Keeper of the Grove
<LI>Singer, Professor Peter
Spencer, Colin
Theroux, Paul ??
Thomas, Dilip, Writer, source: Amazon.com
<LI>Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862)
Thomas, Rev.Dr. Donald (1953- )
<LI>Tolstoy, Leo Nikolayevich (1828-1910)
Voltaire ?? (1694-1778)
Walker, Alice vegan Source: Her autobiographical text Everything We Love Can Be Saved
Wynne-Tyson, Jon
Zephaniah, Benjamin Poet source: Vegan Magazine, www.benjaminzephaniah.com
[font=helvetica,arial]Religious Leaders & Mystics[/font] :
- Italiano Professor Peter Singer
Spencer, Colin
Theroux, Paul ??
Thomas, Dilip, Writer, source: Amazon.com
<LI>Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862)
- Español - Henry David Thoreau
Thomas, Rev.Dr. Donald (1953- )
<LI>Tolstoy, Leo Nikolayevich (1828-1910)
- Español - Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
Voltaire ?? (1694-1778)
Walker, Alice vegan Source: Her autobiographical text Everything We Love Can Be Saved
Wynne-Tyson, Jon
Zephaniah, Benjamin Poet source: Vegan Magazine, www.benjaminzephaniah.com
[font=helvetica,arial]Religious Leaders & Mystics[/font] :
- Agnon, Shmuel Yosef (1888-1970)
- Amritanandamayi, Mata
- Besant, Annie (1847-1933)
- Español - Annie Besant
- Português - Annie Besant
- Booth, General William (1829-1912)
- Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness the XIV ??
- Ferrier, Rev. John Todd (1855-1943)
- Fuchs, Stephen Rabbi, lecturer, professor source: Kalecheski, ed., Rabbis and Vegetarianism
- Graham, Sylvester (1795-1851)
- Español - Sylvester Graham
- Gross-Foster, Karen, (1954 - ) Mystic/Occultist/Author, source: Personal Friend, www.1stbooks.com/bookview/14673
- Jesus & the early Christians
- Krishnamurti, Jiddu Spiritual teacher Source: Krishnamurtis Notebook, His biography written by Mary Lutyens.
- Krishna, Anand
- Maimonedes (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon) ?? (1135-1204)
- Español - Maimónides
- Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati, Religious leader, founder of Arya Samaj source: Arya Samaj
- Maitreya, Mystic Teacher, source: Subscriber to recycle your soul daily, mysticalguide.com/index.shtml
- Metcalfe, Rev.William (17??-1862)
- Prabhupada, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami (1896-1977)
- Rajneesh, Bagwan Sri (Osho)
- Raynaud de la Ferriére, Serge
- Sathya Sai Baba, Avatar, source: books, web sites, discourses. www.sathyasai.org
- Shankar, Sri Sri Ravi Founder of 'Art of Living Foundation' source: Common Sense www.artofliving.org,www.srisri.com
- St Brendan (c.489Ðc.570), Saint (Ireland), sailor, explorer, possible discoverer of America, source: Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis (translated by John O'Meara)
- St.Francis of Assisi ?? (1181-1226)
- Deutsch - St. Franziskus von Assisi
- Italiano - San Francesco d'Assisi
- Magyar - Assisi Szent Ferenc
- Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688-1772)
- Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist Monk. Leader of Engaged Buddhism, source: His writings, www.plumvillage.org/
- Wesley, John,Founder of the Methodist Church, source: www.christianveg.com/famousveg.html, famous veggies.com and the sexual politics of meat
- White, Ellen G. (1827-1915)
- Whitworth, Maria, Medium & Animal Communicator, source: she's my wife, www.mariawhitworth.com
- Yogananda, Paramahansa (? - 1952)
- Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh Writer, Philosopher, Leader of the transcendental meditation movement source: common knowledge