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Religion - Some Questions


Veteran Member
Religion is not in my opinion same as Christianity, because a Christian is a disciple of Jesus. And disciple of Jesus is a person who remain s in word of Jesus. I don't think religion is the same and perhaps religions are not very good.
…The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
Acts 11:26
Jesus therefore said to those Jews who had believed him, “If you remain in my word, then you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
John 8:31-32
If a person remains in word of Jesus, I think it means he lives by the teachings of Jesus. It means they should be generous. However, I think Christians generally give probably even too much and in a way that is more harmful than good. That is why I would like to know more specifically, to whom and what Christians should give something more? What you say sounds extremely greedy. Do you think it is ok to be greedy?
No, I don't think so. Socialism is evil and tyrannical.
I find Jesus stressed ' worship ' at John 4:23-24.
In Jesus' day the religions were corrupt and Not worshiping the God of the Bible as Jesus was - John 17:17
Jesus was Not a Socialist but a Theocrat. Even the apostle Paul worked to support his ministry.
- Acts 18:3; 20:34; 1st Thess. 2:9; 2nd Thess. 3:8,10


Veteran Member
And yet it was condoned in some circumstances.
Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury:
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that YHWH thy Elah may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
Deuteronomy 23:19-20
Some circumstances such as No interest to be charged for the poor - Exodus 22:25
- besides one's spiritual brother - Leviticus 25:36-37
Lending brothers with interest should stop - Nehemiah 5:10
and do not accept a bribe - Psalm 15:5


Well-Known Member
If Jesus was a theocrat, why did he say "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's"?
Perhaps membership in a theocracy depends on free will. The issue of paying tribute to Caesar was central to the false accusations that were made against him.
And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this [fellow] perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying that he himself is Christ a King.
Luke 23:2

False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge [things] that I knew not.
Psalms 35:11


Jesus in me
I don't agree with that.
That is an extreme viewpoint .. all extremisms are doomed to failure,
whether left or right.

There must be a balance .. and that is something the world has lost.
Usury carries the greatest blame for mankind's demise. :(
I believe taking care of those in need is called charity in Christian circles.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes, Jesus, as well as Paul encouraged compassionate behavior, caring and sharing from a spiritually changed heart… not governmental, political force, theft, or manipulation.
It seems to me as though Jesus according to the dogmatic narrative supported taxation when he said, "So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s" Matthew 22:21 NIV.

So on the one hand you appear to be calling taxation' "governmental, political force, theft, or manipulation", on the other hand we have Jesus appearing to say that tax belongs to the governing power in my view.


It seems to me as though Jesus according to the dogmatic narrative supported taxation when he said, "So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s" Matthew 22:21 NIV.

So on the one hand you appear to be calling taxation' "governmental, political force, theft, or manipulation", on the other hand we have Jesus appearing to say that tax belongs to the governing power in my view.
Yes, Jesus said, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”, because Jesus was not advocating a political revolt against Rome or taxes. But I don’t think His words were an endorsement of moral correctness of Rome’s taxation or any other government taxation. As with any human or government action; some may be good and valid, while some may be corrupt.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes, Jesus said, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”, because Jesus was not advocating a political revolt against Rome or taxes. But I don’t think His words were an endorsement of moral correctness of Rome’s taxation or any other government taxation. As with any human or government action; some may be good and valid, while some may be corrupt.
So you seriously don't think calling the money ceaser's as opposed to calling it governmental theft was providing an endorsement?

And you seriously don't think calling governmental taxation theft is not "advocating a political revolt" against taxes contrary to the action of your nominal leader Jesus?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Secondly, religion has caused an enormous amount of suffering throughout history. Surely this suggests it doesn't work.
It is actually PEOPLE who cause this enormous amount of suffering. They use all sorts of different rationalizations. One way they can do this is by abusing religion. That doesn't make the religion responsible for the abuse.

Although toxic forms of religion do certainly exist, IN GENERAL religion is a very helpful thing. People involved in religious communities are happier, healthier, longer lived, and have a buffer against anxiety and depression. Religion also assists in the formation of cooperative groups, which will out compete non-cooperative groups every time. IOW the inclination of homo sapiens to religion has evolved because it is adaptive.


Veteran Member
It is actually PEOPLE who cause this enormous amount of suffering. They use all sorts of different rationalizations. One way they can do this is by abusing religion. That doesn't make the religion responsible for the abuse.

Although toxic forms of religion do certainly exist, IN GENERAL religion is a very helpful thing.
Agreed upon. :)


Active Member
It is actually PEOPLE who cause this enormous amount of suffering. They use all sorts of different rationalizations. One way they can do this is by abusing religion. That doesn't make the religion responsible for the abuse.

Although toxic forms of religion do certainly exist, IN GENERAL religion is a very helpful thing. People involved in religious communities are happier, healthier, longer lived, and have a buffer against anxiety and depression. Religion also assists in the formation of cooperative groups, which will out compete non-cooperative groups every time. IOW the inclination of homo sapiens to religion has evolved because it is adaptive.

No a well run governmental system is a very helpful thing, and if this exists there is no need for religions. People can have there personal religions but when their archaic rules and thoughts become involved in government, then we have a problem and religion has a lot to answer for.

There are endless examples throughout history of when religion sticks it's nose into government business with bad results.

And if look at places in the world where Religion stays out of government with the lowest religious uptake like Europe, Australia, North America, Japan compared to the Middle East, Asia and Africa, you can see the clear trouble with religion.
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A striving disciple of Jesus Christ
Firstly, if you are a Christian and you follow Jesus - Why aren't you all socialists? Wasn't Jesus about sharing and caring?
At no time did Jesus condone compulsive socialism. So which are you asking about, voluntary socialism or compulsive socialism?
Secondly, religion has caused an enormous amount of suffering throughout history. Surely this suggests it doesn't work.
Has religion caused suffering, or have people caused suffering?
And if you're worried about what happens after you die, can't you just believe what you want without being part of a religion
Yes, we can all believe whatever we want.
Finally, I think one of the large majority of people are religious is because there parents where, not because they 'found the light'
Where do I fit in? IE, why am I religious?



Sharing is part of Christianity as it started, and while apostles were not interviewing converts to find if they would share as it seemed needed in the community of believers there, they all did, as it seemed Jesus had that taught and the Spirit led them. It would not be coerced then either.

Religious people have and do cause suffering. They are not my basis for faith, and I find it well to not also be contributing to suffering, I do all I can to avoid it.

Real faith for salvation should contribute to growth, that change would be seen.

My parents looked around a bit for religion, my path was my own.


Active Member
a well run governmental system is a very helpful thing, and if this exists there is no need for religions.

Looks like you regard utility as the only justification for anything, religion included. I’m sure there must be some religious who feel the same way but I don’t think most would and speaking only for me, neither do all irreligious.