I cannot hear, see, touch, feel or taste many material forces and objects. But I can still detect them indirectly through instrumentation. That doesn't mean they aren't physical.
Besides, I don't consider love a 'thing,' certainly not something that has actively independent agency from physical systems. I consider it a process, like the sympathetic nervous system preforming function that causes the fight or flight response. The fear and anxiety we feel is just our body's instrumentation preforming a physical process and detecting it indirectly. I cannot see, feel, touch, etc, your experience of fear and anxiety, but I can still confidently say that your fear is physical, caused by physical systems, detected by physical instrumentation, and experienced by a physical brain. There is nothing about fear, love, et all that can't be reduced to a physical process.
My problem with the 'you are a radio wave and the brain is a radio' is, first of all because radio waves are physical and saying 'it's like something physical but not physical' explains nothing, is that the mind is the data stored on a computer (while simplistic) in every way fits the evidence better. Saying a picture of a tree is not physical because it's encoded data stored on a medium makes no sense. The data, the picture, the way its transmitted and stored are all physical. That you can't see, touch, hear etc (except through indirect 'brainscan' equivalent process) how the computer's difference engine is processing data, it's unique to that computer. That doens't mean the difference engine, the data, and everything about the computer, what it's doing, and how it interprets data, isn't physical.