I suppose I should be less critical of you, and
take cultural differences into account. You are
much less well educated, so you become confused
on what it or is not science, what is intellectual
dishonesty, how research is done, or what
constitutes scientific evidence.
How do you know what im educated on or not?
This seams to be the tactic, if someone does not agree with evolution, then they are either attacked as well informed and smart but dishonest, or there honest and smart but ignorent, or there informed and honest but severely stupid.
Its not possible that the other option, that your wrong, is the correct option. You cannot even entertain it for a second. So, you and eco MUST keep pushing the ad hominum arguments.
Its an insecurity approuch, thats all it is.
We are taught to quickly see when someone knows
more than we do, and to learn from them, not
look foolish trying to argue.
I am taught to question everything, aspeasally that which dont make sense too me. And to question it despite authority. So if that makes me LOOK foolish, i dont care because appearences are shallow.
You were not taught to take personal
responsibility for your failures.
So, saying sorry i missed your link and realizong it was a real mistake, thats not taking responsibility for my mistake?
Tip everything upside down why dontcha. Not only did i own the mistake, im gonna try not to make it again. But, yea, i dont take responsibility. Ok then. I cant promise i wont be human though. But hey, ill certainly promise to try my best.
We are taught to be relentlessly self critical, and
that it is shameful to make excuses or try to
put the blame for our failures on others, that the
most shameful failure is when we do not even try.
Do you abd eco not realize that intelligent design, young earth/old earth and global/local flood its truth or falsehoods have no bearing on me, you or eco or charlie? The subject isnt about me, k wise, stephen myer, jeffery long, the list goes on. Its about whether the subject is true and whether it has or has not arguments and evidence.
Why is this so hard to get?
You seem to like to reinforce your mistakes.
We learn that to make an apology, it must be
simple and sincere, not "if you feel that I..."
or any other half way and insincere apology.
Ok, well, ill let you believe im not sincere.
Your apology was good until the excuses
and finger pointing began.
My finger pointing is just pointing out that you and eco love to ad hom k wise.
If i wer an old earth creationist i would still not ad hom k wise. And im not a young earther either and im not calling him dishonest.
You did not learn better, so, I now know not
to expect it of you.
Well learning takes understanding so why dont you make me understand.
i do not do ad hom, You are making that up.
You better come up with a REAL example
or take that back with another apology for
false accusation.
That, and "oversimplify" are things you like to
say to people, for lack of anything real to say.
Cut it out, it is stupid and tiresome.
No, im not taking it back. Ever hear the saying "if it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, flaps like a duck, then it must be a duck? Therefore call it what it is. Its ad hominum and when i say something is oversimplified, thats another of saying a strawman argument has been erected and knocked down.
How do I know you dont know what you are talking about?
By what you say! Two lines after asking, you already
provided another example! (science / proof)
By what i say? Why not show via demonstration that what im saying is flawed rather then just say i dont know what im talking about because i disagree with your position.
But, its kinda funny, i dont even disagree or agree perse with your position on earths age, yet you say i dont know what im talking about.
And of course you should not learn "simply" by
accepting what you are told. That is for religious
dogma. Check for yourself, if it makes sense,
I have checked, checking is an ongoing thing, its not something you arive at and say no more checking! Im convinced intelligent design is real from my checking.
From my checking of earths age, im still undecided. Mayby you can tip me over.
Perhaps you are only accustomed to just
listening and memorizing for class, with no
understanding. We've seen this before.
That seams to be all school is good for. Questioning is what leads to me understanding.
So no! Do not just accept what I say.
Question everything. But you only go maybe
half way. You question (disbelieve) but, you
do not check. We have seen that before.
Seen it before? This discussion isnt even over, barely even begun and your saying i only go half way. Thats incredable ghat you do this and keep making it about me.
No, you might (might) ask yourself, "Why
does Audie say that?"
Ok, why does Audie say all this?
A few keystrokes on google and you will find
that, no, science does not do proof. But you
will not understand why, unless your study a bit
You act like science has a mouth and eyes and a nose. It doesent. People, as in individual scientists give science its voice. Some scientists will want to prove, some wont care to prove.
But, YOU tell me, why do YOU as a geologist scientist choose to not prove your views?
You didnt do that, did you? You just disagreed
like I dont know what I am talking about, and try
to counter argue. With no idea what you are
talking about!
Do you not think that before weve had this discussion, that ive not had years of reading about this stuff, and watching videos and listening to youtube debates from experts and yada yada? Come on. You and eco have got to seriously stop making the subject about me.
Oh and one more thing. I did not say K Wise is
dishonest. I said he is intellectually dishonest.
Do try to figure out the difference. You do not
seem to know what intellectual dishonesty is.
You did not bother to look it up, did you?
Wow....ok, tell me the difference between dishonest and intellectual dishonest, THEN ill tell you if i agree.
Looking something up should not be taken at face value. Are you one of these ones that think if google says it then it must be fact?