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Refuting the Reform Movement's Documentary Hypothesis


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Reform Judaism has been asserting a so-called academic, scholarly pursuit to prove that the Torah, Jewish Scripture is pagan in origin and the ONLY way to make sense of the narrative is to split it into different sources who were adherents of different Gods, not one single God. As I have asserted, for every long time, this false interpretation is the highest form of an argument from ignorance. The Reform Movement doesn't know how to read or understand the Torah. They therefore assume it MUST be referring to multiple Pagan gods, because their minds, the Reform Jewish mindset had not adopted Judaism. They don't seem to know what Judaism is about.

This can be seen, "wink-wink" in Parsha Vayeirah. In Judaism we are encouraged, directed, to learn these stories on a weekly cycle repeatedly, for all our days. Not only that, we are instructed to HagEEtah, from the root Hei-Gimel-Hei, whose etymology suggests re-counting, fully, like on all ten fingers. Hei-Gimmel-Hei.

Joshua 1:8​

This book of the Torah shall not leave your mouth; you shall "HagEEtah" ( הָגִ֚יתָ - meditate? ) therein day and night, in order that you observe to do all that is written in it, for then will you succeed in all your ways and then will you prosper.​
Psalms 1:1-3​
The praises of a man are that he did not follow the counsel of the wicked, neither did he stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the company of scorners. But his desire is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he "Ye'H'GEHah" ( יֶהְ֜גֶּ֗ה - meditates ? ) day and night. He shall be as a tree planted beside rivulets of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season, and its leaves do not wilt; and whatever he does prospers.​

The Reform Movement doesn't do this. They don't read the Prophets, they don't read the Psalms. The Reform Movement teaches the Psalms are pagan. Their so-called scholars in order to force the pagan splitting of the Torah, they will go so far as to rewrite the Psalm, forcing it to be Pagan. If they would simply read the Torah, and meditate on it, and recount it, day and night, they would never-never split the Torah, especially based on different Gods with different names. It's insane. It's not Jewish! Reform Jews more than anything else mediate day and night on politics. They are not credible authorities on the Torah. As I will show.

In a recent thread, I brought real, hard evidence, the equivalent of DNA evidence, that the Torah is not the product of multiple sources. A representative of the Reform Movement on this forum continually misrepresents the scholarship on this matter. Lying by omission. Sneaky. Rude. Character assassination. Their reputation is well known here. Non-biased computer driven analysis of the Torah proves, the Reform Movement's 100 year campaign against the Torah has failed. Their academic credentials mean nothing. Their methods simply don't work. They started with an argument from ignorance, and they accomplished nothing as a result. Naturally, they are hiding this. There are no multiple sources for the Torah. That has been proven. Scientifically. There is only one source, with two different voices, for two different audiences: Temple Priest or not.

Since this scientific evidence is being ignored, I thought it would be good to show, using the Torah itself, that it cannot be split into pieces. The whole point of the Torah is that conflicts are reconciled by the belief in one and only divine power which is taking different forms and revealing itself to all of creation. Judaism directs the adherent to look again. It looks like multiple gods, but, look again. What else could it be? The Reform Movement has completely lost the plot. Completely. And almost immediately from its very inception, they refused to learn from Rabbis, and our sages, and wanted to mingle and mix with the other nations. They stopped learning the Jewish mindset. They can only view the world through the pagan lens of conflict, and that is why they are obsessed with politics and splitting the Torah into pieces with multiple sources who believed in different gods. They do not know how to practice Judaism. They can only do it very briefly, very occasionally, and quite honestly, only in superficial ways. They're not teaching or practicing Judaism. They are, themselves, old fashioned pagans. They are conflict junkies.

Below is something I wrote on another forum this morning. Yet again, the story of the binding of Isaac is being misrepresented. In my reply I explain the story, and show that the whole point of the story is that Abraham knew that the different names, the different forms, the different revelations were all coming from the same divine power, YHVH the one and only Eternal God. Splitting te Torah into multiple sources who believed in different gods is insane. The Reform Movement is erasing and replacing. They are erasing the entire message of the Torah. They are ignoring, or incapable of understanding, the lessons being taught. Their minds are not operating in a manner which is harmony with the Torah which is the basis of our religion. They have lost it. And I don't think they're coming back.

What you'll read below, proves that the Torah is discouraging Jewish people from the old-fashioned pagan mindset of gods in conflict. But the Reform Movement's academic scholarship will not look-again and mediate, recount, what else could it be? It looks like different gods based on their names? Look again, Reform Rabbis and so-called scholars. Look again.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Christian preachers and theologians cherry pick and completely miss the point of the story of the binding of Isaac. It;s clear to me also that Jewish academics, Rabbis, and so-called scholars also miss the point. The Torah cannot be split into pieces, sliced and diced according to divine names as the Reform Movement has been preaching, in the name of one of their gods, "Academic Scholarship" for the past 100 years.

Abraham knew, for certain, the boy would not be sacrificed, because God had promised that a nation would be built from Isaac. Abraham laughed at this, because of his age and Sarah's age. This, laughter, is where Isaac gets his name. It is Yitzchak. It is the word for laughter. Laughter is featured in this section of the Abraham narrative. If it is chanted out-loud ( as we do in Jewish Temples, the ones that actually still chant it in Hebrew ) this is much more obvious.

The point is, this story begins with a test. What's the test? How is it possible for BOTH to be true simultaneously. How? God revealing itself in the form of Ail-Shaddai ( one of the divine names ) says a nation will be built from Yitzchak ( literally: from "laughter" ). God revealing itself in the form of Elohim ( another of the divine names ) says: "Please take your son, your only one, whom you love, yea, Isaac, and go away to the land of Moriah and bring him up there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains, of which I will tell you." How can both be true? Did God flip-flop and change its mind?

The Pagan point of view, which was the prevailing theology of the time, and is the mindset of Reform Judaism, would have automatically viewed this as contradictory. Clearly, from the Pagan ( Reform Judaism ) point of view, these are two Gods in conflict. These two are fighting. Ail-Shaddai vs. Elohim. Conflict. Gods in conflict. Pagan. Politics. One wants to build up from Isaac, one wants to kill Isaac preventing it. Abraham is stuck in the middle. That's Pagan. It's politics. Reform Jews love their politics and demonizing their enemies.

Abraham didn't see the world this way. Abraham departed from Paganism. That's the beginning of the Abraham story, it sets the scene for the entire story of his life as recorded in the Hebrew bible.
Genesis 12:1​
The Eternal, YHVH, said to Abram, "Go forth from your land and from your birthplace and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you.​

Then throughout the story, The Eternal, YHVH, reveals itself to Abraham in various forms, but Abraham realizes it's all the same God. That's Jewish Monotheism. But, that doesn't resolve the conflict in the story of the Akeidah, binding of Isaac, the binding of "Laughter".

If the story of the binding of Isaac is read very carefully, Abraham knows that both are simultaneously true. It's the same God. He entered into a covenant with God which promised a nation would be built from Isaac, and, he received a directive from the same God to ... ? What exactly? Let's look again:

And it came to pass after these things, that God tested Abraham, and He said to him, "Abraham," and he said, "Here I am."​
And He said, "Please take your son, your only one, whom you love, yea, Isaac, and go away to the land of Moriah and bring him up there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains, of which I will tell you."​

"... bring him up there for a burnt offering". Huh? Interesting. That could mean 2 things, right? The first thing that comes to mind, of course, is child sacrifice to a god. Naturally. That's what people did at that time. But, must it mean that? And that, is Judaism in a nutshell. Judaism asks the adherent: "Look again? What else could it be?" The Reform Judaism academic cannot see it any other way. It must be Pagan. They're not practicing Judaism. They probably can't anymore. They're minds have atrophied. They won't learn from the 1000 years of Jewish sages. They refuse to look. Not Jewish.

Just as the concept of "Laughter" is featured in the origin story of Isaac, "Looking again" is featured in the story of his binding. Again, and as usual, this is much more obvious in the original language, and as usual, it is obscured in the English translations. In Judaism, this story is in Parsha Va'yeirah, which means "And it will be seen." What will be seen? Look again, to see it.

Abraham knew the boy was not going to be sacrificed, but he also knew that both of the revelations he rec'd were from the same God and they both had to be true. He hadn't worked out how it was going to happen, but he was certain, the boy would not be killed. On arrival at the mountain, Abraham tells the escorts, "The boy and I will return here to you." When Isaac, naturally, is concerned for his safety, he asks his father the famous question: "Where is the lamb for the offering?" Abraham doesn't know where. But he answers faithfully: "Elohim Yireh-Loh ( literal translation: will see to it for himself )"

Abraham continues, binds Isaac, knows he won't be harmed. Raises the knife. A messenger of the Eternal God, a Malach-YHVH, says "STOP". Now. At this point, Abraham could have stopped. But. He didn't. He knew that the same God, in the form of Elohim, had asked, "Nah, please, bring Isaac up for a burnt offering". So, what does Abraham do? He looks again. Looking up, he sees a ram caught in a thicket. He offers the ram instead. And then after he looked again, and reconciled the seemingly conflicting instructions, coming from what any Pagan, and the Reform Jewish scholars, would consider to be two conflicting gods, what happens next? The Malach-YHVH, the messenger of the Eternal God, speaks again.
I will surely bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand that is on the seashore, and your descendants will inherit the cities of their enemies.​

Wow. That's a rather impressive blessing. It was received because Abraham looked again. And the Eternal saw. The Eternal saw that Abraham had fully realized there is one and only one divine power. Just one. Those other powers are like the fingertips on a divine glove which is being filled with one and only one hand which is being directly controlled by one and only one will: the will of one and only eternal omnipresent being. Abraham had faith in this one and only eternal God. When he rec;d the seemingly conflicting revelations, he did not assume they were in conflict, he assumed they would be reconciled. And all of it, quite honestly, can be seen originating in the laughter, the laughter at the inconceivable, the laughter of the notion of an Isaac being born to and Abraham. But it cannot be appreciated unless one looks again. Jewish sages regularly invoke the following axiom in conflict resolution: "both this and that are the words of the Living God." This and that are not in conflict. All that's needed is an open mind, and the will to look again.

And this is why, immediately prior to the angel's blessing, Abraham names the mountain, YHVH Yireh, The Eternal will be seen. Because this story, he knew, would be engraved in the hearts and minds of the nation which was promised by The Eternal who takes many forms, but is ultimately only one. The story of Abraham is about the emergence of Jewish monotheism from the House of Terah, the idol-maker, Abraham's father. It's not a story about Christ. It's a story of a man who looked again, and asked himself, "What else could it be? Is it really a world of chaos and conflict?" That's the story of the binding of Yitzchak.

Reform Jewish Rabbis and scholars do not understand this story. If they did, they would be like me, and fight, fight against the old fashioned pagan mindset which attaches itself to conflict and politics. No splitting the Torah. No slicing and dicing. No erasing and replacing. It's not kosher. It's criminal. It's not Jewish. And yes there is a way to bring this conflict, I'm having with the so-called Reform Movement into reconciliation. It's using them as a negative role-model.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Reform Judaism has been asserting a so-called academic, scholarly pursuit to prove that the Torah, Jewish Scripture is pagan in origin and the ONLY way to make sense of the narrative is to split it into different sources who were adherents of different Gods, not one single God. As I have asserted, for every long time, this false interpretation is the highest form of an argument from ignorance. The Reform Movement doesn't know how to read or understand the Torah. They therefore assume it MUST be referring to multiple Pagan gods, because their minds, the Reform Jewish mindset had not adopted Judaism. They don't seem to know what Judaism is about.

This can be seen, "wink-wink" in Parsha Vayeirah. In Judaism we are encouraged, directed, to learn these stories on a weekly cycle repeatedly, for all our days. Not only that, we are instructed to HagEEtah, from the root Hei-Gimel-Hei, whose etymology suggests re-counting, fully, like on all ten fingers. Hei-Gimmel-Hei.

Joshua 1:8​

This book of the Torah shall not leave your mouth; you shall "HagEEtah" ( הָגִ֚יתָ - meditate? ) therein day and night, in order that you observe to do all that is written in it, for then will you succeed in all your ways and then will you prosper.​
Psalms 1:1-3​
The praises of a man are that he did not follow the counsel of the wicked, neither did he stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the company of scorners. But his desire is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he "Ye'H'GEHah" ( יֶהְ֜גֶּ֗ה - meditates ? ) day and night. He shall be as a tree planted beside rivulets of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season, and its leaves do not wilt; and whatever he does prospers.​

The Reform Movement doesn't do this. They don't read the Prophets, they don't read the Psalms. The Reform Movement teaches the Psalms are pagan. Their so-called scholars in order to force the pagan splitting of the Torah, they will go so far as to rewrite the Psalm, forcing it to be Pagan. If they would simply read the Torah, and meditate on it, and recount it, day and night, they would never-never split the Torah, especially based on different Gods with different names. It's insane. It's not Jewish! Reform Jews more than anything else mediate day and night on politics. They are not credible authorities on the Torah. As I will show.

In a recent thread, I brought real, hard evidence, the equivalent of DNA evidence, that the Torah is not the product of multiple sources. A representative of the Reform Movement on this forum continually misrepresents the scholarship on this matter. Lying by omission. Sneaky. Rude. Character assassination. Their reputation is well known here. Non-biased computer driven analysis of the Torah proves, the Reform Movement's 100 year campaign against the Torah has failed. Their academic credentials mean nothing. Their methods simply don't work. They started with an argument from ignorance, and they accomplished nothing as a result. Naturally, they are hiding this. There are no multiple sources for the Torah. That has been proven. Scientifically. There is only one source, with two different voices, for two different audiences: Temple Priest or not.

Since this scientific evidence is being ignored, I thought it would be good to show, using the Torah itself, that it cannot be split into pieces. The whole point of the Torah is that conflicts are reconciled by the belief in one and only divine power which is taking different forms and revealing itself to all of creation. Judaism directs the adherent to look again. It looks like multiple gods, but, look again. What else could it be? The Reform Movement has completely lost the plot. Completely. And almost immediately from its very inception, they refused to learn from Rabbis, and our sages, and wanted to mingle and mix with the other nations. They stopped learning the Jewish mindset. They can only view the world through the pagan lens of conflict, and that is why they are obsessed with politics and splitting the Torah into pieces with multiple sources who believed in different gods. They do not know how to practice Judaism. They can only do it very briefly, very occasionally, and quite honestly, only in superficial ways. They're not teaching or practicing Judaism. They are, themselves, old fashioned pagans. They are conflict junkies.

Below is something I wrote on another forum this morning. Yet again, the story of the binding of Isaac is being misrepresented. In my reply I explain the story, and show that the whole point of the story is that Abraham knew that the different names, the different forms, the different revelations were all coming from the same divine power, YHVH the one and only Eternal God. Splitting te Torah into multiple sources who believed in different gods is insane. The Reform Movement is erasing and replacing. They are erasing the entire message of the Torah. They are ignoring, or incapable of understanding, the lessons being taught. Their minds are not operating in a manner which is harmony with the Torah which is the basis of our religion. They have lost it. And I don't think they're coming back.

What you'll read below, proves that the Torah is discouraging Jewish people from the old-fashioned pagan mindset of gods in conflict. But the Reform Movement's academic scholarship will not look-again and mediate, recount, what else could it be? It looks like different gods based on their names? Look again, Reform Rabbis and so-called scholars. Look again.
I was raised as a reform Jew, family coming from Europe, living in shtetls (for Jews only outside the big cities of Europe, I'm sure you know that though). The rabbi of the synagogue my parents attended regularly was known throughout the U.S. Name withheld. I liked him, heard his lectures from the podium, the Torah was taken out once a week. I didn't question anything. Until later.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I was raised as a reform Jew, family coming from Europe, living in shtetls (for Jews only outside the big cities of Europe, I'm sure you know that though). The rabbi of the synagogue my parents attended regularly was known throughout the U.S. Name withheld. I liked him, heard his lectures from the podium, the Torah was taken out once a week. I didn't question anything. Until later.

I was raised to question everything, always. Anything less? Blasphemy. ~giggles~


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Reform Judaism has been asserting a so-called academic, scholarly pursuit to prove that the Torah, Jewish Scripture is pagan in origin and the ONLY way to make sense of the narrative is to split it into different sources who were adherents of different Gods, not one single God. As I have asserted, for every long time, this false interpretation is the highest form of an argument from ignorance. The Reform Movement doesn't know how to read or understand the Torah. They therefore assume it MUST be referring to multiple Pagan gods, because their minds, the Reform Jewish mindset had not adopted Judaism. They don't seem to know what Judaism is about.

This can be seen, "wink-wink" in Parsha Vayeirah. In Judaism we are encouraged, directed, to learn these stories on a weekly cycle repeatedly, for all our days. Not only that, we are instructed to HagEEtah, from the root Hei-Gimel-Hei, whose etymology suggests re-counting, fully, like on all ten fingers. Hei-Gimmel-Hei.

Joshua 1:8​

This book of the Torah shall not leave your mouth; you shall "HagEEtah" ( הָגִ֚יתָ - meditate? ) therein day and night, in order that you observe to do all that is written in it, for then will you succeed in all your ways and then will you prosper.​
Psalms 1:1-3​
The praises of a man are that he did not follow the counsel of the wicked, neither did he stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the company of scorners. But his desire is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he "Ye'H'GEHah" ( יֶהְ֜גֶּ֗ה - meditates ? ) day and night. He shall be as a tree planted beside rivulets of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season, and its leaves do not wilt; and whatever he does prospers.​

The Reform Movement doesn't do this. They don't read the Prophets, they don't read the Psalms. The Reform Movement teaches the Psalms are pagan. Their so-called scholars in order to force the pagan splitting of the Torah, they will go so far as to rewrite the Psalm, forcing it to be Pagan. If they would simply read the Torah, and meditate on it, and recount it, day and night, they would never-never split the Torah, especially based on different Gods with different names. It's insane. It's not Jewish! Reform Jews more than anything else mediate day and night on politics. They are not credible authorities on the Torah. As I will show.

In a recent thread, I brought real, hard evidence, the equivalent of DNA evidence, that the Torah is not the product of multiple sources. A representative of the Reform Movement on this forum continually misrepresents the scholarship on this matter. Lying by omission. Sneaky. Rude. Character assassination. Their reputation is well known here. Non-biased computer driven analysis of the Torah proves, the Reform Movement's 100 year campaign against the Torah has failed. Their academic credentials mean nothing. Their methods simply don't work. They started with an argument from ignorance, and they accomplished nothing as a result. Naturally, they are hiding this. There are no multiple sources for the Torah. That has been proven. Scientifically. There is only one source, with two different voices, for two different audiences: Temple Priest or not.

Since this scientific evidence is being ignored, I thought it would be good to show, using the Torah itself, that it cannot be split into pieces. The whole point of the Torah is that conflicts are reconciled by the belief in one and only divine power which is taking different forms and revealing itself to all of creation. Judaism directs the adherent to look again. It looks like multiple gods, but, look again. What else could it be? The Reform Movement has completely lost the plot. Completely. And almost immediately from its very inception, they refused to learn from Rabbis, and our sages, and wanted to mingle and mix with the other nations. They stopped learning the Jewish mindset. They can only view the world through the pagan lens of conflict, and that is why they are obsessed with politics and splitting the Torah into pieces with multiple sources who believed in different gods. They do not know how to practice Judaism. They can only do it very briefly, very occasionally, and quite honestly, only in superficial ways. They're not teaching or practicing Judaism. They are, themselves, old fashioned pagans. They are conflict junkies.Thi

Below is something I wrote on another forum this morning. Yet again, the story of the binding of Isaac is being misrepresented. In my reply I explain the story, and show that the whole point of the story is that Abraham knew that the different names, the different forms, the different revelations were all coming from the same divine power, YHVH the one and only Eternal God. Splitting te Torah into multiple sources who believed in different gods is insane. The Reform Movement is erasing and replacing. They are erasing the entire message of the Torah. They are ignoring, or incapable of understanding, the lessons being taught. Their minds are not operating in a manner which is harmony with the Torah which is the basis of our religion. They have lost it. And I don't think they're coming back.

What you'll read below, proves that the Torah is discouraging Jewish people from the old-fashioned pagan mindset of gods in conflict. But the Reform Movement's academic scholarship will not look-again and mediate, recount, what else could it be? It looks like different gods based on their names? Look again, Reform Rabbis and so-called scholars. Look again.
Thinking recently about God's command for the Israelites to get some of their surrounding neighbors. Get them out of the way, so to speak. There was a reason for that but I won't give my opinion now as to why. However, in my mind now, it was a very good reason.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I was raised to question everything, always. Anything less? Blasphemy. ~giggles~
lol. ok. Maybe that's why my cousin (a doctor, by the way) who became an orthodox Jew (unlike his family who are mainly reform Jews) would always bring up something refuting what someone else said. :) Very interesting point you bring up, by the way.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
lol. ok. Maybe that's why my cousin (a doctor, by the way) who became an orthodox Jew (unlike his family who are mainly reform Jews) would always bring up something refuting what someone else said. :) Very interesting point you bring up, by the way.

Machloket l'shaim shamayim.



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Machloket l'shaim shamayim.

I understand and I'm going to refrain from commenting now. Some things I leave in God's hands to settle.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Blessings, love, and peace to you, your friends, family, and community. It's always a pleasure. Thank you for stopping by.
aw...thank you so much, dybmh! I won't forget that and I hope we ALWAYS can be friends. Shalom.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Refuting the Reform Movement's Documentary Hypothesis

+of Torah.

Isn't it weird to declare something "scientific evidence" while science is unaware on it?
Did Science ever take up the issue of the (origin) of Torah, please, right??
If yes, then please quote from Science, right, please?

Good questions and while I believe the Bible, including the Torah is inspired of God, I'd sure be interested to see the answers.