So many threads are about calling Trump "Racist!".
But Biden seems to escape attention, especially from his fans.
Setting aside the many things he's said, he
has a long record of actual harm to blacks & asians (whites too).
- 1994 Crime Bill ("three strikes")
- Opposition to Vietnamese refugee immigration
- Opposition to the federal government's involvement in desegregation
Those are just the ones I can think of.
What else lurks in his long record?
Everyone can argue who is worse.
But can any Biden fans defend his record,
one which looks worse than Trump's?
I think it's a matter of looking at the whole person and the context of whatever they might have done that would be interpreted as racist.
The way the dialogue seems to go most of the time is kind of "tit-for-tat" trying to one up the other. They come up with various gaffes or other mistakes the other might have made and make it to be that they're both the same or that their mistakes cancel each other out.
I think of this scene from a funny movie, My Fellow Americans.
The Vice-President is clearly putting his foot in his mouth - even when he's trying to be "nice," although it's obviously being spread on thick here for comedic effect. Yet, I also note the reporters feverishly writing down everything he says because they can't wait to get it to press. This is characteristic of how these things usually go.
There is a certain absurdity to it all, but I'm at a loss to try to explain it.
I seem to recall that Kamala Harris criticized Biden for some racially questionable policies he supported, but since he's now the candidate, they just swept it under the rug. I also haven't heard much more about his "you ain't black" remark.
But another way of looking at it is based on an individual's actions, policies they support, and the results of those policies. It may not be so much a question of who is more racist in their hearts, but who is more likely to violate the Constitution and violate the civil rights of people of color.