatheism, deism and obviously autotheism. I'm afraid I've lent my copy out to a friend so I can't look up the sections in question to post examples.
Basically I've always felt that LaVey wasn't quite promoting atheism, though the differences between atheism and Satanic Theology (if it can be called that?) are somewhat subtle. It seemed to me that LaVey essentially felt that it didn't really matter what a Satanist considered to be "God" providing they don't put any external entity before their own interests. What are your thoughts on this?

Thankyou in advance :)

What a great question! This is indeed a stumbling block for many, if not most, and I will do my best to give you my interpretation at least. I say that because this is one subject which will yield many different sorts of answers from different Satanists (and those that pretend to be!). Satanism is like a tree. The TSB is the root, and that root is the same for all trees. And although there are limits to what is Satanism and what is not, no two 'trees' will grow alike. But enough with the metaphor, eh? :D

God is one of those ambiguous words that can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. It can also mean different things in different contexts. From a cosmological standpoint, god is another name for the balance factor. That certain 'something' that binds it all together. Nothing outside the realm of the material universe, but a part of it not yet discovered. From a subjective standpoint, God is a sense of mystery, a standard bearer. The one that possesses all of the qualities you do not but wish you did. The center of the universe, creator and ruler of the universe. Omnipresent in the universe and capable of bending it to his will. God has the final word, and makes the rules.

Since the dawn of mankind man has made religions for himself. Some say it was an evolutionary mechanism to ease the anxiety of death, while others say it served to bind people together under one banner, which was beneficial for survival. Whether we, as a race started with the predisposition to feel that sense of wonder and project it outwards or if it socially evolved into our consciousness over generations isn't important - What is important is that man, in his current form, tends to draw meaning from dogma and ritual. Every civilization in the world has religions. Religions religions everywhere, wildly different in content yet largely serving the same function - providing order, comfort, and community. This is a unique 'thing' within human consciousness, that seems to be universal to all cultures and societies.

Enter autotheism. Autotheism is the notion that since this 'god' is an internal phenomenon, there is no need to project it 'out there' somewhere. If there is any hidden power or answers to be found with god, the idea is to look inward.
TSB said:
Man needs ritual and dogma, but no law states that an externalized god is necessary in order
to engage in ritual and ceremony performed in a god's name! Could it be that when he closes
the gap between himself and his "God" he sees the demon of pride creeping forth - that very
embodiment of Lucifer appearing in his midst? He no longer can view himself in two parts,
the carnal and the spiritual, but sees them merge as one, and then to his abysmal horror,
discovers that they are only the carnal - AND ALWAYS WERE! Then he either hates himself to death,
day by day - or rejoices that he is what he is!
If he hates himself, he searches out new and more complex spiritual paths of "enlightenment"
in hopes that he may split himself up again in his quest for stronger and more externalized
"gods" to scourge his poor miserable shell. If he accepts himself, but recognizes that ritual and
ceremony are the important devices that his invented religions have utilized to sustain his
faith in a lie, then it is the SAME FORM OF RITUAL that will sustain his faith in the truth - the
primitive pageantry that will give his awareness of his own majestic being added substance.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, that does make a lot more sense, thankyou.

I actually really like the tree metaphor too, i've always found analogy to be one of the best ways of explaining something and that was a good one!

I've browsed various Satanic forums in the past, but tended to see plenty of posturing and squabbling instead of attempts to build understanding unfortunately. Kind of makes it difficult for a non-satanist to get their head around some of the finer details in Satanism, but this was very informative, so frubals to you :)
Satanic philosophy? Anything you want to know, I will answer.
I got a few of them,
One: What is the ultimate Goal of a satanist? I mean Christian ultimate goal seem to be to get into heaven or please God.

Two: What is a Satanist stance of worship? What are their practices?

Three: What are satanist rules of conduct and what are some big no no's for satanist?
I got a few of them,
Hello BS..errmm.. on second thought maybe I'll just call you 'Shuck!'
One: What is the ultimate Goal of a satanist? I mean Christian ultimate goal seem to be to get into heaven or please God.
Well, in christianity or other such religions where the source of authority/divinity is seen as being 'out there' somewhere,it is incumbent upon the practitioner to follow the rules or risk 'getting into trouble', so to speak. The ultimate goal, if there is one, is handed down from on high. For a Satanist, however, the ultimate source of authority/divinity is internal. The ultimate arbiter of the 'rules' is the self, and the ultimate goal is the glorification of the self. In other words, the goal is still to please god. :)
Two: What is a Satanist stance of worship? What are their practices?
Depends what you mean by worship. As mentioned, the Satanists deity is the self, and there is no need to bow and scrape before ones self. Self worship might include eating a really good sandwich or a treating oneself to a day at the spa.

However, all the trappings of religion are still there (should a practitioner care to invoke them). Ritual, dogma, and a cultivation of aesthetics are all present in Satanism as they are in other religions.
Three: What are satanist rules of conduct and what are some big no no's for satanist?
Satanists tend to get behind the credo 'Satanists are born, not made'. There is a certain human phenotype which is described in The Satanic Bible. This is the type of person that will read it and realize how they already think and feel is being described therein. Satanism to this person is not so much of a set of rules and guidelines as it is a description.

With that said, the type of person that reads the 9 satanic statements, 9 satanic sins and 12 Satanic rules of the earth, and finds themselves agreeing with them, may have the potential to realize themselves as a Satanist.
Thank you for your answers now let me ask a few more things,

One: What drew you into Satanism?
Two: Has being a Satanist ever given you a lot of conflict with "Right hand" Religions?
Three:What do you feel is the greatest joy and the greatest pain of being a Satanist?
Thank you for your answers now let me ask a few more things,

One: What drew you into Satanism?
Two: Has being a Satanist ever given you a lot of conflict with "Right hand" Religions?
Three:What do you feel is the greatest joy and the greatest pain of being a Satanist?
1: This isn't really a question about 'Satanism'. I expect the answer will vary from individual to individual.

2: I have felt grown ups with imaginary friends were silly ever since I was 5 years old. Little has changed.

I guess he means the advantages/disadvantages of possessing a satanic world view. Pros and cons.

Hmm. I don't see any limitations, and the freedom from social pressure and convention that comes with it is a serious advantage. The structure and psychodrama of religion with none of the self deception.

I guess I have my cake and am also eating it.
This thread is intended to clarify issues of Satanic philosophy, not to answer accusations that don't even relate to that topic. It is quite clear you have come here with an agenda, and I'm simply not playing that game.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
***MOD POST***

This is the Satanism DIR, so non-Satanists should keep to respectful questions only and there should be no debating.


Angel Of The North
Hello, David.

I largely regard the bible as rubbish. Christianity is only set above other mythologies because it is contemporary. With that said, I see the biblical character lucifer as being unrelated to Satan save through inference. The main conection being the literary 'lucifers' influence medieval christian scribes that associated the fallen angel with the hebrew word for adversary, and later on Faust/Dante and others that built upon that image. There is nowhere in the bible that even infers Lucifer is the devil, or the devil is Satan, or the devil even exists. These inferences came much later.
I guess that depends what you mean by that.
999 - 9+9+9= 27 - 2+7=9
9 is a key number in base 10 mathematics, and also quite 'magical', in that it will always come back to itself.
I believe in 'psychic vampires' as described in TSB, as I have dealt with many of the course of my years. As for the more 'supernatural' kind, knowing the origins of vampire legend (corpses that died of the 'plague' tended to bleed around the mouth, causing some to think they were 'rising up and feasting on the living'), I recognize it as superstition and further a good source of many books and movies I have enjoyed.
If you mean energy vampires ala the ToV, I have yet to have that 'technology' demonstrated to me in a form I find convincing.
A literary invention of the catholic church, with the purpose of adding a further layer of control. This doctrine came about when church and state were indistinguishable. It was used much as the threat of 'jail' is today. Hell is not mentioned in the bible explicitly.

The 'morning star' analogy used to connect jesus and Lucifer exists purely within the realm of linguistics. 'Morning star' was a descriptive term that could be applied to anything that brought forth new knowledge. I don't think there is anything substantial connecting the two figures.
Hope this was helpful!

I give my opinions if thats ok!...

I largely regard the bible as rubbish. Christianity is only set above other mythologies because it is contemporary. With that said, I see the biblical character lucifer as being unrelated to Satan save through inference. The main conection being the literary 'lucifers' influence medieval christian scribes that associated the fallen angel with the hebrew word for adversary, and later on Faust/Dante and others that built upon that image. There is nowhere in the bible that even infers Lucifer is the devil, or the devil is Satan, or the devil even exists. These inferences came much later.
I guess that depends what you mean by that.
999 - 9+9+9= 27 - 2+7=9
9 is a key number in base 10 mathematics, and also quite 'magical', in that it will

I beleive that people relate Lucifer as Satan because they are both potraid as the evil Devil. But to me, Lucifer is GDs Higher conscious and the darker side of him is Satan and the lighterside is Jesus. I reckon we all have the two sides run through us. Thats why IMO people seek that God within, because it is real! we only put names to things that we dont understand. To me the Magic that I have is Subconscious communication. These effects have to be Gods, demons, spirits etc to those that knowm different or get there knowledge my brainwashing books.

The enrgys are 333. People have came to this conclusion as did myself by personal experience. Theres other names for it... I think quantum entanglement is another turm and also the book of knowledge etc etc.

I asked someone once if Choronzon was Lucifer and the reply was... definately not! because lucifer is number nine and choronzon is 333. I told him that that kinda adds up... 3+3+3=9
666 some mark of the so called beast eh!
I guess that depends what you mean by that.

Oh yes the mortal that crosses the abyss, filling it with knowledge/light on the way.
He is here imo... he holds the code that people have tryed to translate for ages. but none of the big thinkers could even guess that Lucifers chosen ones code was that of his identity. 666 does not reveil a name but his birthright that connects him to another truth and these two truths are related but the world knows these as the anti christ and the second coming! 666 was wrote from behind so infront it is 666 but it is really 999 but that is only 3 digits of a 6 digit code that both sides share!

If you mean energy vampires ala the ToV, I have yet to have that 'technology' demonstrated to me in a form I find convincing.

:) I'll have to search TOV... Doctors done tests on my wife... producing blood normally, no leaks, but were baffled to why her red cells were only half full!!!
I couldnt tell them my true identity lol.
I hear a vampyre has to intentionally feed once they awaken to beeing a vampyre. I thought that was BS but I had realised that all this weird stuff thats been happening around me since I can remember is to do with my subconscious was only acting on my inerscent thoughts, so I had to tread causciously when I thought. Like a dark magician doing spells that were to advanced for him, resulting in majics that manifested in the most direct root no matter the consequenses through lack of instruction and direction...
So now I realised how to take more control of that loose cannon of a subconscious!
I told it to not take from my wife or those close to me but to take from my enemys and that includes those that have bad evil thoughts for me!
My wifes hair grew back, her blood levels went normal and we had a child. A few of my enemys btw were experiencing dracular and the Devil himself etc etc Heh Heh Heh!
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions :)
power to your dreams!