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Questions that evolutionists and billions of years proponents cannot answer but disprove their theories.


Well-Known Member
But you have demonstrated that "your eyes" are not a reliable source since you have no education in these matters and have a terrible prejudice against them. You sound no different than an extreme racist ranting and raving about people of color.
Wow that is a pretty bad false accusation. That is even bad for desperate evolutionists.
Stop the constant false accusations.

Did you know that the early evolutionists were extreme racists?
Do you know what the subtile of Darwin's book is?
The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.

Here is what the word of God says.

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, - Rev 14:6

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; - Acts 17:26


Veteran Member
Here is what the word of God says.
Can you prove it is what you interpret it to mean?
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, - Rev 14:6

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; - Acts 17:26
And why assume these texts are true at face value? Where is the evidence that demonstrates these mean anything to anyone who isn't religious?


Veteran Member
Of course .. but the fact you do not know why we evolved, or how we evolved (from naught),
makes your argument pretty circumstantial.
i.e. it is NOT a fact that evolution is responsible for our existence
Educated people who follow facts and data have a better model and explanation than any of the many religious folks out there. Christians and Muslims have no factual model, and their fundamentalist beliefs are certainly inconsistent with facts.


Well-Known Member
Can you prove it is what you interpret it to mean?

And why assume these texts are true at face value? Where is the evidence that demonstrates these mean anything to anyone who isn't religious?
It is what the Bible clearly says.

Here is a link to the racism of Darwin, very extreme. A hero for the evolutionist,



Well-Known Member
I didn't ask about any of the many versions of Bible you decide to read, I'm asking about how you interpret it. What makes you absolutely correct even though evidence goes against it? Is there any chance you could be mistaken?
It is just as plain as can be. And I only read and use one version. So I have no clue what you are talking about.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Wow that is a pretty bad false accusation. That is even bad for desperate evolutionists.
Stop the constant false accusations.

How is it false? You need to be able to demonstrate that it is false. you do not just get to claim that it is.
Did you know that the early evolutionists were extreme racists?
Do you know what the subtile of Darwin's book is?
The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.

LOL! No, they weren't. You do not seem to realize that the meanings of words change over time. "Races" in that context is synonymous to "species". You have only demonstrated extreme ignorance again.
Here is what the word of God says.

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, - Rev 14:6

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; - Acts 17:26
No, that is what the Bible says. You have never demonstrated that it is the "word of God".


Well-Known Member
How is it false? You need to be able to demonstrate that it is false. you do not just get to claim that it is.

LOL! No, they weren't. You do not seem to realize that the meanings of words change over time. "Races" in that context is synonymous to "species". You have only demonstrated extreme ignorance again.

No, that is what the Bible says. You have never demonstrated that it is the "word of God".
How is it false? You need to be able to demonstrate that it is false. you do not just get to claim that it is.

LOL! No, they weren't. You do not seem to realize that the meanings of words change over time. "Races" in that context is synonymous to "species". You have only demonstrated extreme ignorance again.

No, that is what the Bible says. You have never demonstrated that it is the "word of God".
Actually Darwin was extremely racist. Most do not know this fact. This article shows that


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Actually Darwin was extremely racist. Most do not know this fact. This article shows that

You need to do better. That is not only a known lying site. the company that owned that was the losing party in the Dover Trail.

If you want to make a claim you need to find valid sources. Not science deniers.

Oh and of course you are trying to use another logical fallacy. This is a classic Ad hominem fallacy on your part. The theory of evolution does not depend upon whether or not Darwin was a racist. That was a time where people were on average far more racist than people are today. As soon as you can admit that you cannot find anything valid against Darwin I will show you how he was less racist than the norm.


Well-Known Member
You need to do better. That is not only a known lying site. the company that owned that was the losing party in the Dover Trail.

If you want to make a claim you need to find valid sources. Not science deniers.

Oh and of course you are trying to use another logical fallacy. This is a classic Ad hominem fallacy on your part. The theory of evolution does not depend upon whether or not Darwin was a racist. That was a time where people were on average far more racist than people are today. As soon as you can admit that you cannot find anything valid against Darwin I will show you how he was less racist than the norm.
But you should at least acknowledge the truth. Here is another site that reveals Darwin’s extreme racism.


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
But you should at least acknowledge the truth. Here is another site that reveals Darwin’s extreme racism.

The Disco Toot is the same organization that puts out the fraudulent Evolution News. You make this too easy.

You need to find reliable sources.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Your truth denying is a sickness.

here is another that shows the extreme racism of Darwin.

But it does not show "extreme racism". Did you even read it?

But why do you continue in this Ad Hominem Fallacy? It does not help your argument. Even if he was as bad as the Christian KKK members of his time it would not affect whether evolution was right or wrong.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Things just don't come from "nowhere", in my experience.
That is because you only experience every day life. You have to take a bigger look to see evolution. The evidence is there and it is clear. But you might have to learn the concept first. I have yet to meet a creationist that understands the concept of scientific evidence.


Veteran Member
That is because you only experience every day life. You have to take a bigger look to see evolution. The evidence is there and it is clear. But you might have to learn the concept first. I have yet to meet a creationist that understands the concept of scientific evidence.
Well, I'm not a "creationist" .. and I've never met you before. :)


Veteran Member
Things just don't come from "nowhere", in my experience.
Which is why energy/matter is most likley to have always existed. The only reason religious folks are dead set on there being a beginning is due to old and unreliable stories.

If God can always have existed, why not matter? At least we know matter exists, unlike any of the many thousands of gods in human history.


Premium Member
But you should at least acknowledge the truth. Here is another site that reveals Darwin’s extreme racism.

Darwin's views on racism have nothing to do with the Theory of Evolution he proposed. He was a man of his culture and times.

If you wish to debate the Sciences of Evolution you need to deal with the current scientific literature which hardly mentions Darwin.

You need to acknowledge that you like AIG up front and reject science. All the rest of your argument is meaningless noise

I could easily point out Christian leaders like Martin Luther who advocated the policies against Jews that Hitler later adapted, but that would not reflect current history.