Is that why slavery is permitted and women are beneath men?
If you really believe that the bible is a human construct then these are all human decisions camouflaged by religion aren't they?.
And now you want to introduce a new human construct camouflaged as law. I would not trust these humans if i were you, their track record is horrible and at least the Bible version has a happy ending that explains why things went off the tracks for a while.
Actually i wonder why they made up all that end of the world stuff anyway... it seems strange that the powers who made up this masterpiece of social engineering and patriarchal control would have endorsed a story where they end up as the bad guys who get destroyed at the end. You would have thought that they would have shown how THEY were the heroes of the story who would lead man back to the golden age... but no they decided on....... We end up so out of control that God steps in and kills us and takes over the Kingdom. Strange choice of plot direction. And they make the hero of the story a poor carpenter who gets executed...... weird choice. Not very homeric.
Do you honestly think that slavery ended because of a moral issue?
The impetus was much more economic than that... very few wanted the American slaves freed because of morals, it was actually racism in many cases, the new states opposed slavery spreading because slaves would "take all the jobs" if they were allowed. If the south had not risen and forced an armed conflict it is very doubtful that the country would have outlawed slavery in the 1860's. The most common rational view was that industralization would eventually make slavery obsolete. It was the New states that forced the issue into exploding when it did.
It seems a pretty established fact that the offshoring of manufacturing to the Asian world in particular has created a pseudo slave economy that the west is happy to exploit for cheap luxuries that they do not really need.... where is the real morality in that... isn't it some surface feel good morality that the west expouses and it does not actually ever put itself in harms way to improve things
Doesn't morality require more than some surface declaration that you identify with anyone who claims to be exploited.... that is easy, the words. But where is the moral stand based on on anything deeper than "i feel" .
You feel slavery is wrong. You feel like slavery has been defeated. You live in a civilization that still depends on it ....... we just off shored the stench.
Saudi Arabia can do what it wants with both Slavery and Women TODAY and there are no protests on the streets of the west. Threaten petrol prices and the west's morals don't seem to exist.