So, I talk to as much of it as I reasonably can, when no one else hears. Not only do they understand inflexion but they also, over time, understand words. If I will harvest something, I will comfort what I harvest afterwards (say tree sap, which is good fire starter, or herbs, or other plant life). I even play music for them and occasionally give them small sips of soft drinks or bury small foods in them to give them a nice treat and make the crop better and healthier. I play music for the organisms that hear it.
I also have a statue set up of the science-derived personalities I found centered around a reed essential oil of frankincense and myrrh. Sometimes I burn sage, santo palo, and other commonly available plant stuffs available in my local area. I have felt the feeling the yogis seek by ingesting cannabis which is legal in my area, but I don't believe it necessarily would show that feeling to anyone else, though 1000s of the 1,000,000,000,000s of people of the Earth, would probably. not that you're one of the thousand.
I use aged science and careful speculation to derive my personal religion. I personify science in writing as well so I know it and can recite it to others. I believe in a sort of Monastic Bitheistic (probably soon triastic) Panentheism, where God is the consciousness of the universe and we are God's body, resulting in a dualsitic two entities, The Nothing that created us, and Everything else, who are ultimately one thing, Nature thus being Monastic, Dualsitic, and like I said, probably soon, Triastic.
I essentially say, because Science has proven, that the monotheist God, the polytheistic Gods, and the Animating Force are all just Nothing AND Nature, together, Space-Time and Everything else, The Void and it's Substance, that which is infinitely within you (internal) and without you (external), which is also yourself. Nothing is the Maker, and Everything else is his coequal partner together coalescing together ultimately constructively making up the great beauties of what amounts to the Sky.