Just produce an argument that reasonably logically concludes the non-existence of a transcendent being such as God.
Fine, I have a transcendental argument.
Identity (the Law of Identity) is the state of affairs where if something exists, it exists as itself and not something else. In logic identity is expressed as A = A. It basically means that if a basketball exists in reality, then it is a basketball and not a baseball or a quarter. Please note that this is a statement independent of our perception: of course we might perceive an oasis in a desert that isn't there, but all the Law of Identity states is that if something exists -- regardless of what it is and regardless of whether we perceive it correctly -- that it is what it is.
It has two corollaries, excluded middle and noncontradiction. All three together are as follows in English and symbolically (please note that ¬ means "not," such that ¬A means "not-A.")
1) Identity
Explanation: Something is what it is if it exists and not something else
Symbolically: A = A
Logic: true = true, also false = false
Example: If the moon actually exists in reality, then regardless of how we perceive it, it is what it is. If we perceived it as a lump of cheese when actually it's rock, then it's still true that (even though we see it as cheese) it's still rock in reality: it is what it is.
2) Excluded middle
Explanation: Something is either what it is, or it's actually something else
Symbolically: A or ¬A
Logic: A statement is either true or it is false.
Example: If I see an oasis but it's actually an illusion, then it's not an oasis: it is instead an oasis.
3) Noncontradiction
Explanation: Something can't be itself and something contradictory at the same time and in the same respect
Symbolically: ¬(A & ¬A)
Logic: A statement can't be both true and false at the same time and in the same respect.
Example: There can't be a married bachelor because to be married contradicts with being a bachelor
Now, identity (and its corollaries) are incorrigible; meaning that they are necessarily true. It's not possible under any circumstance for them to be false.
Since identity is incorrigible and necessary, it can't be created; since to be created implies that at one point it wasn't true.
For instance, try to imagine something creating identity: how was that thing itself before creating identity? It puts the cart before the horse.
Identity was never created and has always been true, and necessarily so. Thus, there can exist no being which created identity. Thus, there can exist no being that created
everything since identity has always existed and always been true.