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Quitting work question.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not sure of what a better title would be, but I'm just wondering if any legal issues can arise from my planned method of quiting my current job and handing in my writing two weeks notice.
To make a long story short, this one girl either has dirt on my boss, or is giving sexual favors to him, which after a lenghty discusion with some co-workers I can trust, we concluded the sexual favors is likly. Thus, this girl gets away with everything, while everyone else gets wrote up for minor things. Including yelling at a shift manager.
Company policy is that two week notices are handed into the store manager, and then mailed to the main office. It was discovered that a former shift managers two weeks never made it, because it lists everything this girl has gotten away with.
My plan is to hand in the written part on my last day, which will mention all the **** thats going on, and I will also personally mail a copy to the main office.
Besides phone calls from an angry former boss, and possible questioning, is thier any legal issues that can arise? I know this will possible involve a few people getting fired, an investigation, and co-workers getting draged into it. (Some issues are very serious, including violations that are grounds for immediate termination, and the station almost got blown up one day when a car caught on fire, and pumps were not turned off.)
I would greatly appreciate any advice I can get on this.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am going to meet with one of my coworkers, to make sure I get everything covered. If the assistant manager will back me up, (especially with the missing two weeks notice, which was wrote in June and has been seen in the store only weeks ago.) then my efforts would be worth it. If she doesn't, then it will be a wasted effort.
If it turns out not to be true, or they get enough people in high places denying its truth, you could get slapped with a lawsuit for slander or lible. Can't remember which it is.
Becky should give you the link to vinegar boy. That should be a good insight. This guy wasn't planning to quit though. He was trying to get justice after he was fired for taking the moral high ground.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
How about you just suck it up, realize that life isn't fair, and take comfort in the fact that the situation you are in is only a temporary one. Within a few months either some one will get busted or they'll grow tired of each other or something. You can't go quiting every job because of stuff like this because stuff like this goes on at every job.


Lacking Common Sense
spacemonkey said:
How about you just suck it up, realize that life isn't fair, and take comfort in the fact that the situation you are in is only a temporary one. Within a few months either some one will get busted or they'll grow tired of each other or something. You can't go quiting every job because of stuff like this because stuff like this goes on at every job.

Yup. Drama happens.

My pet theory is, people work in such boring jobs they can't help but generate some excitement and usually it's of the negative type. The fun begins when everyone starts taking sides and upping their antes, if you know what I mean, until somebody cracks and the lid blows off. The smart ones are those who keep their heads down to avoid incoming.... like my Dad used to say "keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut", heh heh. And it happens in the lofty realms of corporate America, and at the local Circle K.

After a lifetime of such, I decided to be my own boss. Much more relaxing, hmm.


Luke, this is what happens in the real world all too often, so most of it is tough luck. However, the safety violations are a concern, and if you can document them, should be turned into the higher ups. If there is a way the ***'t mgr will support you (and I doubt that due to job concerns), you could pass those along in the manner you described, but acknowledge that it appears to be sour grapes, and stress that it is your conscience that makes you inform them of these concerns. The personal relationships will be of NO interest to anyone, adn I would not drag those into any letter or discussion. Only bring up things that are 100% business and documentable.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I would suggest that you give them a "two weeks notice" with no revelations on it to your local boss and then send in the more detailed account to your HR department ASAP.

This is especially effective, if you cite the indiscretions as the primary reason for leaving the company and also cite that you did not feel comfortable giving your real reasons to your current supervisor.

Legally, you can walk out of work today, unless you are an Air Traffic Controller or the like. However, it is likely that you will not get a decent referral from your present employer if you do so. Ethically, I would make your imminate departure known ASAP. This is honorable.


Veteran Member
NetDoc said:
Legally, you can walk out of work today, unless you are an Air Traffic Controller or the like. However, it is likely that you will not get a decent referral from your present employer if you do so. E
Pete is right on that. You are free to leave when you like for most jobs save a few. I am assuming you are working some minimum wage detail at the moment at a fast food place or something similar. If this is correct, the manager you are asking about can probably be sterotyped in a few important ways.

1) doesn't make very much money
2) doesn't take much skill or knowledge to preform his job
3) Is in a high turnover position (meaning mangers quit often)

What this means to a corporate office is they will do what they can to hold onto who they can. A manager having consentual sex with his employees isn't gonna make the radar on what the company is worried about. Trying to find another fella to replace him for small pay is by comparision a much bigger complication.

In addition turnover likey is really really high and people quit all the time. 5 years from now the most likely senerio is nobody is going to care about some manager who slept with his employees and there is a 50/50 shot the guy will even be there anymore. Most or all of the employees you worked with will likey be gone too. In reality it just doesn't matter. Put your two weeks in and don't give a reason. You don't have to put a reason down. Do your two weeks forget about the manager and the girl and your referal will go just fine. Outside of the store or shop where you work it is very unlikey that anyone cares at all about the working conditions of your location and you attempting to bring it to anyones attention is going to do you more harm than good by a huge margin.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
robtex said:
A manager having consentual sex with his employees isn't gonna make the radar on what the company is worried about.
I agree with everything but this statement. The threshold for proving sexual harassment is so low that the lesser employee already has a great case since others in her department know about it. However, if it can be proven that a company knew about this liaison and did NOTHING, then their liability has increased dramatically. The actions of HR departments in general have been far more proactive with these sort of situations than they were in the past. Justifying the retention of such a manager pales in the light of a multi-million dollar law suit. If only we could hold politicians to the same standard.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
However, it is likely that you will not get a decent referral from your present employer if you do so.
Thank you for bringing that up. Having previous work referals is one detail I missed, and since McDonalds won't give me a good one, the Arbys I worked at is different managment, so that would be the only job I can rely on for a good referal.

You can't go quiting every job because of stuff like this because stuff like this goes on at every job.
I have other reasons.
Thier has been a small coalition of employees who are despretatly trying to get this girl fired because of all the stuff going on related to the issues. I voluntered to hand in this type of two weeks notice because I'll probably be the first one getting a new job.

A manager having consentual sex with his employees isn't gonna make the radar on what the company is worried about.
That we can't prove, it's just our best guess at how she's getting away with every thing (including doing things over and over which she has been told several times to not to do), has more hours than anyone else despite performace and amount of call offs, and our primary reasons are were thier cars are parked, and she consistently arrives 30-45 minutes early only when she is working first shift with the store manager, and they both disapear for awhile. And a couple of occasions on which she has shown up at his house.

But if they can file a lawsuit over the letter being slanderous, I doubt I go through with this, since I can't afford to fight it, and I have no idea of the assistant would back me up, since she's not in a position to risk losing her job. And I doubt I will be lucky enough to stumble upon the missing two weeks notice, which would also prove my point.


Mother Heathen
beckysoup61 said:
Only thing I can say is make sure you have EVERYTHING well-documented.

I agree and...

Send your resignation letter to the corporate office via Certified mail w/ delivery confirmation. This way...someone HAS to sign for it and you'll know who signed.

Best of luck to you.