seems to me you are complaining simply to be complaining.Peaceable assembly refers to assembly not conducted with the intent to, for example, cause riots, revolts, or kill people. A lynch mob, for example. Suppose we replace the word Coronavirus with "cold". Would you say that it is reasonable to forbid all worship due to a cold? No, you might tell people to cover their noses and wash their hands, but to completely forbid church worship would be seen as unreasonable. At least, not if there are only 11 people. And those people are not meeting to intentionally spread a disease, they are meeting to worship and pray at a time when people need to feel hope. You might strongly recommend people stay home for a gathering of over 500, correct? Especially if those people were being forced to come?
People are in fact allowed to risk their own lives. If it were not so, all alcohol would be banned as it kills an average of 6 people a day (for most of you here, who do not understand orders of magnitude, this is 2190 people a year just in US, not including those who kill themselves in drunk driving accidents (which jumps to 30 people a day, or 10,950 people a year)). Nor are all cars banned, despite accidents for all sorts of reasons. Life is risky. The difference is that nobody is demanding they come. Not even God, they have freedom to come (or not). Sabbath is a gift, it is up to the believer. Mark 2:25-28
By contrast, all members of Congress (roughly 100 Senate, roughly 435 House making them at least ten times the crowd of an average church, and nearly 50 times that of this theoretical 11 person church) are still meeting, and are probably being asked to. Nobody gave them a choice at all, and since they come from every state in the Union, could therefore spread infection far more readily than the average population, especially those living in small towns.
So which of these groups do you think shouldn't be meeting? The church? Or the government?
As if the cold is any sort of comparison to Covid-19.
That you wold think so is a huge reason why the government has to crack down so hard over it.
To many idiots convinced they have every right to infect the whole world so long as they get their way.