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Reject Superstition
this is why religion exists

1. Every planet we know of in the universe is without life. Mankind looks all around earth and we see nothing but planets with rocks and sand. However, on earth, presumably the only planet in our universe, the laws of physics filtered atoms through a "strange" process called evolution by natural selection, to produce a tremendous array of beautiful complex "things"which carries a giant illusion of intelligent design. Starting from nothing but rock and sand, the process of evolution gave rise to mankind, with brains large enough to comprehend the process that brought it into existence.

So what do we do.. accept the illusion, that there is a creator, and for countless years we have developed religions to find meaning in our life. Religions similar to these:

2. New testament=
Osiris and dionysus were Egyptian and Greek Gods respectively. They lived about 2700bc. Both were born of a virgins on dec 25th, in a shed, and whose births were prophesized by a star in the heavens. Both had 12 disciples who traveled about and performed miracles with, accused of blasphemy, and Osiris rode into a city on a donkey. Both died (Osiris was crucified), were deceased for 3 days, and on the third resurrected. Horus of Eygpt and Mithra of persia were born of virgins, died, and resurrected.
Old testament=The Epic of Gilgamesh
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
this is why religion exists

1. Every planet we know of in the universe is without life. Mankind looks all around earth and we see nothing but planets with rocks and sand. However, on earth, presumably the only planet in our universe, the laws of physics filtered atoms through a "strange" process called evolution by natural selection, to produce a tremendous array of beautiful complex "things"which carries a giant illusion of intelligent design. Starting from nothing but rock and sand, the process of evolution gave rise to mankind, with brains large enough to comprehend the process that brought it into existence.

So what do we do.. accept the illusion, that there is a creator, and for countless years we have developed religions to find meaning in our life. Religions similar to these:

2. New testament=
Osiris and dionysus were Egyptian and Greek Gods respectively. They lived about 2700bc. Both were born of a virgins on dec 25th, in a shed, and whose births were prophesized by a star in the heavens. Both had 12 disciples who traveled about and performed miracles with, accused of blasphemy, and Osiris rode into a city on a donkey. Both died (Osiris was crucified), were deceased for 3 days, and on the third resurrected. Horus of Eygpt and Mithra of persia were born of virgins, died, and resurrected.
Old testament=The Epic of Gilgamesh
What would you like to debate? Other than that your premise is too elementary?


Reject Superstition
What would you like to debate? Other than that your premise is too elementary?

I have stated mere facts to support my opinion on why religion exists. You try to insult me by calling my first sentence elementary. It does sound rather elementary doesn't it? Perhaps I should be more pretentious? Honestly I can't disagree with you, But that's neither here nor there, the facts remain.


non-existential luminary
Just because religions aren't original doesn't mean that one of them couldn't be true. Though it does point to a horrendous lack of understanding among theists...atheists on the otherhand, seem to stick to their story.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
That's hardly a debunking of religion; it's just an argument against rudimentary intelligent design.


Hostis humani generis
I have stated mere facts to support my opinion on why religion exists.
You're welcome to your opinion.

But it doesn't sway me at all. Same old hype.
It's more intelligent design, possibly even creationism.
But explaining religion? Uh, nah.

Honestly, I don't think Osiris even was those things as there was a Kemetic on here before who used to say that was not so
Also, beware of Zeitgeist and similar materials.

I've even seen claims Buddha and Kṛ̣ṣṇa were crucified. No story has such claims.
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Every planet we know of in the universe is without life.
I might be acting a little picky here, but since you said these were 'facts' I will allow myself to do so.

We know of a lot of planets. The number of tests, experiments and expeditions one would have to go through to make such a claim is enormous. We have not done such a thing.

Concerning your actual point: Like everyone else already said, you haven't 'debunked' religion. (You just barely touched upon an argument against creationism)

Nor have you defined religion. Since humanism is considered by some to be a religion I would love to see you debunk that on top of all the other regions out there.


this is why religion exists

1. Every planet we know of in the universe is without life.

Is that so? We actually know of many planets that possess the proper conditions to support life and may in fact support life if we were to get a close enough look on those identified planets.

Mankind looks all around earth and we see nothing but planets with rocks and sand. However, on earth, presumably the only planet in our universe, the laws of physics filtered atoms through a "strange" process called evolution by natural selection, to produce a tremendous array of beautiful complex "things"which carries a giant illusion of intelligent design. Starting from nothing but rock and sand, the process of evolution gave rise to mankind, with brains large enough to comprehend the process that brought it into existence.

Yeah, that's nice. But it doesn't necessarily disprove religion. In fact Buddhism was the first to posit evolution as the origins of life.

the Buddha: "It is by a process of evolution that sankharas come to be. There is no sankhara which has sprung into being without a gradual becoming. ...The combination of thy sankharas is thy self."

the Buddha: "...To that extent the world re-evolved. And those beings continued for a very long time feasting on this savory earth, feeding on it and being nourished by it. And as they did so, their bodies became courser, and a difference in looks developed among them."
[Agganna Sutta]

So what do we do.. accept the illusion, that there is a creator,

Not all major religions believe that.

and for countless years we have developed religions to find meaning in our life.

And so have philosophers like the Greeks. Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle came up with the idea of "The Good" which is a transcendental abstract which is the highest and fundamental grounds of reality. They said it transcends being itself.

Religions similar to these:

2. New testament=
Osiris and dionysus were Egyptian and Greek Gods respectively. They lived about 2700bc. Both were born of a virgins on dec 25th, in a shed, and whose births were prophesized by a star in the heavens. Both had 12 disciples who traveled about and performed miracles with, accused of blasphemy, and Osiris rode into a city on a donkey. Both died (Osiris was crucified), were deceased for 3 days, and on the third resurrected. Horus of Eygpt and Mithra of persia were born of virgins, died, and resurrected.
Old testament=The Epic of Gilgamesh

That doesn't disprove anything. It's possible that counterfeits exist. Big deal.



Agnostic Theist
2. New testament=
Osiris and dionysus were Egyptian and Greek Gods respectively. They lived about 2700bc. Both were born of a virgins on dec 25th, in a shed, and whose births were prophesized by a star in the heavens. Both had 12 disciples who traveled about and performed miracles with, accused of blasphemy, and Osiris rode into a city on a donkey. Both died (Osiris was crucified), were deceased for 3 days, and on the third resurrected. Horus of Eygpt and Mithra of persia were born of virgins, died, and resurrected.
Old testament=The Epic of Gilgamesh
This is all bunk. First, where in the Bible is Jesus said to have been born on December 25th? Nowhere. If you looked at the history of that, you will see that Jesus' birth was intentionally placed there centuries after he had died for political reasons. Again, this was centuries after the fact.

As for Osiris and Dionysus being born of virgins, I know for sure that Dionysus was not. And he wasn't born on the 25th of December anyway. More so, he was not the only begotten son of Zeus, as we know that Zeus had other children. I would assume the same to be true with Osiris. Also, Jesus was never born in a shed. So I don't see how that even factors in.

As for having 12 disciples, that isn't correct either. Some did have followers, but there isn't any evidence that they had 12 disciples. More so, we know pretty much why Jesus chose 12. That is because there were 12 tribes of Israel, and thus it was a symbolic number.

As for performing miracles, even other regular humans were said to perform miracles, so I won't dwell on that one as we see it with historical figures anyway.

However, the disciples of Jesus were not accused of blasphemy. Jesus was accused of blasphemy; however, the other "god-men" were not.

Osiris was not crucified. He was killed by being dismembered by his brother. Not even close.

As for being buried for three days, simply doesn't happen. Yes, some do die and come back to life; however, they are still different. Neither Attis or Mithra were born of virgins though, or at least it is not stated as such. Mithra also never was said to die, thus no resurrection. As for Horus, the same is true. He doesn't die, and is not resurrected. He also isn't born of a virgin. Basically, you have none of your facts straight, and I'm assuming that is because you are taking your information from the movie Zeitgeist which is just garbage.

As for your last statement, that the OT equals the Epic of Gilgamesh, it simply shows you've read neither. Yes, a couple stories in Genesis resemble, and possibly were influenced by the Epic of Gilgamesh, but that is very different from what you are saying.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Starting from nothing but rock and sand, the process of evolution gave rise to mankind, with brains large enough to comprehend the process that brought it into existence.
Evolution <> Abiogenesis


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I have stated mere facts to support my opinion on why religion exists.

And you failed to back them up with credible sources for these so-called "facts", whose authenticity has been brought into question.
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I have stated mere facts to support my opinion on why religion exists. You try to insult me by calling my first sentence elementary. It does sound rather elementary doesn't it? Perhaps I should be more pretentious? Honestly I can't disagree with you, But that's neither here nor there, the facts remain.
Hmm. Let's take a closer look at these "facts," shall we?
which carries a giant illusion of intelligent design.
How is it a "fact" that intelligent design is an illusion? That's not a fact, it's an opinion.
So what do we do.. accept the illusion, that there is a creator, and for countless years we have developed religions to find meaning in our life.
Religion isn't about "accepting illusions." It's about seeking truth.
2. New testament=
Osiris and dionysus were Egyptian and Greek Gods respectively. They lived about 2700bc. Both were born of a virgins on dec 25th, in a shed, and whose births were prophesized by a star in the heavens. Both had 12 disciples who traveled about and performed miracles with, accused of blasphemy, and Osiris rode into a city on a donkey. Both died (Osiris was crucified), were deceased for 3 days, and on the third resurrected. Horus of Eygpt and Mithra of persia were born of virgins, died, and resurrected.
That the NT may coincide with earlier myth does not mean that Xy is bunk. It does illustrate the deeper truth of human experience that these myths exhibit. Your facts are in error. Dionysus was not born on Dec. 25. Neither was Jesus.
Old testament=The Epic of Gilgamesh
Parts of Genesis = Gilgamesh -- not the entire OT. Again, so what? That's why your argument is too elementary. It fails to take under consideration the importance of these myths in the process of gaining understanding.

It wasn't an insult, it was an observation.
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Happiness Incarnate
This is all bunk.
I was reading that thinking "That doesn't fit anywhere in my understanding of those two characters" and I was wondering why no one was calling him out on it. Yeah, that was a LOT of bunk and I'd love to hear where it all came from.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
The fact that our planet is the only planet in the universe that we know of that has life is evidence for God, not evidence against religion. The fact that there are sentinent beings running around worshiping God is evidence for God not evidence against religion. :facepalm:


Hostis humani generis
The fact that our planet is the only planet in the universe that we know of that has life is evidence for God,
Don't forget, "that we know" is not really evidence for anything. We don't know much about other planets at all. There could be hundreds, or even millions of planets with sapient lifeforms on it.


Your argument is the same as trying to debunk lack of religion with scriptures, but nice try. ;)

What's wrong with using scripture to convince a nonbeliever? What if your scriptures possess sound argumentation like Buddhist scripture? Or persuasive language like the Bible?

I see nothing wrong with using scripture to convince the nonbeliever, in fact I recommend it. If you're going to convince someone of a religion it would help if they knew what it believed and what it's scripture said.



Industrial Strength Linguist
I don't think that religion itself can be debunked, because it isn't an argument. It is a type of belief system. You can try to debunk the specific beliefs and arguments inherent in the religion, but that is another matter. Not all religious belief systems are incompatible with the fact that life appears to be a fairly rare phenomenon in the universe.

What's wrong with using scripture to convince a nonbeliever? What if your scriptures possess sound argumentation like Buddhist scripture? Or persuasive language like the Bible?
Your scripture may contain good arguments, but using it to try to convince a nonbeliever is counterproductive. You can just summarize the argument that is in your scripture to better effect. The source is irrelevant, if the argument is sound.


Agnostic Theist
The fact that our planet is the only planet in the universe that we know of that has life is evidence for God, not evidence against religion. The fact that there are sentinent beings running around worshiping God is evidence for God not evidence against religion. :facepalm:
We have actually found possible signs that life existed on Mars (and possibly still does). The life that we have found possible signs of (such as in meteorite ALH84001) is microfossils of bacteria. We have also recently found signs of water on Mars (last year, the rover we have on Mars became stuck in mud, or wet ground). This would be a good sign that life could have in fact existed on Mars. It may not be like the advanced lifeforms we have on Earth, but it is a sign that life can exist elsewhere.

Also, Odion stated, just because we haven't discovered life else where doesn't mean it isn't there. It has been discovered that there are various other planets that are in habitable zones. So it is very possible there is life else where, and possibly advanced life.