Not your average Mormon
You've been around forever, but we've all forgotten that 2-line blurb you wrote about yourself the day you joined RF. Your posts are insightful, touching, informative, uplifting and clever. Okay, once in a while they are puzzling and annoying! Sometimes they make us wonder what kind of a person is sitting at the keyboard.
We want to know more about you -- now that we sort of think we know you. If -- and only if -- you have met any of the following criteria, you are invited to re-introduce yourself on this thread:
1. Been a member for at least 8 months and have at least 2400 posts to your credit
2. Been a member for at least 10 months and have at least 2000 posts to your credit
3. Been a member for least 12 months and have at least 1200 posts to your credit.
Please refresh our memories. Who are you and where are you from? How old are you? Are you male or female? Are you married or single? Straight or gay? Catholic, Wiccan, Jewish, Muslim or something else?
Okay, a lot of that stuff is on your profile, but a lot of other stuff isn't. What makes you happy? What makes you sad? What are your pet peeves? Do you have any hopes and dreams you'd like to share? What are your hobbies and interests? What kind of work do you do? What are your favorite movies, books, places to visit? What's your favorite food, your favorite color, your favorite time of year? Do you have kids? Pets? You get my drift...
We want to make this a fun thread where we can all get to know one another better. We also want to make posting on it a goal some of the newbies can set for themselves. Would one of our illustrious admins care to make the first post?
We want to know more about you -- now that we sort of think we know you. If -- and only if -- you have met any of the following criteria, you are invited to re-introduce yourself on this thread:
1. Been a member for at least 8 months and have at least 2400 posts to your credit
2. Been a member for at least 10 months and have at least 2000 posts to your credit
3. Been a member for least 12 months and have at least 1200 posts to your credit.
Please refresh our memories. Who are you and where are you from? How old are you? Are you male or female? Are you married or single? Straight or gay? Catholic, Wiccan, Jewish, Muslim or something else?
Okay, a lot of that stuff is on your profile, but a lot of other stuff isn't. What makes you happy? What makes you sad? What are your pet peeves? Do you have any hopes and dreams you'd like to share? What are your hobbies and interests? What kind of work do you do? What are your favorite movies, books, places to visit? What's your favorite food, your favorite color, your favorite time of year? Do you have kids? Pets? You get my drift...
We want to make this a fun thread where we can all get to know one another better. We also want to make posting on it a goal some of the newbies can set for themselves. Would one of our illustrious admins care to make the first post?