Well, my current views are a positive for me in many ways.
- Awe of Nature and the Cosmos. A want to preserve the natural world and a non-anthropocentric view of the world.
- A more democratic vision of reality. As the Gods work together and debate on actions to take, so should we have our voices heard and considered. (Yes, the classical view of the Olympians is as a monarchy but Zeus is not a dictator or absolute monarch. He is more a wise elder and respected leader in anthropomorphic terms.)
- It is life and world affirming. The world and Cosmos is as it should be and perfect as is, even when it's hard. Life is a gift and we should make the most of it. We are all viewed as sovereign beings (yet subject to Natural Law, including Fate, which the Gods are also subject to).
- Pushes me to care about myself and strive to do better. Life is viewed as a journey to experience and cultivate Virtue. When you fail or mess up, you just make amends if needed and try again. There's no guilt tripping or shaming.
- It celebrates physical existence and the body. Of course, we're all familar with the beautiful nude statues of the Theoi and Heroes the Greeks and Romans made. They celebrated the idealized human body. There is nothing dirty or shameful about it. Along with that, sex is viewed as a part of life with no negative connotations. There's multiple love and lust deities. LGBT people are very represented in the myths and there was nothing negative about it. So love of the body and acceptance of your natural sexuality and identity as a normal variation of the diversity of Nature are prominent.
- Learning is prized. I'm sure we're all familiar with Athena and Athens.
- Tolerance and plurality are ideals. We should be able to exist harmoniously in society despite whatever differences or disagreements we have.
Those are the big ones, to me.