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Religious Misconceptions

Here are some misconceptions about Hare Krishnas, or Gaudiya Vaishnavism, at least by the influence of ISKCON:

1) Hare Krishnas are a cult. Indeed, the 'Hare Krishnas' are Gaudiya Vaishnavas who practice the method of bhakti for 500 years ago, and link themselves to the Vaishnava tradition claiming to be 5000 years old. We hail from the tradition of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and believe Him to be an incarnation of God, the Eastern Saviour.

2) Hare Krishnas are pacifists. Actually, we aren't. There is time, place, and circumstance for everything, and our Vedic literatures (such as Mahabharata) show examples of brave warriors. If defense is needed, then we give defense.

3) Hare Krishnas are just white people trying to be Indian. I'm Filipino, lol. Besides, there is a difference between 'Vedic culture' (in that it refers to the high civilisation of India, as well as a culture surrounded by Krishna/God centred religious principles) and Indian culture. We have Chinese devotees, African devotees from Ghana, South Africa, etc.

4) Hare Krishnas are pantheistic, believing that everything is Krishna. Actually, we are a form of monotheism... The soul and God are two separate things. We can never become Krishna, nor can Krishna ever become material like us. We do not worship demigods and other spirits (Egyptian demigods with the exception of Aten, Greek demigods, Vedic demigods such as Varuna, Candra, Shiva, Parvati, Ganesha, etc.)

We have three realisations of God as outlined in the Scriptures: Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan. Brahman is the effulgence or energy of God that emanates from God's transcendental body. It is the first realisation. The second one is Paramatma, which means that the Lord is in the heart of everyone and everything, and is the guiding principle for people to do good, like the Holy Spirit. The third realisation, which is the final one, is the realisation of Krishna as the Supreme Being who is a Transcendental Person. He loves, cares for us, and desires for us to love Him.
I am building a website on common religious misconceptions and how they are wrong.
I would like for people of all faiths (or no faith at all) to come to this thread and explain to me a common misconception or myth about their religion, and why it is completely wrong!

Visit my Blog , its new but graudally inshahallah you will find more and more materiall added to it.

Learn and clear your misconceptions about Islam at Islam-faq
The most common mis-conception about Islam is people ask "Why muslims are divided into sects" , you can find answer at http://islam-faq.blogspot.com/2009/05/why-muslims-are-dived-into-sect.html
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Admiral Obvious
The most common mis-conception about Islam is people ask "Why muslims are divided into sects" , you can find answer at Why Muslims are diveded into Sect? | Islam-faq
Thats a nice site and all, but it never actually answers the question.
It goes on and on about how Islam is not supposed to be divided, but never explains why.

I offer this explanation:
Islam is divided into sects for the same reason Christianity is divided into sects.
Group a disagrees with group b and group c disagrees with both group a and b, etc.
Now why is there is disagreement?
Again, just like with Christianity, people have differing opinions as to what the Koran actually means.
Now I understand that you may well not want to mention this because it is a sure fire slap in the face on the 'clarity' of the koran, but until I see/hear something that better explains it....


Little Old Heathen Lady
Hello People :)

Let's see.....common misconceptions about Asatru/Heathenry are:

We are all wild and rough like the Vikings.

We're White Supremacists.

We're the Swedish or German version of Wicca.

We worship Satan.

LIve free or die,



New Member
Peace be upon you all,
One of the misconceptions about " Islam " is that we - Moslims - force women to wear the veil, while we don't force them to do so but it's obligatory by Islam for a woman to wear the veil.

Second, People - non-Moslims - think that "Jihad" the Holy War is something bad while all the nations have the right to defende themselves by law, why couldn't it be obligatory by religion to fight for your rights.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
while we don't force them to do so but it's obligatory by Islam for a woman to wear the veil.

This seems like a bit of a contradiction, here. You don't force them to wear the veil, but they are obligated to? Do you mean it's Islamic law for a woman to wear a veil, but Muslims do not actually physically force Muslim women to do so?

Second, People - non-Moslims - think that "Jihad" the Holy War is something bad while all the nations have the right to defende themselves by law, why couldn't it be obligatory by religion to fight for your rights.

I realize that jihad can be used to mean a few different things. But when a group of hardcore Muslims flies planes into buildings full of innocent civilians and calls it "jihad", a largely ignorant populace is going to associate jihad with flying planes into skyscrapers full of people. It's inevitable.


Thanks for the ideas.
What I'm trying to do is put together a list of common myths and misconceptions about a certain religion in general.
So try to stay away from the more in depth side of the Religion (God accepts everybody, atheists don't eat babies, etc)
If you have any more, go ahead and post.
I don't quite understand what you mean by "...about a certain religion in general."
One misconception that is generally common to almost all religions is their perception that ultimately theirs is the one and only right way.