Last year these little flyers went around at the schools promoting this egg hunt right before Easter (not in the school mind you, but passed out outside the schools when they got out). Now, this flyer had a fire engine depicted on it and said it was put on by a group called "Firehouse Kidz". Now maybe I was just naive, but I connected this with something perhaps connected with the fire dept. I had no idea what this group actually was. My kids wanted to go so I took them. Upon arrival you can see an actual fire engine and decorations and a stage where they have "entertainment". The kids are to gather in front of the stage before the actual hunt and then it begins...innocently enough. This "pastor" starts with a couple games and tricks and then it goes into songs they are supposed to dance and sing along with that get quite religious. I still didn't really think that badly of it though as this was billed as an Easter egg hunt. But then...the pastor and now his wife start rolling with preaching to kids, toddlers and grade schoolers, about the thorns upon Jesus's head and the blood running down his face. They display a crown of thorns and then a whip and start in on how he was whipped until his back was split and his blood poured from him. How he was nailed to the cross and so on and so forth. To toddlers! To 2,3,4,5 year olds and up! Little kids lured in by the prospect of a fun day at an egg hunt were assaulted by a gruesome telling of death. I mean really? This church, this pastor and wife who lead a "kids'" church group, this "firehouse kidz" ...just evil. Made my skin crawl.
Sounds pretty typical.
This is very typical of how missionaries work. They will offer benefits or aid. However, their "help" always comes with evangelizing and conversion attempts. It is intrinsic to their behavior. Centuries of this behavior have instilled a natural wariness in Jews to anything Christian.
@Akivah's experiences sound more in line with my own. I'd venture to say that these are the most accurate representations of Christianity as I have seen them act both in history and the world. I have a very negative view of Christian theology and have no problem calling out what I see in some of this topic as trying to pull a No True Scotsman. No one needs to make excuses for Christianity by petending that they are not Christians same as the more loving and accepting/liberal Christians.
From what I've seen abuse, bullying, psychological coercion and threats are used to keep adherents in line with conservative denominations. It is not a fun religion. The age group you mentioned
@Draka is targeted all the time. I know many people who say they were "saved" at ages as young as 6, 5 and even 4. In some extreme cases I've known people claiming to convert at 3 years old. Though I also know some who say that 3 years old isn't old enough to understand and that it's really hard to understand before age 5 or 6 so they target kids of that age mostly. Many believe that the age of accountability is around 12 years old right when they hit puberty so that they can threaten them with hell for having sexual thoughts right as they are first experiencing them.
They think that everything under the sun is evil and that you should always honor god with everything you do and so that means they are constantly brainwashing themselves and others by being hyper vigilant for anything "bad". It destroys your self confidence, makes you hate yourself, and is worsened by mental illness. I personally knew a woman who once said "Nothing is wrong with a little brainwashing. Maybe if people's minds were not so dirty they wouldn't need any brainwashing."
God I am so glad my exposure to that world was as limited as it was.
They don't give their own kids any choice and disown them if they go to a heretical sect or worse yet a different religion. I know these behaviors are really common as I've seen it in acquaintances and former friends. It's easier to count what churches don't act in ways like this in at least some aspect or capacity even if small, it's seen as socially acceptable in a lot of ways.
I think a lot of this is a logical result of their theology... eternal hell, exclusive salvation ect. I don't really have a lot sympathy for anyone who unquestioningly follows those beliefs.