One, most people don't choose to go to war. They are forced to go. And two, they are not being forced to go by their religious beliefs. They are being forced to go by the alphas within and among them that seek conquest according to their (genetic) nature.
The 'alphas' are no more genetically determined to seek conquest than anyone else. The main difference is that, because of money or tradition or religion, more people listen to them and so they can force others to do their bidding.
Or by the necessity to fight to stay alive. Religion is not convincing anyone to go to war with anyone else.
Clearly false. It often convinces leaders (your alphas) to go to war. Remember that they are just as superstitious as anyone else.
Anything and everything can be used to do that. And they commonly are.
And religion is one of the main ways to do it.
They're just excuses used by the alphas to justify their innate lust for conquest and subjugation. And then excuses used by the betas to ignore their cowardice in following the alphas.
Sorry, but this seems like garbage to me. Those in power are human, not super-human or sub-human. They are human. They are no more 'innately' violent than anyone else. In most cases, their violence is learned from others in their social class, which can include religious leaders. To say that their decisions are not made, in part, because of religion is simply to ignore the fact of history.
Lots of things encourage tribalism. Been to a football game, lately?
Nope. I try to avoid such things.
Anything (anyone) that's different inspires fear, and therefor often inspires violence. We humans tend to react to fear by running from it, or fighting with it. And the alphas among us know how to use both of these to their advantage simultaneously. What is their go-to punishment for refusing to fight their wars for them?
What you fail to see is that the 'alphas' are just as subject to conditioning and fear as anyone else.
No one is programmed by their upbringing or their religion or by anything else. Humans are not programmable machines. We all have free will. We simply choose to follow the dictates of our alphas because we are short-sighted cowards hoping that doing so won't lead to the disaster that we all know it will lead to.
Again, clearly false in most particulars. people learn patterns of behavior from their environment (usually, parents, teachers, etc). This is just as true for those in power as it is for those not in power. The main difference is that those in power have people that listen to them so they get their way more often (which is precisely what it means to be in power).