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Real Doll Makeovers for Kids...No More Bratz.


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ. Trollops, sluts, prostitutes, and even bimbos do cause harm.....they give womankind a bad name. They teach men to disrespect women. They make me ashamed of the female gender.
What should really make you ashamed is that some people consider enjoying and profiting off of one's own sexuality is considered shameful. Sex isn't harmful, repression is.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
As an art piece it definitely makes a statement.
As a toy though, investing fifty hours of skilled craftsmanship isn't a good way to reach USonian youth.
Sometimes it's about the making & the result, even if there's no economic benefit.


Avid JW Bible Student
I wouldn't say bratz dolls look like "prostitutes" a prostitue can look like anyone.
They just look adult and unrealistic and hyper feminine. But I take issue with dolls in general because the are mostly marketed to girls and do nothing for a child's development like what "boys" toys do.

The Bratz dolls by their very name scream rebellion and disobedience. What is a brat, when all said and done? Why are we promoting this in children?

You say they look "adult and unrealistic and hyper feminine".....but I do not see that. (Except maybe the "unrealistic" part) All I see is the promotion of everything that demeans true femininity. Little girls are programmed to think that this is what "feminine" looks like. That could not be further from the truth.

"Ordinary kind of feminine" *giggle* gender roles are harmful regardless.
The ordinary kind of feminine as in the "good idolised wife" kind that you seem to be talking about eroded my self esteem and was just as damaging to me as the porn culture kind.
Both are unrealistic and dehumanise women and girls.

I don't know what sort of household you were raised in but that is not what Christianity promotes.
A "good wife" like a "good husband" is an asset to the family as a whole. Each has a defined role and if each fulfils it as best they can, then harmony will result.

There is a very good reason why a motor vehicle has only one set of controls. Imagine the chaos if there were two?!
There can only be one designated driver......God assigned the man that place.

Women are not demeaned in any way by the role assigned to them. Placing the man as the family head only means the buck stops with him. He is not a dictator, but a facilitator of order and care for the family as a unit.
He was to care for the family the way Christ cared for the congregation. If you know how Christ did that, then you will see the wisdom in it.

Your role models do not sound balanced in the telling of your story. Sorry that you had a bad experience in that....or was it your interpretation of it that was not quite right? Its hard to tell when people cite their childhood experience as one that "damaged" them.....it is very one sided. Two sides of a story need to be presented in order to get the big picture.
Sometimes it is a child's response to things that is the problem. :(


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
And I am obviously looking at it from "Biblical" perspective, rather than the "worldly" one.
I actually value chastity and good morals. Those who think we are nothing more than highly evolved animals are inclined to excuse those who behave like them.
Then it makes perfect sense for us to agree to disagree.
Shame and guilt are not feelings in humans that are meant to just flog them and make them feel bad, nor are they meant to be ignored. They are designed to facilitate a change in a person's behavior....one that will make those feelings of self-loathing go away. One of the first steps is to realized what part of you needs "feeding". Spiritually 'malnourished' people are always looking for those things in life that make them feel better. How many turn to substance abuse or food to fill the hole? Some think that an abundance of material things will make them happy, but this too is empty. It is a fantasy promoted by the commercial world to part you from your money.
I'll shame people for harming others, eg, stealing, assault, but not for things which coerce or threaten no one else.
The best things in life...aren't things!
Things are fun & useful though.
Those who think that physical attraction alone makes for good relationships are always in line for heartache. We are spiritual beings, designed for a spiritual life with others who are like minded. Those who deny their spirituality or exchange it for materialism are always running on "empty". The spiritual part of them is not fed and it withers and dies.....they are never whole people after that. Always searching but never finding for the most part....:(
But for people who live a life of debauchery, "popularity", or professional boinking, I'll not make them feel bad about themselves because of this lifestyle or appearance.....unless they're mean....I dislike mean people.
Sad but true in this world. :rolleyes:


Avid JW Bible Student
What should really make you ashamed is that some people consider enjoying and profiting off of one's own sexuality is considered shameful. Sex isn't harmful, repression is.

That is a matter for one's own sensibilities and conscience.

If one is not raised to believe in God or in the religious tenets contained in the Bible, then one is free to choose their course. I cannot see where sexual freedom has given anyone security in a relationship without commitment or benefits beyond the physical.

A higher power gives both partners someone to answer to for how they treat each other.

For those of us who are concerned with morals and issues of conscience, it is indeed harmful to behave like animals with no thought of consequences.

Unwanted pregnancy, abortion and STD's result when people break the moral laws of God. We are designed to be monogamous. Even science will tell you that. Multiple sexual partners set humans up for loathsome diseases and the distress of broken relationships and betrayal. Why do we have a sense of betrayal when a partner is "unfaithful"?
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Well-Known Member
The Bratz dolls by their very name scream rebellion and disobedience. What is a brat, when all said and done? Why are we promoting this in children?

You say they look "adult and unrealistic and hyper feminine".....but I do not see that. (Except maybe the "unrealistic" part) All I see is the promotion of everything that demeans true femininity. Little girls are programmed to think that this is what "feminine" looks like. That could not be further from the truth.

I don't know what sort of household you were raised in but that is not what Christianity promotes.
A "good wife" like a "good husband" is an asset to the family as a whole. Each has a defined role and if each fulfils it as best they can, then harmony will result.

There is a very good reason why a motor vehicle has only one set of controls. Imagine the chaos if there were two?!
There can only be one designated driver......God assigned the man that place.

Women are not demeaned in any way by the role assigned to them. Placing the man as the family head only means the buck stops with him. He is not a dictator, but a facilitator of order and care for the family as a unit.
He was to care for the family the way Christ cared for the congregation. If you know how Christ did that, then you will see the wisdom in it.

Your role models do not sound balanced in the telling of your story. Sorry that you had a bad experience in that....or was it your interpretation of it that was not quite right? Its hard to tell when people cite their childhood experience as one that "damaged" them.....it is very one sided. Two sides of a story need to be presented in order to get the big picture.
Sometimes it is a child's response to things that is the problem. :(

To be quite honest Jay you never try to understand any one else's experiences or perspectives anyway. You just refer back to the Watchtower view of the Bible and you never see how dangerous some of those views are especially to women and girls. And if I explain to you how they have damaged me you will just dismiss everything I'm saying as not being the real realest of the real version of Christianity and basically if I come back to god I will see the light and all of that. So we will just end up going back in circles.
I agree how dangerous porn culture is but any reinforced gender roles are dangerous and unrealistic and dehumanising and that's my view.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I should add that the reason I don't like the Bratz dolls is because I don't support the sexualization of little girls. It seems that every toy section has an aisle that I like to call the JonBenét Ramsey aisle and those dolls belong there.


Well-Known Member
I should add that the reason I don't like the Bratz dolls is because I don't support the sexualization of little girls. It seems that every toy section has an aisle that I like to call the JonBenét Ramsey aisle and those dolls belong there.
If you don't support the sexualisation of girls then why were you basically making fun of my experiences being sexualised as a young teen by much older men? And this actually happened to me an actual person not a representation of a doll

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
If you don't support the sexualisation of girls then why were you basically making fun of my experiences being sexualised as a young teen by much older men? And this actually happened to me an actual person not a representation of a doll
Because you have a tendency to blow things out of proportion and act like those things are extremely traumatizing, as if you were raped. I'm not into your radical feminism. You had an Andrea Dworkin quote as your sig before and she was a damn nutter. Says it all.


Well-Known Member
Because you have a tendency to blow things out of proportion and act like those things are extremely traumatizing, as if you were raped. I'm not into your radical feminism. You had an Andrea Dworkin quote as your sig before and she was a damn nutter. Says it al.
I didn't mention anything about levels of trauma actually. You need to take context into consideration more and don't use political views as an excuse for dismissing grooming

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I didn't mention anything about levels of trauma actually. You need to take context into consideration more and don't use political views as an excuse for dismissing grooming
I'm not dismissing anything. If you don't like someone hitting on you, then stand up for yourself and make it known.


Well-Known Member
I'm not dismissing anything. If you don't like someone hitting on you, then stand up for yourself and make it known.
So basically your taking the side of the perp
and placing the burden of blame and responsibility on the younger person. Ok I got you. And you did dismiss it by saying, so what? lots of people are attracted to young teens they just might have been horny etc etc

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
So basically your taking the side of the perp
and placing the burden of blame and responsibility on the younger person. Ok I got you. And you did dismiss it by saying, so what? lots of people are attracted to young teens they just might have been horny etc etc
No, I'm standing with individual empowerment. I don't think too highly of people who play the victim.


Avid JW Bible Student
To be quite honest Jay you never try to understand any one else's experiences or perspectives anyway.
I have tried to understand your perspective H.....I don't think you have ever considered that it isn't the only one. I am sorry that people let you down in your past.....but you seem to be stuck in your mire of unhappiness and misery, as though there is no way to extricate yourself. You can if you want to....do you want to?

Aren't you tired of being a victim? :(

You are responsible for your own happiness....no one else is. Do you realize this?

You just refer back to the Watchtower view of the Bible and you never see how dangerous some of those views are especially to women and girls.

"Dangerous"? Seriously? What is "dangerous" about being a good wife and mother in a committed, loving family relationship where kids are raised by the people who gave birth to them. This is where we get our sense of identity. You appear to blame God for what people did in your past. There is therapy for what you suffer from. Stop being a victim and move on. If you cannot get over the hurdle, then might I suggest that you get some help to do it. All you have to do is want to....and make the first steps to recovery.

The "Watchtower" view is the Bible's view. So, what specific views are you talking about?

And if I explain to you how they have damaged me you will just dismiss everything I'm saying as not being the real realest of the real version of Christianity and basically if I come back to god I will see the light and all of that. So we will just end up going back in circles.

Like I said, it all depends on how we view what we were raised with. If we view it as God's arrangement, and the people in our life were balanced Christians, then we would have been taught to view the bad things that happen to us as...bad things that happen to a lot of other people too. We are not immune to the awful things of satan's world, nor are we immune to the behavior of those who are supposed to know better. But falling apart as if we are the only ones who have had to experience such adversity is very short sighted. There is nothing that can happen to us that others are not dealing with right now. As long as satan's world exists, wickedness will exit right along with it. That is a fact of life, unless you live in a bubble.

If you have lasting trauma, then perhaps it is your own attitude that is to blame? God's worshippers do not find his laws and principles to be a burden in any way. Perhaps you are waiting for God to change to your point of view.....please don't hold your breath. You can free yourself from the place you seem to find yourself trapped. But no one is going to do it for you. If you think feminism is the answer, then don't hold your breath about that either.

The answer is right in front of you....take it or leave it.

I agree how dangerous porn culture is but any reinforced gender roles are dangerous and unrealistic and dehumanising and that's my view.

We are born to follow "gender roles"....they are for the most part, programmed into us. There can be crossovers, but they are not in the majority. Chromosomes determine gender specific behaviors......we are born with those.

Parents see it in the way their children play....the toys they choose and the interaction among them.
I have raised both genders and I saw the difference in what they chose naturally. I catered to their wants....I did not force them to be what they were not. Dolls for little girls back then were for the most part, baby dolls.....with the creation of anorexic Barbie, we have implanted serious body image issues in our girls that only gets worse the longer the system goes on. Who is running this show....? Not hard to see is it?

Porn is one of the most dangerous and sickening pastimes that so many are now devoting their lives to.
The Internet has facilitated so much pornography that the behaviors of those who succumb to it are seen in their relationships crumbling as their real life partnerships fail to satisfy an artificial appetite for what their filthy minds can now create in cyberspace. It is toxic to relationships even though many think it is harmless. o_O


Well-Known Member
No, I'm standing with individual empowerment. I don't think too highly of people who play the victim.
I have tried to understand your perspective H.....I don't think you have ever considered that it isn't the only one. I am sorry that people let you down in your past.....but you seem to be stuck in your mire of unhappiness and misery, as though there is no way to extricate yourself. You can if you want to....do you want to?

Aren't you tired of being a victim? :(

You are responsible for your own happiness....no one else is. Do you realize this?

"Dangerous"? Seriously? What is "dangerous" about being a good wife and mother in a committed, loving family relationship where kids are raised by the people who gave birth to them. This is where we get our sense of identity. You appear to blame God for what people did in your past. There is therapy for what you suffer from. Stop being a victim and move on. If you cannot get over the hurdle, then might I suggest that you get some help to do it. All you have to do is want to....and make the first steps to recovery.

The "Watchtower" view is the Bible's view. So, what specific views are you talking about?

Like I said, it all depends on how we view what we were raised with. If we view it as God's arrangement, and the people in our life were balanced Christians, then we would have been taught to view the bad things that happen to us as...bad things that happen to a lot of other people too. We are not immune to the awful things of satan's world, nor are we immune to the behavior of those who are supposed to know better. But falling apart as if we are the only ones who have had to experience such adversity is very short sighted. There is nothing that can happen to us that others are not dealing with right now. As long as satan's world exists, wickedness will exit right along with it. That is a fact of life, unless you live in a bubble.

If you have lasting trauma, then perhaps it is your own attitude that is to blame? God's worshippers do not find his laws and principles to be a burden in any way. Perhaps you are waiting for God to change to your point of view.....please don't hold your breath. You can free yourself from the place you seem to find yourself trapped. But no one is going to do it for you. If you think feminism is the answer, then don't hold your breath about that either.

The answer is right in front of you....take it or leave it.

We are born to follow "gender roles"....they are for the most part, programmed into us. There can be crossovers, but they are not in the majority. Chromosomes determine gender specific behaviors......we are born with those.

Parents see it in the way their children play....the toys they choose and the interaction among them.
I have raised both genders and I saw the difference in what they chose naturally. I catered to their wants....I did not force them to be what they were not. Dolls for little girls back then were for the most part, baby dolls.....with the creation of anorexic Barbie, we have implanted serious body image issues in our girls that only gets worse the longer the system goes on. Who is running this show....? Not hard to see is it?

Porn is one of the most dangerous and sickening pastimes that so many are now devoting their lives to.
The Internet has facilitated so much pornography that the behaviors of those who succumb to it are seen in their relationships crumbling as their real life partnerships fail to satisfy an artificial appetite for what their filthy minds can now create in cyberspace. It is toxic to relationships even though many think it is harmless. o_O
what has any of this got to do with my personal happiness?
I was happier after I completely left the Watchtower. This has nothing to do with victim hood or personal relationships with anyone who "let me down." You are deviating from what I actually said and making it into a personal attack.

I wonder if this is what you would say to all the rape victims and CSA surviours that have been silenced by the Watchtower?

Or all the LGBT people in the organisation that are depressed and suicidal because of WT teachings?

Or all the bad sex that the married women have to have because they are taught they cant masturbate or have oral sex. And I've read articles that advise them to just get pleasure from their husbands pleasure.?

Or all the families of the people who have died because they have to refuse blood transfusions?

Or all the domestic violence victims who are effected by the Watchtowers poorly addressed and victim blaming articles on the matter?

Plently of ex witnesses need therapy after leaving the WT Jay.

Your problem is that you think any critcisms of the WT arent valid because anything thats taught from the WT is coming from God even though the WT is constantly changing it's teaching because they are continously wrong. So which one is it?

You're pointing your finger about how slutty women are ruining things but the high ranking men of the Watchtower have ruined a lot of people lives.


Avid JW Bible Student
what has any of this got to do with my personal happiness?
I was happier after I completely left the Watchtower. This has nothing to do with victim hood or personal relationships with anyone who "let me down." You are deviating from what I actually said and making it into a personal attack.

You brought up your past again H, no one else did. I was simply stating a few facts based on what you said.

I am genuinely sorry that you feel like a victim. People often remain victims long after the event that traumatised them is over. They don't have to.

No one is attacking you....just answering you.

What can anyone say except...if you think there was a crime committed, then report it to the authorities.

I wonder if this is what you would say to all the rape victims and CSA surviours that have been silenced by the Watchtower?

That makes me smile...."silenced by the Watchtower". By what power do you imagine that the WT can "silence" anyone?

They are just men who run an organization. Are they perfect? No, but neither are any of us. I believe they do the best they can to carry out the assignment given to them. No one else does it better IMO.

Like I said...if there was a crime committed, report it to the police. The WT are not the police. They have NO power under the law. The elders have no authority except in the congregation. They need the testimony of two witnesses to establish guilt. That is a Biblical requirement. The law requires evidence, and so do the elders. The 'say so' of one person is not enough to "convict" anyone of any crime. Do you understand this? If there has been a miscarriage of justice, God will deal with it and the perpetrators. Nothing is hidden from him.

How many people do you think walk free from the justice system because there is not enough evidence to convict them?
They will all answer to the ultimate judge in due time.

Or all the LGBT people in the organisation that are depressed and suicidal because of WT teachings?

You mean Bible teaching, don't you? There are no actively gay or bi people that I know of in the ranks of JW's, for the simple reason that no actively immoral person could be accepted as a Christian, regardless of their gender.
Sex between married people is the only lawful arrangement approved by God. So same sex couples cannot be JW's.

Or all the bad sex that the married women have to have because they are taught they cant masturbate or have oral sex. And I've read articles that advise them to just get pleasure from their husbands pleasure.?

If we married the wrong mate, how is that God's fault? Did he stand there with a big stick and force us into that relationship? If we made our bed, we have to lie in it. Marriage has no escape clause except for infidelity. We didn't make the rules. It is up to us to choose carefully.

What husbands and wives do behind closed doors is nobody's business. Elders do not intrude on married couples' private activity.

We do have scriptural admonition however for our consciences to guide us.

1 Corinthians 7:1-5....."Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me:It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." (NASB)

The Bible says that we do not have authority over our own body, but our spouse does. That rules out masturbation in my book. You can make of that what you will.

Or all the families of the people who have died because they have to refuse blood transfusions?

I know of no Witness who has died from refusing blood who would not have died anyway. More people die from receiving blood than from refusing it....did you know that? You need to get your facts straight.
Blood is not good medicine. Google the dangers of blood transfusion and then ask how many doctors would actually have one themselves? Have a look at bloodless surgery too...it's very enlightening.

Or all the domestic violence victims who are effected by the Watchtowers poorly addressed and victim blaming articles on the matter?
No Witnesses are expected to stay in violent relationships. Again you treat the WT as if it was law enforcement. All the elders can do is counsel the victims. It is up to the victims themselves to go to the authorities and get help if they want to.

Plently of ex witnesses need therapy after leaving the WT Jay.

Yes I understand that all those poor innocent victims are completely screwed up by Bible counsel.
Isn't it more a case of not getting what they want when they want it?
Sometimes you just have to wait on Jehovah to sort things out. Patience always pays off in my experience.

Your problem is that you think any critcisms of the WT arent valid because anything thats taught from the WT is coming from God even though the WT is constantly changing it's teaching because they are continously wrong. So which one is it?
I have a very healthy view of the imperfections of my brothers as they do mine.
I have not found them to be "constantly changing" or "continuously wrong"....in fact I find them continuously adapting to the increase of knowledge. I have never been disadvantaged by any of their teachings.
If they were stuck in a centuries old rut from which they could not extricate themselves....then I would start to worry. (Prov 4:18)

They have been very good guides for the majority of JW's and I am more than happy to accept them as my spiritual shepherds. You are free to think and do whatever you wish. Perhaps you should stop expecting imperfect humans to be immune from mistakes. We all make them...even Jesus' own apostles were not perfect. It didn't stop Christ from using them for God's glory.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Personal note:
We never bought our daughter dolls, & she never wanted any.
Stuffed animals sufficed.


Well-Known Member
Reading the title made me wonder why are there Real Dolls for kids. Then read the OP and went "oh, it's not those Real Dolls"

Haha :D

and do nothing for a child's development like what "boys" toys do.

Yeah I know right?

