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Quran Vs Bible in light of science


Iam a student of comparative religions , Ive read Quran and Bible both have scientific knowledge mentioned , but if there are scientific errors can we attribute that to God....because God can never tell a lie

There are more than 1500 versus in Quran relating to science and Allhumdillah there is not a single contradiction with the established science



The Holy Scriptures Examined In The Light Of Modern Knowledge by
Dr Maurice Bucaille , A French convert of Islam

Dr. Zakir Naik - Does God exist?
YouTube - Dr. Zakir Naik - Does God exist?

Error's in the Bible
YouTube - Dr. Zakir Naik Exposes a Major Error in the Bible

Scientists accepting Quran to be the word of God
YouTube - Why Many Scientist Accepting Islam?

David M

Well-Known Member
No scientific errors in the Quran?

So where does sperm come from? The Quran got that one wrong.

Without twisting the words and some amazing mental gymnastics there is no science in the bible or the quran that does not match the thinking common or simple observation at the times they were written.


No scientific errors in the Quran?

So where does sperm come from? The Quran got that one wrong.

Without twisting the words and some amazing mental gymnastics there is no science in the bible or the quran that does not match the thinking common or simple observation at the times they were written.

I seriously doubt that you read any of the books which i posted otherwise you wouldn't had posted this....what i see most people do goolgle error's in Quran(The Final Testament) and blindly put that.....you will truly understand God only when you read Quran(The Final Testament) by yourself

now coming to your answer you are referring to the verse

"Man was fashioned from a liquid poured out. It issued (as a result) of the conjunction of the sexual area of the man and the sexual area of the woman"[Al-Qur’aan 86:5-7]

The sexual area of the man is indicated in the text of the Qur'an by the word sulb (singular). The sexual areas of the woman are designated in the Qur'an by the word tara'ib (plural).


Agnostic Pantheist
Iam a student of comparative religions , Ive read Quran and Bible both have scientific knowledge mentioned , but if there are scientific errors can we attribute that to God....because God can never tell a lie

There are more than 1500 versus in Quran relating to science and Allhumdillah there is not a single contradiction with the established science

I've read and studied the Qur'an, the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. and none of the texts resonated with me scientifically. these are simply not science text books, and I doubt they were intended as such.
it reminds me of how some of the first archaeologists found Biblically important sites, simply because that is what they sought to find. now most know better, but even today, there are people in the profession who should know better, perhaps they are influenced by their sponsors who hold a religious agenda, perhaps they have a traditional side themselves or sentiments to scriptural matters, and they inssist on projecting it on their work.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Iam a student of comparative religions , Ive read Quran and Bible both have scientific knowledge mentioned , but if there are scientific errors can we attribute that to God....because God can never tell a lie

There are more than 1500 versus in Quran relating to science and Allhumdillah there is not a single contradiction with the established science



The Holy Scriptures Examined In The Light Of Modern Knowledge by
Dr Maurice Bucaille , A French convert of Islam

Dr. Zakir Naik - Does God exist?

Error's in the Bible

Scientists accepting Quran to be the word of God
It is always sad when otherwise fine Muslims stoop to this level of intellectual bankruptcy. These topics have been done to death on RF and the only folks who think these arguments have any credibility are Muslims. The rest of us are left just laughing ourselves silly. Do we really need to go down this road again and watch yet another Muslim make a fool of themselves?


Agnostic Pantheist
It is always sad when otherwise fine Muslims stoop to this level of intellectual bankruptcy. These topics have been done to death on RF and the only folks who think these arguments have any credibility are Muslims. The rest of us are left just laughing ourselves silly. Do we really need to go down this road again and watch yet another Muslim make a fool of themselves?
Unfortunately there is truth in this.
its like watching a guy inssisting on playing 70's disco on the stereo, while the rest of the people around want to listen to modern rock. sort of like a car accident.
For a while I've been insulted by people who hold these views in that it seems they regard the intellect of other people to be so low, eventually I came to realize that this is more than misplaced proselytization, these people actually believe it, which is even more horrifying, as if some people want to go forward, and others inssist to go backward and restrict society even more.

its about time people hold back their agendas off modern science, its really painful to see.


I've read and studied the Qur'an, the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. and none of the texts resonated with me scientifically. these are simply not science text books, and I doubt they were intended as such.
it reminds me of how some of the first archaeologists found Biblically important sites, simply because that is what they sought to find. now most know better, but even today, there are people in the profession who should know better, perhaps they are influenced by their sponsors who hold a religious agenda, perhaps they have a traditional side themselves or sentiments to scriptural matters, and they inssist on projecting it on their work.

First of all Qur’an is not a book of Science, ‘S-C-I-E-N-C-E’ but a book of Signs ‘S-I-G-N-S’ i.e. a book of ayaats. The Qur’an contains more than 6,000 ayaats, i.e. ‘signs’, out of which more than a thousand speak about Science. I am not trying to prove that the Qur’an is the word of God using scientific knowledge as a yard stick because any yardstick is supposed to be more superior than what is being checked or verified. For us Muslims the Qur’an is the Furqan i.e. criteria to judge right from wrong and the ultimate yardstick which is more superior to scientific knowledge.

But for an educated man who is an atheist or non-believer scientific knowledge is the ultimate test which he believes in.....like many scientists who converted to islam i have read there biography they required one or two signs and some who after even given a thousand signs will not convert

Surah Fussilat:
"Soon We will show them our signs in the (farthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?"
[Al-Quran 41:53]

Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher, has rightly said that a little knowledge of science makes man an atheist, but an in-depth study of science makes him a believer in God. Scientists today are eliminating models of God, but they are not eliminating God. If you translate this into Arabic, it is La illaha illal la, There is no god, (god with a small ‘g’ that is fake god) but God (with a capital ‘G’).


Agnostic Pantheist
First of all Qur’an is not a book of Science, ‘S-C-I-E-N-C-E’ but a book of Signs ‘S-I-G-N-S’ i.e. a book of ayaats. The Qur’an contains more than 6,000 ayaats, i.e. ‘signs’, out of which more than a thousand speak about Science.
I didn't find them speaking about science, perhaps speaking a bit about natural phenomena, but certainly not laying down scientific explanations or theories to these phenomena.
I am not trying to prove that the Qur’an is the word of God using scientific knowledge as a yard stick because any yardstick is supposed to be more superior than what is being checked or verified. For us Muslims the Qur’an is the Furqan i.e. criteria to judge right from wrong and the ultimate yardstick which is more superior to scientific knowledge.
And this is a problem. why would you mix the two together in the first place?
science is science, and theology is theology. two different fields.

But for an educated man who is an atheist or non-believer scientific knowledge is the ultimate test which he believes in
Science evolves, theories are progressing, some parts of scientific theories are challenged by scientists.
.....like many scientists who converted to islam i have read there biography they required one or two signs and some who after even given a thousand signs will not convert
One man's sign, will be shrugged of by another man as business as usual, different people have different standards, some look for different things out of life in general.

Surah Fussilat:
"Soon We will show them our signs in the (farthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?"
[Al-Quran 41:53]
I don't know what truth you are referring to.

There seems to be wisdom in this. leave theology out of science. science is science, and religious beliefs about a god should be kept in the temple, in the community, in tradition.

Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher, has rightly said that a little knowledge of science makes man an atheist, but an in-depth study of science makes him a believer in God.
And most modern scientists would seem to disagree.
Scientists today are eliminating models of God, but they are not eliminating God. If you translate this into Arabic, it is La illaha illal la, There is no god, (god with a small ‘g’ that is fake god) but God (with a capital ‘G’).


It is always sad when otherwise fine Muslims stoop to this level of intellectual bankruptcy. These topics have been done to death on RF and the only folks who think these arguments have any credibility are Muslims. The rest of us are left just laughing ourselves silly. Do we really need to go down this road again and watch yet another Muslim make a fool of themselves?

You are just making a statement and cant prove logically that iam wrong ,i challenge you or anyone if you could find a single contradiction in QURAN


Bodhisattva in Recovery
First of all Qur’an is not a book of Science, ‘S-C-I-E-N-C-E’ but a book of Signs ‘S-I-G-N-S’ i.e. a book of ayaats. The Qur’an contains more than 6,000 ayaats, i.e. ‘signs’, out of which more than a thousand speak about Science.
Um, no... they don't really. You are simply deluding yourself thinking that they do. This line of reasoning is usually based on a very flimsy understanding of science exhibited by both "Dr." Naik and Adnan Oktar/Harun Yahya, but echoed by many others.

I am not trying to prove that the Qur’an is the word of God using scientific knowledge as a yard stick because any yardstick is supposed to be more superior than what is being checked or verified. For us Muslims the Qur’an is the Furqan i.e. criteria to judge right from wrong and the ultimate yardstick which is more superior to scientific knowledge.
The downside to this type of thinking is that it is fairly clear to anyone of intellectual integrity that your "yardstick" resides in the realm of vapid speculation based on circular reasoning.

But for an educated man who is an atheist or non-believer scientific knowledge is the ultimate test which he believes in
That would be because it is reliable and doesn't take faith and several grains of salt to believe in. It's based on verifiable evidence - not speculation.

.....like many scientists who converted to islam i have read there biography they required one or two signs and some who after even given a thousand signs will not convert
Quite frankly, this is Islamic propaganda. The fact is that there are not "many" scientists who have converted to Islam. The thing is though is that once they converted... their contributions to science virtually dried up... almost like they had fallen into a black hole of delusion.

Surah Fussilat:
"Soon We will show them our signs in the (farthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?"
[Al-Quran 41:53
Ah, the cosmic "peeping Tom". One would expect that any god wothy of the name has more meaningful things to do than act as the spiritual equivalent of a General Accountant. One suspects that those "signs" are not as good as their believers would lead us to believe. Rather than raising the bar of understanding, they appeal to a lowering of the bar of understanding so that faith can intrude and spoil everything.

Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher, has rightly said that a little knowledge of science makes man an atheist, but an in-depth study of science makes him a believer in God. Scientists today are eliminating models of God, but they are not eliminating God. If you translate this into Arabic, it is La illaha illal la, There is no god, (god with a small ‘g’ that is fake god) but God (with a capital ‘G’).
This is an example of the delusional thinking of the believer. The point is that science does not entertain questions about god, therefore the entire point is breathtakingly meaningless.


Agnostic Pantheist
You are just making a statement and cant prove logically that iam wrong ,i challenge you or anyone if you could find a single contradiction in QURAN
Contradiction about what?
Contradicting the astronomical *fact* that Muhammad split the moon in half?
Contradicting the belief that a prophet flew over 765 miles of desert on a winged steed?


Unfortunately there is truth in this.
its like watching a guy inssisting on playing 70's disco on the stereo, while the rest of the people around want to listen to modern rock. sort of like a car accident.
For a while I've been insulted by people who hold these views in that it seems they regard the intellect of other people to be so low, eventually I came to realize that this is more than misplaced proselytization, these people actually believe it, which is even more horrifying, as if some people want to go forward, and others inssist to go backward and restrict society even more.

its about time people hold back their agendas off modern science, its really painful to see.
People like you make me laugh , these so-called modern just wearing a shiny cross in your neck makes you a believer , most of them doing all the which is forbidden in bible

If Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Christ (pbuh) and not one who worships Christ (pbuh). (We are more Christian than the Christians themselves).

Anb If what you are saying is the truth then why is Islam the fastest growing religion on this planet??

As the Qur'an (Ch. 21, V. 18) says: "When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood by its nature is bound to perish"


Bodhisattva in Recovery
You are just making a statement and cant prove logically that iam wrong ,i challenge you or anyone if you could find a single contradiction in QURAN
We have done this before... ad nauseum... Trust me, your arguments will fail because they are based on nothing.


Agnostic Pantheist
People like you make me laugh , these so-called modern just wearing a shiny cross in your neck makes you a believer , most of them doing all the which is forbidden in bible

If Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Christ (pbuh) and not one who worships Christ (pbuh). (We are more Christian than the Christians themselves).

Anb If what you are saying is the truth then why is Islam the fastest growing religion on this planet??

As the Qur'an (Ch. 21, V. 18) says: "When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood by its nature is bound to perish"
Sorry, im not impressed, this is the same extra garbage on line that has been recycled on internet forums for a few good years now.


Contradiction about what?
Contradicting the astronomical *fact* that Muhammad split the moon in half?
Contradicting the belief that a prophet flew over 765 miles of desert on a winged steed?

yes could you prove it wrong it same a the miracles given to Jesus or Moses (pbuh)

this part comes to the ambiguous things mentioned in QURAN its same like asking can u prove that Haven and Hell exists (it is 20% of quran)....we cant prove them now.....what about the other 80% which is proved to be 100% correct
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Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
People like you make me laugh , these so-called modern just wearing a shiny cross in your neck makes you a believer , most of them doing all the which is forbidden in bible

If Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Christ (pbuh) and not one who worships Christ (pbuh). (We are more Christian than the Christians themselves).

Anb If what you are saying is the truth then why is Islam the fastest growing religion on this planet??

As the Qur'an (Ch. 21, V. 18) says: "When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood by its nature is bound to perish"

please stop ruining the reputation of Muslims here on RF with these silly argments. may i ask what the heck you are talking about? yes, for a believer, the Qur'an has scientific value. for those who don't believe, it won't. i'm not looking to the Qur'an for scientific evidence, because it's not intended to be a science book. keep the Qur'an for spiritual advice, etc., but not for a lesson on science.

...and no excuse for insulting people of other faiths. i don't hear them insulting you...your argument? yes, but not you.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
People like you make me laugh , these so-called modern just wearing a shiny cross in your neck makes you a believer , most of them doing all the which is forbidden in bible

If Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Christ (pbuh) and not one who worships Christ (pbuh). (We are more Christian than the Christians themselves).
Woot, woot. Child, try to understand that neither Caladan or myself are Christians so it is unlikely that we are going to be very impressed with such insulting, self-serving claims.

Anb If what you are saying is the truth then why is Islam the fastest growing religion on this planet??
Ah, the Appeal to numbers fallacy. Nice... and so fast too. Claims like this tend to overlook the fact that fully half the human population is not particularly bright.

As the Qur'an (Ch. 21, V. 18) says: "When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood by its nature is bound to perish"
And yet, Islam persists...

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Sorry, the Qur'an is no more scientific than any other holy book... and that is fine.

IMHO people who try to insist that their faith is scientific do a disservice to both religion and science. Why does faith need science to protect it? Why do you think the Qur'an needs science to validate it?
