Levitation, teleportation etc take place due to pranic forces which make up the subtle dimension or mental plane. In the physical plane there is separation between you and another body, if your body is in America and their body is in China, you cannot interact with one another. However, in the mental plane due to pranic networks that connect every point in space, you can indeed interact with one another. Likewise, the pranic forces can be used for various purposes such as levitation by channeling the upwards-flowing pranic force or teleportation by demateralizing your body into the akasha(quantum) and travelling through the pranic channels and rematerializing at another point,in exactly the same way electrons quantum tunnel by converting into waves and then back into particles.
The network of pranic channels is crucial to how any psychic power works(also crucial to how yogic techniques work)
Ah, more contradictions from the logic master. You already told me that there are not different levels and such, but now you are claiming there
are different planes, such as the mental plane and subtle dimension. Can you please stop contradicting yourself? I find it very unsettling.
The China thing, are you saying that if I wanted to telepathically talk to someone in China I could go through other minds to transfer the message? Good thing you are rooted in scientific fact...
Theoretically this is all fine and dandy, but nobody is going to be able to break down to quantum levels and teleport themselves. That is not at all possible, as we exist at the atomic level, not the quantum level. Once again, I need you to decide if the quantum level is different or decide if there is no difference between these non-existent levels, I need you to stop contradicting yourself.
So did Yeshua according to Scriptures. They both did it for the same reason. They were illustrating that reality was illusional and subjective and therefore could be transcended. It also scared the crap out of non-believers.
That's true, but again myths don't really hold much merit. If people back then could do it, people today should be able to, yet they do not. Also, Christ had the power of God so he hardly showed that reality was an illusion.
They practice of the ability of control of body and mind.
70 years without eating? 'Starving yogi' says it's true - The Body Odd
If a yogi were going to actually seemingly defy classical physics it would probably be with quantum physics.
I am not sure this qualifies as support for no objective reality. Despite that this yogi obviously had to take in water, control over the Self does not mean there is not objective reality, and and defying of physics, even at the quantum level, would require that aspect of reality to objectively exist. If it cannot be done by the mind alone it cannot be completely subjective.