I'll try one time to explain this to you...
It's illegal for a President to accept any sort of gift or payment from a foreign leader or government.
This is the kind of stuff that frustrates me. You ignored every solid point i made in my former post. THEN your "explanation" was nothing other then an authoritarian assertion that trump cannot accept any payment or gift. Your interpretation your pushing in a authoritarian way. Also, you did not answer my question.
Ill ask it again. WHY is it wrong for trump to accept a payment or gift from a foreign leader? If you say because of the constitution, then your begging the question. Why do you believe the constitution says that?
President Trump declared that the G7 summit would be held at the Doral resort, which means world leaders would have to stay at the resort.
Donald Trump owns the Doral resort.
Thus all payments associated with the summit would go to Donald Trump.
Since he is the President, that is illegal.
It's just that simple.
No, its not that simple. Read my former post before this one. I made airtight points in that post.
Have you ever been involved in business process decisions for any reasonable sized business?
Simple things like competitive tendering laws are in place for a reason.
All your doing is the same thing the other guy just did. No refutation to anything i said in the former post and no answer to my question.
I don't get people who want the swamp cleaned, decry themselves American, yet will happily turn a blind eye to fundamentally poor business practise because it's their 'team' doing it.
Thats rediculious. Its not swampy to have a innocent transaction where foreign leaders pay money in return for rooms at a hotel. There is nothing inherently evil about that.
In fact, the REAL swamp is these democrates trying to bully people, president, other leaders, business owners, people of society or other. THATS the real swamp! The swamp is these democrates picking on something that is totally innocent and yet they get away with it and waste our tax dollars being in office fighting against something that is totally innocent!
Its frankly, not just swampy, its downright upside down and discusting!
They call good evil and evil they call good. They call light darkness and darkness they call light.