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Reincarnation/Past Lives


Well-Known Member
To me, these are all ideas at best - there is zero evidence of any God or Gods or the Heavens

This is a thread dedicated to articles and books on reincarnation. If you wish to discuss or debate theism, reincarnation or other issues please do so on relevant threads or create the same for them.


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10 year old boy recalls past life as Hollywood actor and agent Marty Martyn.

It is reported that he has chilling vivid memories of living in Hollywood during the 1940s. According to The Sun, he even explained in detail how he died, claiming he remembered his heart "exploding" and then going towards a light.

The boy, who was born in 2004, told his parents, a county deputy clerk and a police officer that he was in Hollywood when his heart exploded. He would often wake up in the night clutching his chest or shouting "action" in his dreams.

Ryan also once asked his mother to take him to Hollywood to visit his "other family" and made claims of owning a Rolls Royce.

One evening, he even told his mum that when someone dies, they need to go towards the light to make it into the afterlife.

In an effort to prove that Ryan had been reincarnated, a documentary crew who had heard about the youngster set up a meeting between Ryan and Marty's daughter.

When the pair met, Ryan was confused as to why the woman was no longer a girl and they toured a number of places in Los Angeles that were associated with the former movie star. On the trip, Marty's daughter confirmed a number of the child's wild claims.


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When I was younger; early teen, I had a special affinity for the Asian Cultures. This began during the Love Generation years. There was acceptance back then for exploring other religions and other cultures. From this exploration, I felt most at home in the Far East, where I had never visited. These cultures are more introverted, which was more similar to my own personality. I was not exactly optimized in the more extroverted West, where I was born. As a Catholic, I would have been more of Monk than a Priest, had I not chosen to also include secular.

One night, I had a dream about an Asian girl. There were very few Asian people where I lived, besides in Chinese Restaurants. I do not remember the details, but the ambiance of that dream stuck with me, and seemed to connect me, even more to Far East. Back then, I thought in terms of a past lives, with this from a time long ago. The dream forbade a happy love, lost.

Many years later, in mid mid-twenties, I met that girl of my dreams. She came to me in a night club, and ask for me to be with her. This was at the time, I was just started doing my Unconscious mind research on myself, recording dreams and reading Jung. We stayed up all night talking, and getting go know each other. This led to dating, which brought back that old dream. The dream now appeared to have been a premonition of this future connection. She had immigrated from South Korea; green card, and spoke good English. She had come from humble means, but was hard working and self sufficient with a new car and a nice apartment.

When we first became intimate, I was more of a player, and she was more attached to me. I wanted to keep my options open, and have my cake and eat it at the same time. She seemed OK since men in her culture acted that way. One night I had a dream about her, where she was a sorceress, who had men all around her, tied up in chains, attached to the ground. This dream seemed so different from her almost subservient manner to me. However, her wide spectrum Geisha Girl ways, of catering to me, did eventually place me in her chains, as I continued my Unconscious research. She became my solid ground, that I could anchor to, while I floated away via the archetypes of the collective unconscious. She knew what I was attempting to do, and she could help me pull myself back to earth; her Geisha Girl sensory triggers. It would have been so much harder without her.

We overcame many ups and down, but eventually we had to part ways, by fate, when the uninstall process started for the update. This was the worst of times. I was cut off from her mooring and I became free floating, until I could graph myself; reattach myself and grow from scratch.

We have lost contact. She may have been the female version of me. Who knows? She went on to become a US citizen, and then educated herself; graduate school education, and became a nurse in the Western US, specializing in premature baby care. She had a few children with her husband.

We had made plans to marry, before we parted. Thinking of being married to her, I always had this vision of once we married, my life would go blank, with the years flying by, in a repetitive family routine. In the vision, I would not awaken, until I finally retired decades later. Ironically, here I am, 30 years later, foggy of my past 30 years, waking up, but never formally married.

It is hard tell if all this was connected to reincarnation, or time projection. The inner self and unconscious mind can time project, which can go both to the future, as well as to the past, to help explain where we are today. At one point in the uninstall, to address the Satan subroutine, I had to drift back into time, to unravel the layers of the firmware, that have been built up over the centuries, back to ancient simplicity.

It is like planning a vacation. We look to the future and set up the logistics of a flight, hotel and maybe a rent a car. We also do some research and plan the itinerary, that we will follow in the future. We may also look back at past vacations, and learn from that, such as which hotels to avoid or upgrade. Once we get to the location, twists of fate, like weather, can change all the plans. We may then rely on the deeper past and a new future to fill in the change. The inner self does the same things, but in longer time scales; far past and far future even beyond us, but maybe recorded somehow in our DNA, which is part of the hard drive of the inner self; natural selective patterns.
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Dr. Frederick Lenz on reincarnation...

Reincarnation is a cyclic process. There are endless levels of creation, different universes. In each one something similar is taking place, the evolution of spirit through matter.

All incarnations are lived at once, and yet there does seem to be a linear sense of time when you're in the vortex of time and space, when your consciousness is fixated in a body.

You're a traveler, a mental traveler, on a journey that we call life -- and death is not the end.

In different lifetimes, you incarnate in different dimensional planes, let alone in different universes in the physical universe.

The essence of all reincarnation is to have the best lifetime now that you've ever had, no matter what's going on.

Reincarnation is not necessarily linear. Sometimes people actually become more immersed in darkness or illusion than they were in previous lifetimes.

The knowledge of reincarnation assures us that life is worth living. Life is not a one-shot deal. It is forever.


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Sultan Shahin on reincarnation in Islam...

Take the verses from the world famous Masnawi by Hazrat:

I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was man.
Why should I fear?
When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die as man,
To soar with angels blest;
But even from angelhood I must pass on

Another great mystic, Mansur al-Hallaj, famous for his formulation, Anal Haq (I am the truth: Aham Brahmo Asmi) wrote:

Like the herbage
I have sprung up many a time
On the banks of flowing rivers.
For a hundred thousand years
I have lived and worked
In every sort of body.


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Article on a Spanish boy named Osel Hita Torres, who was recognized by the Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of Lama Thubten Yeshe.

On 12 February 1985, in the state hospital of Granada, Spain, Osel Hita Torres was born. He came into the world without causing his mother any pain, his eyes wide open. He didn’t cry. The atmosphere in the delivery room was charged–very quiet and yet momentous. The hospital staff were unusually touched. They sensed that this was a special child.

From the moment they took Osel home to their small house, which had been built by Paco himself in the simple, charming village of Bubión, high in the Alpujarra mountains, Maria noticed that he was not like her other children. He never cried. When she forgot to feed him because she was busy with her other children, she’d race upstairs to find him lying in his cot wide awake, looking and waiting. He let her sleep all through the night, every night, from the day he was born. It was as though his entry into the world was not intended to cause inconvenience or trouble to the family in any way.

In fact, from the time he was born, Osel seemed to bring them luck. For the previous six years, life had been tough for Paco and Maria–with so many mouths to feed and money extremely scarce. They were badly in debt, and the strain was beginning to tell. Theirs was a good marriage, but the relationship was beginning to crack under the strain. Now a new hotel was to be built in Bubión, and Paco found work as a builder. He worked all hours, and the money came in fast. Soon they were able to add more badly needed rooms to their cramped house. The strain lifted. Life suddenly began to improve. For a baby who hadn’t been planned for, Osel wasn’t doing too badly. But this unpretentious, hard-working Spanish couple had no idea of the galvanic changes their newborn son was about to bring to their lives.


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Websites on Osel Hita Torres, considered to be the reincarnation of Lama Thubten Yeshe.



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Insightful article of a young boy remembering his past life as a violent criminal who was shot dead...

From a really young age, Titu displayed an unusual awareness and knowledge far beyond his years. At just eighteen months old, he startled his family by asking his grandfather to care for his wife and children, insisting that he belonged to Agra, not Baad. As he grew older, his complaints about the family's lifestyle — criticising his mother’s attire and the family’s modest means were consistent and unsettling. He vividly described owning a big house, a shop in Agra's Sadar Bazaar, and leading a life of luxury, all of which were far removed from his current reality.

Titu’s persistent memories prompted his family to delve deeper. One day, in April 1987, Titu, distressed when his father traveled to Agra without him, revealed a crucial detail: "I have a shop of transistor radios and I was a big smuggler and gunda. I am the owner of Suresh Radio." Acting on this clue, Titu's brother and a friend sought out the shop and met Uma Verme, the widow of Suresh Verma — a notorious smuggler and shop owner who had been shot dead in 1983.

When members of Suresh’s family visited Baad, Titu’s recognition of them and his detailed recounting of Suresh’s life stunned everyone. He accurately named Suresh's children, described their home, and even remembered specific details about Suresh’s death. His knowledge and behavioural traits strikingly mirrored those of Suresh, including a hot temper and a penchant for asserting dominance.

The physical evidence added another layer of mystery. Titu had a small circular birthmark on his right temple, resembling a bullet entry wound, and several marks on the back of his skull, similar to exit wounds. These birthmarks matched the locations of Suresh's fatal injuries as recorded in his post-mortem report. Titu's behavioral traits were also eerily similar to Suresh's. He was active, intrepid, and had a violent streak, much like Suresh, who had successfully defended himself against previous assassination attempts. Titu’s family noted his ability to operate a car’s tape deck and drive a car, skills he had never been taught but which were second nature to Suresh.


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Article on reincarnation and various children remembering their past lives.,..

'That is the field where I died', a five-year-old boy tells his parents.

'I remember because the mud was so deep it went over my gaiters', he says serenely while pointing across a former historic battlefield in southern England.

Quite apart from the shock of their son claiming to have been reincarnated, his parents listened opened mouthed because he had no knowledge of history yet had referred to his gaiters - a protective leg covering worn by soldiers from 1700 until the end of the First World War.

He is not alone. An American university has compiled a database of more than 2,200 children who have been haunted by 'carry-over of memories' of past lives since the 1960s.


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A research article by Dr. Jim Tucker on children remembering past lives and research investigations conducted in this regard since 1961.

Ian Stevenson began researching cases of young children who claimed to remember previous lives in 1961. His approach involved a rational, scientific attempt to discern exactly what the children said about a previous life and how much of it could be verified to be accurate for one particular deceased individual. He discovered that cases could be found all over the world. He also learned that memories were not the only items that seemed to carry over for these children. A number had birthmarks that matched wounds suffered by the previous person, and many demonstrated anxieties or emotional longing that appeared to be derived from the previous events that they described.


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Article on a lady remembering her past life as an Irishwoman .

Apparently, she had died in the Rotunda Hospital, soon after giving birth to her eighth child. “I remembered feeling so upset and guilty at leaving the children,” says Cockwell. “There was this sense of wanting to see what had happened to them and make sure they were alright.”

Cockwell’s memories were further vindicated when she tracked down a death certificate for Mary Sutton. She then made contact with Sutton’s surviving children Sonny, Phyllis, Betty, Frank and Mary. After convincing Sonny that she knew things about the family that only a relative could know, she compiled a profile of her former life. In 1990, she met Sonny — the man she believes she gave birth to in the previous life.

“He was amazed. After our first phone call he turned to his wife and said, ‘I think I have just been talking to my mother,’” recalls Cockwell.


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Article on a five year old boy named Parmod Sharma remembering his past life as a businessman named Parmanand Mehra...

When Parmod was about two and a half, he began telling his mother not to cook his meals for him any longer because he had a wife in Moradabad who could cook. Moradabad was a town about a ninety miles northeast of Bisauli. Parmod had a strong distaste for curd, which is quite unusual for an Indian child, and on one occasion even advised his father against eating it, saying that it was dangerous. Parmod said that in his other life he had become seriously ill after eating too much curd one day.

He had an equally strong dislike for being submerged in water, which might relate to his report that he had previously "died in a bathtub." Parmod said that he had been married and had five children--four sons and one daughter. He was anxious to see his family again and frequently begged his parents to take him to back Moradabad to visit them. His family always refused his request, though his mother did get him to begin school by promising to take him to Moradabad when he had learned to read.

The shop had been started and managed by Parmanand Mehra until his untimely death on May 9, 1943, eighteen months before Parmod was born. Parmanand had gorged himself on curd, one of his favorite foods, at a wedding feast, and had subsequently developed a chronic gastrointestinal illness followed later by appendicitis and peritonitis from which he died. Two or three days before his death, he had insisted, against his family's advice, on eating more curd saying that he might not have another chance to enjoy it. Parmanand had blamed his illness and impending death on overeating curd. As part of his therapy during his appendicitis, Parmanand had tried a series of naturopathic bath treatments. While he had not in fact died in a bathtub, he had been given a bath immediately prior to his death.


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Article on a four year old girl Manisha remembering her past life as a fifteen year old girl named Suman who had died of typhoid five years back
on December 14, 2000, and tracking her past life family.

Manisha was born to Rampal and Khilli Devi in a little village called Milakpur near Alwar, Rajasthan. At the age of two, just the time that she learnt how to speak, she apparently told her parents that she was Suman and not Manisha.

" Voh kehti thi mera naam Suman hai, Manisha mat bolo ," (Translation: She says, "My name is Suman, don't call me Manisha.") says Khilli Devi, the mother she was born to in this birth.

As she grew older, she apparently started recollecting more about her past birth and told her "new"" parents that her father"s name was Kamal and her mother was Santosh.

"She told us that she stayed in a threestoreyed house located near a Kamal mandir with three brothers.

She would tell us colours of her school belt and tie—we couldn't understand her since she had not even started going to school then. She said she had died of typhoid," said Mallo, her grandmother of "this birth".

The news about the girl spread in the neighbouring villages and she got to her "old" parents through some relatives who live in two villages in Rajasthan—Tejara and Tihli—which are about 30 km apart.

Kamal said, "Someone told us that there is this little girl who could be our Suman since a lot of details she gave about her past life matched with us. I went to their village and she just ran into my arms calling me papa."


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Australian 8 year old claims to be the reincarnation of Princess Diana. ..

David wrote in the Stellar Magazine that his son started claiming that he was Lady Di when he was two years old. Apparently, the boy remained convinced about his claims related to his previous life for the next two years.

In the article, the father said that this was the "weirdest" thing he had ever written. He explained that it all started when someone handed his wife a card with Diana's photograph on it.

He said that the two-year-old Billy pointed towards the image and responded eerily, "Look! It's me when I was a princess."
What more weirder was that Billy was aware of Prince William and Prince Harry too.
David said that his son spoke about "his two boys". He said, "When asked what boys, our then three-year-old would say his 'sons'. Ok... strange, but sure, mate."

“To a Scottish friend of ours, he claimed when he was Princess Diana he used to go to a castle in that kilted wonderland. He described the castle as having 'unicorns on it' and was called Balmoral,” David said to Mirror UK.

"The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland and there are unicorns on the walls, how does he know this?" wrote David.

David said that the most spooky moment was when Billy spoke about Diana's death in 1997. "Then one day the sirens came and I wasn't a princess any more," the boy said.


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Insightful case study of a young boy named Gopal Gupta who became indignant whenever asked to perform household chores, protesting that he belonged to a wealthy, upper-class family.

Born in 1956 to S.P and Omavati Gupta, Gopal’s behavior growing up greatly differed from that of an ordinary child. From a very early age, he became indignant whenever asked to perform household chores, protesting that he belonged to a wealthy, upper-class family.

In a series of interviews with members of the Gupta family, Stevenson came to know that Gopal claimed to be a man named Shaktipal Sharma who was shot and killed by his younger brother in 1948. Gopal gave numerous details of his former life which were later verified by Stevenson: Along with his two brothers, he owned a business called Sukh Shancharak which sold medicines. He resided in an expensive house in Mathura that had many servants to take care of household duties, as well as other properties outside of town. He also owned a car, which was a rarity in India at that time.

When Gopal first visited Mathura in March, 1965, he immediately recognized the residence of Shaktipal Sharma, saying, “This is my house.” In meetings with members of Shaktipal Sharma’s family, Gopal recognized and identified two of Shaktipal’s sisters as well as a photograph of Shaktipal’s father and of Shaktipal himself, saying, “This is my photograph.”

He even remembered a dispute with Shaktipal’s wife, Subhadra devi, in which he had asked her to loan him money to help appease his younger brother. Subhadra devi verified this incident and was startled that young Gopal knew of this exchange.

From Shaktipal’s house in Mathura, Gopal navigated to the location of Sukh Shancharak, his medicine business, where he proceeded to point out the location where the murder took place. Several members of the Sharma family were present who confirmed Gopal’s memory of the details of the incident. Just one month prior, while at the wedding of Shaktipal Sharma’s nephew in Delhi, Gopal had even pointed out Shaktipal’s younger brother and murderer, Brijendrapal, although Brijendrapal had grown a beard since the death of his brother.

These details and many others were all thoroughly researched and verified by Professor Stevenson. The case of Gopal Gupta, formerly Shaktipal Sharma, is just one of many that came up in the course of Stevenson’s research.

Another report is characteristic of another type of reincarnation case in which the child bears one or several birthmarks resembling scars or wounds from the body of their former identity.


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Insightful article on a boy named Lee remembering his past life as award winning screenwriter Sidney Coe Howard (for arguably the biggest Hollywood blockbuster of all time Gone With The Wind.)

The idea that Lee was recalling the past-life of Howard began to seem more real when his parent's realized it explained some of his behavior - such as insisting his birthday was June 26 and no June 21.

This seemed odd, because children usually want to celebrate their birthday sooner, not later and became even weirder still when Jennifer and William discovered that Howard's birthday was June 26 1891.

Lee would speak about his home in Hollywood and also revealed a fixation with tractors that made sense when his mother and father discovered how Howard had died at the age of 48.

Just before the release of Gone With The Wind in 1939, Howard was at home on his Massachusetts farm when he went to take his Cleveland Cletrac tractor out of his garage to work on his property.

Tragically, a hired hand had left the tractor in gear and it lurched forward, pinning him to the foundation wall of the garage and crushed him to death.

Indeed, little Lee from an early age showed an aversion to anything being near to his upper body and although interested in tractors, was terrified by them too.

He would also suffer terrible nightmares in which he would cry out that his arms were broken and that a car had somehow managed to pin his arms down.