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Religious people and due diligence


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Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. I'm getting to grips with critical thinking and trying to parse information, so any corrections or mistakes in my thought process would be welcomed.
First of all people are not rational. Rationality is a practice of the human mind, not a property of it. The human brain is an expense which nature has afforded but grudgingly. Practice is what frees us from an imprisoned thought pattern. Practice somehow creates a potential for actual rational thinking and opens the brain to spend energy. It is like turning a valve. This can be any kind of regular intense practice requiring improvement from swinging baseball bats to drawing to speaking to cooking. When we practice it is usually because some force has caused us to do so. For example society may require it of us. Parents may require it. It is not a property though. It is a practice.

If something is important in your life (Christianity for example), that affects decisions you make, it is reasonable to want and maybe need it to be true.

Many other people claim other religions to be true.

Therefore it is reasonable to study these other religions to discount them as false and support your own.
Suppose that something, such as a bad habit, is important in your life and affects the decisions you make. It is reasonable to want and need it to be excusable. Many other people might think your bad habit is worse than theirs, but does this motivate you to investigate their claims? It probably does not. After all it would take effort, and nature hates effort.

Therefore, all religious people who have not studied all religions are disingenuous when claiming they follow the correct one, as they do not know if another is true without some understanding of it.
To say that people are disingenuous is like observing a constant of human nature as if it were the exception, but it is not the exception. Yes, people are disingenuous mainly through neglect.

Most people are not comfortable sustaining an argument against a large group of people. Instead most people join into groups where they can agree with the people around them. There may be one or two who then pronounce the claim that they are following the right thing, but they are usually only saying it to people that don't disagree much. Most people are not willing to resist a persistent opponent. That is why strong disagreements divide groups as individuals glom together to whatever group requires the least of them. This kind of group thinking does not require a lot of critical rational practice, but it can benefit from it. If someone gets everyone practicing something then that can stir thought. Generally though people glom together into groups to avoid exertion not to exert themselves; and so groups of people act kind of like mental shields against thought. They break into smaller groups rather than embrace thinking.

You may observe it in religious groups, but its true in all groups.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member

Because in the end it relies so heavily on the Bab and Monotheism. It becomes just another softer evangelical Christian organization.

Edit: every Baha'i I have interacted with forum and real world, uses any excuse to shoehorn Bahai ideology into a conversation.
If every person did their due diligence, then I would not have to shoe horn it in, they would personally embrace the message of peace.

My Job is a WHSA, I see every day that people shortcut due diligence.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
If every person did their due diligence, then I would not have to shoe horn it in, they would personally embrace the message of peace.

My Job is a WHSA, I see every day that people shortcut due diligence.

Regards Tony
Distill the message down to the actual content and
it's a pamphlet of platitudes.

No tnx.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
I have been developing a thought for a while now and can't get to grips with how people come to accept this idea:

If something is important in your life (Christianity for example), that affects decisions you make, it is reasonable to want and maybe need it to be true.

Many other people claim other religions to be true.

Therefore it is reasonable to study these other religions to discount them as false and support your own.

A religious person who has not understood other religions through study etc, cannot know that are false, or cannot discount them. Cannot even say Christianity is more likely than another religion without studying it.

Therefore, all religious people who have not studied all religions are disingenuous when claiming they follow the correct one, as they do not know if another is true without some understanding of it.

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. I'm getting to grips with critical thinking and trying to parse information, so any corrections or mistakes in my thought process would be welcomed.
Nice post. I cannot say about others, but yes, if one is convinced that some sort of reality is there beyond the material, it would make sense to do a thorough exploration before settling on a view.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Distill the message down to the actual content and
it's a pamphlet of platitudes.

No tnx.

Platitudes made new, that are destined to change the world, for that, there is gratitude.

Sure, you have always for the choice.

Regards Tony

The Hammer

Premium Member
If every person did their due diligence, then I would not have to shoe horn it in, they would personally embrace the message of peace.

My Job is a WHSA, I see every day that people shortcut due diligence.

Regards Tony

Case in point.

Not your place to tell someone what their "due diligence" is. You only know what is right for TS. You don't even know what is right for the Bahai sitting next to you, that's their decision alone.

This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Don't tell me to follow your religion. Walk your walk, others will ask naturally.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Case in point.

Not your place to tell someone what their "due diligence" is. You only know what is right for TS. You don't even know what is right for the Bahai sitting next to you, that's their decision alone.

This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Don't tell me to follow your religion. Walk your walk, others will ask naturally.
Just as my chosen job as a WHSA is to advise the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) of their WHS duties, my due diligence, so it is with my Faiths Responsibility to pass on the advice given from God to all humanity, my due diligence.

As with my Job, so it is with Faith, take it, or leave it, it was only given to help.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Shortcut available.
I have another shortcut.
By embracing the Baha'i Faith (Message of the Bab and Baha'u'llah) that enables one to embrace all the God given Faiths.
By withholding judgement one can rely on the believers to do their due diligence.
We can concentrate on all the good that all Faiths can produce.

Bonus. The essence of all past Holy Books is found in the Baha'i Writings.

Regards Tony
It is obvious to me that the believers don't agree on the existence, number and attributes of their gods (or religious principles if they don't have any gods). But as they are the ones studying the gods and principles, I'm sure that they will come to a consensus eventually if one of them contains any truth.
That's how it works in science. I don't have to study evolutionary biology to know that it is the most likely true explanation for bio diversity on Earth. There's a consensus among scientists.
If I'd be interested in truth in religion, I'd watch the interfaith conferences of religious scholars who try to decide which religion is (more) right.


Active Member
A religious person who has not understood other religions through study etc, cannot know that are false, or cannot discount them. Cannot even say Christianity is more likely than another religion without studying it.

Therefore, all religious people who have not studied all religions are disingenuous when claiming they follow the correct one, as they do not know if another is true without some understanding of it.
If they claim that they know absolutely, that their religion is the only correct one, then you are right.

And then, their situation is exacerbated by the fact that you cannot ever know all religions, not even in theory. A lot of them have already vanished without a trace, what if the true one is among them?

That's where the "perennial philosophy" and the "one truth, many paths" ideas come in handy. If I were religious, I'd definitely be of that variety, not only because it makes life easier with those challenges, but also because openness and tolerance are high values for me.